Isabell Simmat

Product Manager, Med-El

Study Program: Innovation Management (Executive Certificate Course)

When I look back at my time at MCI...

"I remember interesting and valuable discussions, the positive and motivating spirit and sometimes a beautiful view"
"I wonder which course I would like to take next"

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

The Innovation Management executive certificate course, which is no longer than a year, had a great impact on my work in the company. In particular, the intensive training in project management and innovation orientation helped me, from an internal perspective, to lead projects more efficiently and, from an external one, to broaden my view to the outside, beyond the boundaries of my own industry. What makes it so special: 100 percent of the project work had a direct impact on implementing the covered topics in daily practice, with my final paper leading to a subsequent project of important strategic value for the company. In particular, expressing one's own thoughts in connection with what was newly learned helped to sort and evaluate facts and thus to convert the invested time into direct benefits. This resulted in additional proficiency and confidence when dealing with strategic and operational business issues in a complex environment. Meanwhile, I have moved on to a new position in the area of product management and business development management with greater self-responsibility.