Cooperation for better quality and greater efficiency in the public health system.

Date 2015-05-22
Dr. Michael Heinisch, CEO, Vinzenz Gruppe Krankenhausbeteiligungs- und Management GmbH

Within the framework of TGKK Akademie, which has been hosted by MCI Management Center Innsbruck in collaboration with the Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse for some years now, Dr. Michael Heinisch, gave a talk on the subject “Cooperation for better quality and greater efficiency in the public health system” on 20th of May 2015.

Vinzenz Gruppe Krankenhausbeteiligungs- und Management GmbH is a Vienna-based group of companies with a religious background that runs hospitals, non-profit health facilities and health-related services in Austria and has a total of 5,500 employees.

This edition of the “Tiroler Gesundheitsimpulse” focuses on the question of how to achieve and maintain quality, innovation and efficiency in the Austrian health system in the face of limited finances, ongoing technological developments, the growing mobility and expectations of patients and other stakeholders, and changes to the relevant legislation.

Information on TGKK Akademie:
TGKK Akademie is a comprehensive further education and development program for employees of the Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse (Tyrolean regional health insurance, TGKK), which is integrated into the strategy development project TGKK 2015 and is realized in collaboration with the Entrepreneurial School®, MCI Management Center Innsbruck. In line with the concept of TGKK Akademie, the individual courses and seminar modules are complemented by a series of lectures by health service executives, with the aim of communicating a comprehensive view of the health care system and discussing current developments and international challenges in a dialogue with major system partners.


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