
Alejandro Secades Rodriguez, BSc MSc

Alejandro Secades Rodríguez wurde 1990 in Llangréu, Asturien, Spanien, geboren. Er erhielt 2014 den Abschluss in Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik an der Universität Alfonso X el Sabio, Spanien und 2017 den Master in Mechatronik & Smart Technologies am Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), Österreich. Seit 2016 ist er als Projektentwickler in der Abteilung Mechatronik des MCI tätig. Seine Arbeitsgebiete sind breit gefächert, mit besonderem Fokus auf CFD, Mehrphysik und Mehrkörpersimulation, Advanced CAD Design und Regelungstechnik. Im Jahr 2018 wurde Herr Secades für seine Arbeit "Simulation of Active Vibration Damping of a Wind Turbine" mit dem ersten Platz für die beste Masterarbeit bei der Konferenz der Mechatronik Plattform Österreich in Graz prämiert.

2024 - heute
Doctoral Student & Project Employee - Focus lies on the characterisation of off-road heavy-duty vehicles dynamic interaction with the ground, using analytical, semiempirical and DE methods, and their integration with the previously developed tools, representing the vehicles' powertrains. This is an extention of the previously realised project, and is being carried out through the University of Innsbruck. In addition, parallel duties involve the modelling of heat transfer & refrigeration systems in the industry in order to assess and implement energy optimization processes. - Management Center Innsbruck, Industrial Engineering Department

2019 - 2024
Project Researcher - Modelling and characterisation of off-road heavy-duty vehicles within the scope of a cooperation project - Digital Twin - with two regional and international companies of the sector. Development of virtual solutions representing their products drivetrains and their integration together with the companies' development processes. - Management Center Innsbruck, Mechatronics Department

2016 - 2019
Project Employee - Partial Employment - Working on a distinct variety of projects. Special focus on development of simulation tools and models for multiphysics systems, such as hydraulics, electrical, mechanical, aerodynamical. Furthermore, involved in the design of mechanical constructs using Advanced CAD design tools (CATIA). - Management Center Innsbruck, Mechatronics Department

Project Assistant & Software Developer (Internship) - Software developer for custom-made ventilation systems for underground mines, road and railway tunnels, and metro systems. - ZITRON

Design Assistant (Internship) - Development of simulation models and structures related to Aerovehicles of relative small size (UAVs) in cooperation with the spanish Institute of Aerospace Technics (INTA). In addition, focus on the aerodynamic, mechanical design and performance of its propellers. - MOSCAT Ingeniería y Consultoría (Engineering and Consultant's Office)

2006 - 2008
Football Manager - Manager of the institution football teams for under 11 years-old groups. - Colegio Santo Tomás de Aquino (High, secondary and primary school education institution)

2024 - heute
Doctoral Studies - University of Innsbruck (Doctoral Programme in Engineering Sciences)

2015 - 2017
Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechanical Construction and Design, Software Focus on CFD, CAD and Structural Analysis Software - Management Center Innsbruck, Mechatronics Department (Master of Sciences in Engineering, Mechatronics and Smart Technologies. Major in Mechanical Engineering)

2010 - 2014
Strong focus on Mathematics and Physics, Aerovehicles Structures, Fluid Mechanics, Flight Mechanics. Specialization in Aerospace Propulsion - Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (Degree of Aerospace Engineering (GIA))

2008 - 2010
Practical expertise with Aerospace Vehicles, Higher Mathematics and Mechanics and Thermodynamics. - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Superior Technical Aeronautic Engineering (Switched to GIA))

IELTS Test - British Council(IELTS Advanced C1 English level)

Cadtech-Formación(Analist Specialist in Aerospace Structures Calculation, in FEM Nastran-Patran)

Advanced English - International House Madrid Language School(Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English C1)

Mechatronik Plattform Österrreich
First place in the category of best Master thesis: Simulation of Active Vibration Damping of a Wind Turbine. Topic revolving around the possibility to improve the lifespan of a Wind Turbine by means of actively modifying its pitch angles. Simulated model designed as a coupled system between MATLAB Simulink control structure and a CFD Turbine model.

  • Secades Rodríguez, A, Volmer, J., Bagnara, D. (2022). Simulation of Heavy-Duty Vehicles for the Use in Digital Twins. In: Matt, D.T., Vidoni, R., Rauch, E., Dallasega, P. (eds) Managing and Implementing the Digital Transformation. ISIEA 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 525. Springer.
  • Schiestl, M.; Marcolini, F.; Incurvati, M.; Capponi, F. G.; Starz, R.; Caricchi, F.; Secades Rodríguez, A. & Wild, L. "Development of a High Power Density Drive System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles". IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2020.

    Secades Rodríguez, A.; Bagnara, D & Volmer, J. (2021). On the Digital Representation of Heavy-Duty Vehicles. A Case Study and Outlook. In Inn4mech 2021 Conference. Theme: Off-Highway Machine Revolution.