Economic Evaluation

  • European Master in Health Economics and Management
Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung
  • IHSM-EU-HEM-M3.2
Niveau der Lehrveranstaltung laut Lehrplan
  • Master
Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird
  • 3
Anzahl der zugewiesenen ECTS-Credits
  • 5.0
Name des/der Vortragenden
  • Prof. Durand-Zaleski Isabelle, MD, PhD
  • Gad Mohamed, MD, MA
  • Wong An Qi Angela, BSc MA
Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung
  • This course is about being able to make your own opinion about new health technologies in the context of your health care system. Students should be able to understand the medical and economic information that is presented (eg by healthcare professionals, manufacturers, patients’ advocates), to analyze it and to be critical about the data and the vested interests.
    Students will understand the context of health expenditures within the context of health systems and the rational need for priority setting and decision-making in the context of health technology (pharma, vaccines and med. Equipment)
Art der Veranstaltung
  • -
Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan
  • none
  • Methods for the economic evaluation of social & healthcare services & programs
    Tools of economic evaluations: costing methodology, measures of outcomes, quality of life, societal values
    Presentation of appraisal tools, use of appraisal tools on examples
    Role of economic evaluation in promoting access to innovation
    Mini-HTA and other methods for economic evaluation at institutional level
    Priority setting and decision-making in the context of social & health systems
    Appraisal of conditional cash transfer programs and quasi-experimental design interventions
    Technical and ethical dimensions and dilemmas of priority setting & rationing
    Economic analysis both in high and low income health settings and the role of international agencies in international social and health systems performance
    Case studies on HTA and other methods for economic evaluation at regional, national and international level
empfohlene Fachliteratur
  • Value in Health: HEALTH POLICY ANALYSIS Capacity Building for HTA Implementation in Middle-Income Countries: The Case of Hungary
    NICE: Better Decisions for Better Health: Priority-Setting and Health Technology Assessment for Universal Health Coverage in India. Websites of GAVI, GFATM, WB and WHO
    Health technology assessment and health policy-making in Europe. Current status, challenges and potential (2008)
    Find in your own experience examples of ‘bad science‘ as cited in the is article and explain why it was bad science
Lehr- und Lernformen
  • The course comprises an interactive mix of lectures, discussions and individual and group work.
  • To monitor the students’ learning this course will provide ongoing assignments as a basis for feedback and grading (formative assessment) and/or will evaluate the students learning at the end of the course or an instructional unit via exams, final project reports, essays or seminar papers (summative assessment).
  • English