Media, Influence & misuse

Date 2023-01-17

As part of the Distinguished Guests Online lecture series, the Entrepreneurial School® was delighted to receive a digital visit from Dr. Eva Dichand, managing director and publisher of the free daily newspaper “Heute”.



MCI Livetalk wirth Dr. Eva Dichand, managing director and publisher of the free daily newspaper “Heute”.

 MCI Livetalk wirth Dr. Eva Dichand, managing director and publisher of the free daily newspaper “Heute”.

(c) MCI


Heute is the largest free daily newspaper in Austria and with a reach of 9.5%, the daily newspaper with the third highest readership after Kronen Zeitung and Kleine Zeitung. Heute had a print circulation of 605,526 copies in 2017 and is published Monday through Friday in Vienna, Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Burgenland. It reached 714,000 readers every day in 2020.


Dr. Eva Dichand studied at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. She initially worked at the management consultancy Roland Berger and at Creditanstalt, but then moved to Unternehmens Invest AG (UIAG). In 2005 she advanced to the position of managing director of the free daily newspaper "Heute" and in 2006 also to the position of publisher.

In 2015, she completed a one-year study visit to the USA. She also intensified her contacts with the contemporary art scene.

Since 2016 she has been a member of the International Council of the Metropolitan Museum in New York and since 2018 Chairwoman of the University Council of the Medical University of Vienna.

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