PRME and UN Global Compact Internships

Date 28.10.2020

Internship opportunities at PRME and the UN Global Compact provide students with the unique opportunity to get insights into the work and engagement of the United Nations, and to build relevant experience in the field of corporate sustainability. Earlier this year, our internship program came to a halt amid the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City and worldwide, but thanks to efforts and encouragement to make this opportunity available again, the internship program has now reopened and applications are currently being accepted.

Intern Duties
Depending on their level of experience and training, UN Global Compact interns will:

  • Conduct research relating to the topic of corporate sustainability, especially on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption;
  • Draft and edit publications, papers and other documents;
  • Liaise with Global Compact stakeholders on key corporate sustainability topics;
  • Support the organization of meetings and events;
  • Assist with outreach activities;
  • Handle email and other inquiries;
  • Perform administrative tasks as assigned.

To learn more about the eligibility requirements, duration and period of the internship, and how to apply, please see the UN Global Compact page here.

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