Bold politics - stable finances.

Date 2016-04-14
Dr. Hans Jörg Schelling, Austrian Minister for Finance, Vienna

At the invitation of the German Friends of the Universities in Innsbruck, MCI and other Innsbruck universities followed Federal Minister of Finance Hans Jörg Schelling to central Bavaria to attend his lecture on “Bold Policies – Stable Finances”.

Under the appealing motto of “Universities Meet Friends – Let’s Go Munich” the German Friends of the Universities in Innsbruck and Innsbruck’s universities, including the Management Center Innsbruck, once again took the Bavarian capital by storm with an inspiring event hosted by the Munich Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

In the past few years, the German Friends of the Universities in Innsbruck have already welcomed a number of famous personalities such as Foreign Affairs Minister Sebastian Kurz, Economics Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner, Minister of Science and Research Karlheinz Töchterle and Governor of the Province of Tyrol Günther Platter to share valuable insights and promote the friendly relationship between Austria and Germany, and the Tyrol and Bavaria in particular. This year, the Austrian Minister of Finance was at the center of attention of another illustrious event.

Dr. Yorck Schmidt, Chair of the German Friends of the Universities in Innsbruck, is happy with the progress of their mission to establish a connection between the University of Innsbruck, the Medical University of Innsbruck, Management Center Innsbruck and renowned personalities, companies, as well as institutions from science and economy, to facilitate dialogue and encounter, and to foster the relationship between Austria and Germany.

More than 200 top representatives from science, economy, and society attended this year’s event. Among them were President of the European Forum Alpbach and former EU Commissioner Dr. Franz Fischler, Innsbruck’s Vice-Major Sonja Pitscheider as well as the rectors and representatives of Innsbruck’s universities: Dr. Helga Fritsch (Medical University of Innsbruck), Dr. Andreas Altmann (MCI), and Dr. Sabina Kasslatter (University of Innsbruck).

Schelling’s talk finally sparked an interesting and lively debate which was moderated by Hans-Jürgen Jacobs, chief editor of the German-language business paper Handelsblatt. The powerful conclusion to the event confirmed the success of “Universities Meet Friends” and provided proof of the bridge between Austria and Germany and the worlds of science, economy, and society, which the German Friends of the Universities in Innsbruck have already been able to build.

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