02:45 Uhr: Unsere Master-Studentin Sarah Molitor startet in den Tag

Date 07.05.2020

Covid-19 stellt ihr Studentenleben auf den Kopf


Covid-19 stellt das Studentenleben von Sarah Molitor auf den Kopf. Foto: Sarah Molitor
Covid-19 stellt das Studentenleben von Sarah Molitor auf den Kopf. Foto: Sarah Molitor

Sarah Molitor, geboren und aufgewachsen in den Vereinigten Staaten, kam im Herbst 2019 für ihr Masterstudium nach Innsbruck. Zu Beginn ihres 2. Semesters kreuzte eine weltweite Pandemie ihre Pläne. Lesen Sie mehr und finden Sie heraus, wie Covid-19 ihr Studentenleben beeinflusst! Unsere Master-Studentin Sarah Molitor berichtet aus den Staaten (Interview in englischer Sprache):

Why did you decide to study “Management, Communication & IT” at MCI Management Center Innsbruck?

It has always been my lifelong dream to live in Europe for an extended period, and I also had my mind set on completing a master’s program. Up until I found MCiT, I could not find the right program for me, as I did not want a generic master’s degree. I wanted to set myself apart from the crowd and have a more applicable education. After researching the city of Innsbruck and the state of Tyrol, I knew this was the program for me!

How did you like the first semester on campus?

Innsbruck is an outdoor lover’s dream. The fact that I was able to walk up to the mountains before or after class or hop on a train or bus and go anywhere in Tyrol with my Semester ticket is something I am missing very much right now. I also thoroughly enjoyed the structure of our program, as we are only 30 students who take all the same classes together, allowing us to really get to know each other. I was able to meet people and make friends very easily!

How does Covid-19 affect your student life?

Due to Covid 19, my family and I decided it would be best for me to wait out the virus back home in the U.S., knowing that I would have to attend my lectures with a 6 hour time difference. While I usually have to re-watch recorded lectures to understand some of the notes I've taken at 3:30 in the morning, and I regularly apologize to my group members for not being too sharp during in-class exercises, I know I am extremely lucky to have had the chance to be with my family during these difficult and uncertain times, and still continue my education without any fear of my program being pushed back or even cancelled.

Moreover, I am extremely lucky to have great classmates who schedule group meetings around the time difference created while I am here, and I can't wait to return once it is safe to travel internationally again!

FH-Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Leiter Department & Studiengang Bachelorstudiengang Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Peter J. MirskiHead of Department & Studies
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