25 Years MCI | The Grand Jubilee

25 Years MCI | The Grand Jubilee

Special Issue 25 Years MCI

The "Tiroler Tageszeitung" and "Die Presse" publish on the occasion of the 25th jubilee of the Entrepreneurial University a special issue with...

  • Congratulations
  • Impressions
  • Milestones & reviews
  • Insights into research, development & transfer
  • Presentation of the research centers, start-ups & spin-offs
  • MCI Facts & Figures
  • and much more

25 Years of MCI

For 25 years MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® has been writing a congenial success story.

What seemed completely unimaginable at the time of its foundation and in the first few years is now available in impressive figures: In the meantime, 3,300 students, 400 employees in research, teaching and administration, 1,000 external lecturers, 300 partner universities, 12,000 alumni as well as thousands of employers in and from all over the world appreciate our Bachelor's, Master's and Executive Master's degree programs, practice-oriented management courses, tailor-made company trainings and, last but not least, our comprehensive activities in the fields of research, development, know-how transfer and start-ups.


Distinguished Guests

MCI hosts 32nd CEEMAN Conference in Innsbruck
MCI hosts 32nd CEEMAN Conference in Innsbruck
From September 25-27, MCI hosted the 32nd CEEMAN Annual Conference in Innsbruck, uniting global leaders to explore "Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age."
Christophe Kohl in the year of the election - World power at the crossroads.
Christophe Kohl in the year of the election - World power at the crossroads.
 Christophe Kohl in the year of the election.
Technology, innovation & entrepreneurship. What successful companies do differently.
Technology, innovation & entrepreneurship. What successful companies do differently.
Helmut Rothenberger, CEO of Dr. Helmut Rothenberger AG, gives insights into successful entrepreneurship at MCI.
MCI Livetalk with Bundesministerin Karoline Edtstadler
MCI Livetalk with Bundesministerin Karoline Edtstadler
Europe in the world. Challenges, Opportunities, Perspectives.In cooperation with UC Berkeley, Institute of European Studies

Simply incredibly impressive and inspiring what has been created in 25 years! One can only thank in deep appreciation and bow before the visionary masterminds in the project team at that time under the leadership of Manfried Gantner; - the – and they really exist! - political decision-makers who showed courage & leadership, - the outstanding employees who have done such wonderful things over the course of the 25 years and have always gone the extra mile, - all partners & stakeholders who have accompanied us since the founding with deep trust and solidarity, - all students & alumni who carry our brand  into the whole world, - and last but not least the inspiring organization team who contributed to the unprecedented digital anniversary program.

Andreas Altmann, Rector
Andreas Altmann, Rector

Congratulations on your 25th jubilee :) I am very happy to have been part of the MCI team for 3 years and have felt in the right place since day one. The MCI feels like a family in which, above all, the personal YOU, mutual respect, attention and encounters at eye level are very important. The sense of togetherness is palpable and this contributes to the enjoyment of the work. MCI creates connections on many different levels - nationally as well as internationally. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

Sabrina Piendl, Employee
Sabrina Piendl, Employee

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart ♥. I am very happy that we are celebrating our 25th anniversary this year. I have been part of a fantastic MCI team for 22 years now and I am still and always amazed at how many and very special people I have had the opportunity to meet here at MCI: be it work colleagues, alumni as well as students, faculty and so many who come and go here. At first I thought that this would probably only be a short student job here at the MCI, but I was soon infected with the MCI virus and have wholeheartedly agreed to stay. All the best and congratulations. See you soon - virtually but hopefully soon in person as well.

Silke Bernhart, Employee
Silke Bernhart, Employee

Dear MCI team, with Rector Dr. Andreas Altmann at the helm, you have breathed life into an educational idea that has now made the MCI an internationally highly regarded university. It is permanently noticeable that the business location Tyrol/Austria is being strengthened by the innovative strength, high quality standards and strong commitment of the people involved. For this anniversary only the deserved present is missing. An early start of construction of the new building would be the reward for your commitment. I wish you all the best for 25 years of MCI. Kind regards, Manfred Gapp RLB-Tirol AG

Manfred Gapp, Bankberater
Manfred Gapp, Bankberater

I am happy about the large number of motivated people here at MCI.

Carina Amann, Employee
Carina Amann, Employee

Congratulations on 25 years of excellence! Over the past 13 years, I have been able to help shape the MCI from several departments, to witness its growth firsthand, and to celebrate international awards, accreditations and collaborations. I am proud to be part of the great MCI team!

Kerstin Maier, Employee
Kerstin Maier, Employee

Congratulations, dear MCI! I am very happy and proud to have been part of the MCI team for almost 10 years and thus not just to watch, but to be right in the middle of it. Motivated students and committed colleagues characterize the day-to-day work and the contribution and implementation of ideas as well as personal commitment are encouraged and explicitly valued. I couldn't imagine it any other way and I'm looking forward to many more years of exciting challenges and finally partying with the party-loving MCIs again :)

Susanne Kirchmair, Employee
Susanne Kirchmair, Employee

Congratulations to the MCI for its 25 years jubilee. I am delighted to be part of a team that is so committed to science and research and at the same time puts sustainable action at the forefront. Here's to another 25 successful years!

Susanne Gutsche, Employee
Susanne Gutsche, Employee

Studying at MCI was the most enriching education I have completed. It made me realize that an educational institution can also be an employer. The professionalism I gained here helped me a lot, both professionally and personally. I wish the MCI all the best for the future, knowing that the environment and education will be the determining factors of the future.

Michael Haag, Alumnus
Michael Haag, Alumnus

Dear Andreas and my MCI family, I am proud to have been given the opportunity to be and continue to be a part of our wonderful university. I wish MCI a very happy 25th Anniversary and look forward to our continuous success.

Clint Leahr, Senior Lecturer
Clint Leahr, Senior Lecturer

Congratulations on your 25th Jubilee, MCI, and thank you for keeping student and faculty experience at the top of your priorities!

Prof. Dr. Vlad Vaiman, Visiting Professor
Prof. Dr. Vlad Vaiman, Visiting Professor

Heartiest Greetings to the Rector, Professors, Corporates and the People associated with MCI on the occasion of its Silver Jubilee. During my visit, i had experienced MCI as a great global institute with superior learning systems and processes and great leadership. Wishing all the best for all the future endeavours at MCI.

NARENDRA KUMAR AGRAWAL, Visiting Professor of the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India
NARENDRA KUMAR AGRAWAL, Visiting Professor of the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India

Happy Birthday, MCI! I am very happy to have been able to accompany a third of the quarter century. As a lecturer, I am thrilled by the international student environment and the professional support as an external lecturer provided by the MCI team. With 20 years of experience in Big Corporate and 10 years as an self-employed in the field of food science, the MCI enables me to pass on this experience to the students. The successful combination of theory and practice produces graduates who are experts in their fields and think entrepreneurially. Off to the next 25 years - I'm with you!

Andreas Kadi, Lecturer
Andreas Kadi, Lecturer

I really appreciate working together in the future with MCI and especially with the new established China Center in MCI. I wish MCI further succes and with the dynamic of Rector Altmann and the new head of the MCI China Center Prof. Manske Wang I am convinced there is a bright future.

Dr. Holger Haldenwang, Founder Dean of the Business School in Shenzhen Technology University (Cooperation Partner of MCI)
Dr. Holger Haldenwang, Founder Dean of the Business School in Shenzhen Technology University (Cooperation Partner of MCI)

Dear Andreas Altmann, dear MCI team, I am very happy and proud to be part of the amazing success story of the MCI. My sincerest congratulations. Please continue your fantastic work! Yours, Peter Paal, Innsbruck/Salzburg

Peter Paal, Alumnus (MBA)
Peter Paal, Alumnus (MBA)

Dear MCI team, as a 1998 graduate of the General Management program (specialization in Controlling), I had the privilege of getting to know the MCI at the start of its journey as Entrepreneurial University®. Since then, I have particularly appreciated the wide range of educational opportunities and the large network, which is so valuable for personal, private and professional exchange of experience. It is an impressive best practice example that shows what developments are possible on the basis of great visions. And it needs people who constantly believe in it. All the best for the future. Kind regards Mag. (FH) Reinhard Jennewein, Dir.

Reinhard Jennewein, Alumnus (class of 1998)
Reinhard Jennewein, Alumnus (class of 1998)

Dear Rector Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann, dear Andreas! As retired President of the Consular Corps Tyrol and Vorarlberg, I congratulate you warmly on your successful efforts to anchor the MCI internationally. The lectures with personalities, ambassadors, politicians, ministers from the international and European environment have attracted attention and interest. They have contributed to the MCI's international reputation not only as a university but also as a think tank and a place for the exchange of ideas. Dear Andreas, I wish you and your colleagues all the very best for the future and continued success! Ad multos annos
Ernst Wunderbaldinger Senator h.c. KR Dr. Ernst Wunderbaldinger Managing Director (ret.) Attorney-at-law em. / Management Consultant Portuguese Honorary Consul

Dr. Ernst Wunderbaldinger
Dr. Ernst Wunderbaldinger

France Agro3 values the great exchange relationship for students and faculty members through our ERASMUS+ agreement. We have been introduced to MCI through a colleague from AUDENCIA, in Nantes as you were looking to build up more partnerships for your Food Sciences and Biochnology program. We are delighted to work with you and hope our collaboration will be long lasting and fruitful. We wish you many more years to celebrate and hope to be able to visit in person as some point ! Kind regards, Marie Odile

Marie Odile BISCH, Erasmus Manager and Associate Dean International Relations, France Agro3-PURPAN, France
Marie Odile BISCH, Erasmus Manager and Associate Dean International Relations, France Agro3-PURPAN, France

Congratulations on this important anniversary. A quarter of a century already sounds like MCI is an institution with tradition. At Zagreb School of Economics and Management we are very proud to have MCI as one of our important partners. MCI has made very important achievements throughout its history, and I hope that you continue on this path in the future.

Javier Aguayo, Zagreb School of Economic and Management (ZSEM)
Javier Aguayo, Zagreb School of Economic and Management (ZSEM)

Nice memories from the Staff Week that I attended in 2018 (when I was part of Toulouse Business School). You organised interesting sessions, nice discovery of your city and very warmful events. Now that I am part of Ecole d'Ingenieurs de PURPAN, I hope to come and visit you again soon and that we will continue to develop our partnership for the benefit of our students. Have a great 25th Anniversary!

NATHALIE BERTHE-SAMSON, School D'ingénieurs De Purpan, Toulouse/France
NATHALIE BERTHE-SAMSON, School D'ingénieurs De Purpan, Toulouse/France

The Entrepreneurial School is celebrating its 25th birthday and we join in the celebration and offer our warmest congratulations. Together, the three of us have already experienced far more than 25 years of MCI. Each of us has her own personal MCI story, so do all our colleagues in the various departments. It is a great privilege to be able to work with so many different people every day in this colorful and dynamic environment of education, learning & development. 

Katja Tschenett, Janine Prokesch, Brigitte Huter - Team MCI Student & Career Center
Katja Tschenett, Janine Prokesch, Brigitte Huter - Team MCI Student & Career Center

The fast and agile boat is called "MCI" - the captain Andreas steers it with his great vision, and this for 25 years! The whole crew fires it with their incredible commitment! The boat crossed my career 9 months ago and took me on board - a happy coincidence! Dear Andreas and dear MCI, all the best for the miles already successfully achieved! Ahoy - looking forward to the next exciting waters with you :)

Wei Manske-Wang, Employee
Wei Manske-Wang, Employee

What a beautiful initiative and congratulations MCI on your 25th jubilee! Looking forward to developping exchanges between the France Agro 3 French schools and MCI, and of course hoping to welcome MCI colleagues and students here in Toulouse PURPAN or visiting you in a very near future ! 

Sarah PRINCE, Student Mobility programmes for FA3-PURPAN Toulouse, Ecole d'Ingénieurs de PURPAN
Sarah PRINCE, Student Mobility programmes for FA3-PURPAN Toulouse, Ecole d'Ingénieurs de PURPAN

Congratulations on MCI 25th anniversary of its commitment to education. UNAERP in Brazil is proud to have MCI as our international partner and looks forward to developing future joint projects. We wish you success in the years to come.

Vanessa França Bonini Panico, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP) - Partner Institution in Brazil
Vanessa França Bonini Panico, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP) - Partner Institution in Brazil

Dear colleagues, congratulations on the extremely successful work of the last 25 years and all the best for the coming years, which will be rich in challenges - for companies but also for business schools worldwide. The MCI's contribution will be in demand and required.

Best regards
Prof. Dr. Rudi Kurz Pforzheim Business School (Dean 2005-2012)

Dr. Rudi Kurz, AACSB, UN PRME DACH Chapter
Dr. Rudi Kurz, AACSB, UN PRME DACH Chapter

Congratulations on 25 successful years and development of MCI The Entrepreneurial School in Innsbruck! Under the leadership of Rector Andreas Altmann, the idea of universities of applied sciences, one of the very few innovative educational products of modern times, has been implemented highly successfully for the benefit of students and the economy. I wish the MCI continued successful development in terms of internationality and practice-oriented curriculum!

Klaus Ennemoser
Klaus Ennemoser

A great idea and achievement of the Grüner, which with the mantra "mentoring the motivated" as the Entrepreneurial School makes a sustainable contribution to earn practice and theory, practitioners with teaching and research - internationally at the top level. I am proud to have been involved for a dozen years now and to have discovered many talents as well as outstanding colleagues.

Raimund Mollenhauer, Lecturer
Raimund Mollenhauer, Lecturer

It is a special and touching feeling for me to be reminded by this anniversary of the beginning of MCI, where I was allowed to be present as a student in the first class of 1996 and admire the development of the MCI in various functions.

Stefan Fässler, Alumnus
Stefan Fässler, Alumnus

Congratulations on your School's anniversary and best wishes for the future from SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

Jacek Prokop, Partner University, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Jacek Prokop, Partner University, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

Congratulations dear Rector, dear MCI team on the 25th anniversary of MCI's existence. All these years we have been able to host many MCI students in our International Student House - thank you for the excellent cooperation. We rejoice with you and congratulate you Andreas and your MCI team on this success story, may you succeed in more happy decades. Best regards Huberta Scheiber

Huberta Scheiber, International Student House
Huberta Scheiber, International Student House

I would like to congratulate the MCI on its anniversary! My personal impressions of the MCI - The Entrepreneurial School: In my view, the added value of the MCI education compared to some other institutions for the students can be found in the stronger practical relevance. I have heard from MCI students that they have also appreciated this.

My added value from my work at the MCI as a lecturer in environmental law was that this led me to reflect once more as a practitioner at the Office of the Tyrolean Provincial Government on the activities of public administration. I think that the reflective practitioner in public administration can better serve the citizens. From this point of view, I have learned a lot, especially for myself, through my interesting work at the MCI. For this I thank the MCI!

Huberta Scheiber, International Student House
Huberta Scheiber, International Student House

Dynamic, with its finger on the pulse, nose in front, student/people oriented, led and often "pushed" by Rector Andreas Altmann. As a diplomat, I have always liked the curiosity and openness to the world in contrast to regional or even Austrian navel-gazing. International contacts were always welcome and fell on fertile ground, and as a European I appreciate the anchoring in European thinking including the Jean Monnet Chair. With vigor into the next 25 years, a new place to stay is on the horizon!

Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer, former EU Ambassador, Lecturer, supporter
Prof. Dr. Michael Reiterer, former EU Ambassador, Lecturer, supporter

Dear Andreas, Congratulation to you and your team! One Generation MCI means inspiration, knowledge and competence passed on to many generations to come. MCI also stands for Multidisciplinarity Competence Internationality in addition Mut Charisma Innovation. This we have experienced in joint projects. Enclosed you find a picture from the “1st European-Chinese Higher Vocational Education Forum” in Guiyang 2015, with your Involvement. This paved the way for further cooperation and projects with China. Thanks for the virtual initiatives during the Pandemic. The lectures and discussions brought many new insights. All the best and much success for the next MCI generation. best regards Renate and Gerhard Burian

Renate & Gerhard Burian
Renate & Gerhard Burian

The MCI is an absolute bright spot! Teaching performance and innovation in a way that inspires young people and thus takes them on a path that keeps our country successful.

Patrizia Zoller-Frischauf, Provincial Councilor from 2008 - 2021, President of the Tyrolean Seniors' Association
Patrizia Zoller-Frischauf, Provincial Councilor from 2008 - 2021, President of the Tyrolean Seniors' Association

Dear MCI team, dear people in charge, I congratulate the MCI for 25 successful years. On the other hand, in my perception, the MCI has managed to become an institution that cannot be imagined without after 25 years. I would like to thank you for an instructive Master's program, much of which I was able to contribute to the company for which I bear responsibility. I assume that this was not my last study. Thank you all.

Roger Klimek, Alumnus
Roger Klimek, Alumnus

Dear MCI Team, as a graduate of the part-time course "Business and Management" in 2005, I was able to experience over a period of 4 years the great commitment and incomparable professionalism with which the MCI and its contributors can motivate teaching and learning enthusiasts to achieve top performance in education and training at the highest level. I myself was able to derive maximum benefit from my training and put what I had learned into practice during my studies. This gave me unique career opportunities and a highly successful professional and business performance. Many thanks for that! I congratulate you on your 25th anniversary and wish you and the students continued success! 

Mag. (FH) Patrick Pfurtscheller, Alumnus
Mag. (FH) Patrick Pfurtscheller, Alumnus

Congratulations on 25 years!!! I think it's great to stay connected and so well informed through the newsletter even after attending MCI. Best regards!!!

Helga Kury, Course participant 2007/08 - Tourism and Leisure Management
Helga Kury, Course participant 2007/08 - Tourism and Leisure Management

Very happy to see MCI moves into the future and happy I've been a part of it. Looking forward to being in the Tourism building up the hill soon enough! Best from Berlin, Cristian

Cristian Boiangiu, Alumnus
Cristian Boiangiu, Alumnus

Dear Rector Altmann, dear Andreas, congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the MCI! With your untiring great efforts and those of your staff, the MCI has become ever larger and more international. This is reflected in the increasing number of new degree programs and their students. Time and again I am fascinated and impressed by the personalities from politics, science and business you have been able to attract as speakers. Respect! MCI graduates benefit from the wide range of educational opportunities and will continue to expand the network. To this end, I wish the MCI and its players continued unbridled success. Gabi Döller, Tübingen, June 22, 2021

Dr. Gabriele Döller, Vice Rector for Finance at the Medical University in Innsbruck (2009-2012)
Dr. Gabriele Döller, Vice Rector for Finance at the Medical University in Innsbruck (2009-2012)

Congratulations on 25 years of MCI and on this incomparably impressive success story! Many thanks also for the great digital inspiring anniversary program! Best wishes for the future!

Hermann Gangl, Management Consultant, HR Consultant, Business Coach as well as Head of HR
Hermann Gangl, Management Consultant, HR Consultant, Business Coach as well as Head of HR

On behalf of CEEMAN and IEDC-Bled School of Management, congratulations on a wonderful milestone - let the next 25 years be even more successful and inspiring! You set an example of entrepreneurial spirit, great leadership, and continuous innovation. We are proud to have you as our partner!

Prof. Danica Purg, President of CEEMAN and IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia
Prof. Danica Purg, President of CEEMAN and IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia

Greetings from around the globe

Tobias Anslinger  Editor In Chief, BME MCI Alumnus  ©Anslinger

Tobias Anslinger

Editor In Chief, BME
MCI Alumnus


Andreas Bierwirth  CEO, Magenta Telekom GmbH Member of the MCI Advisory Board  ©Magenta Telekom

Andreas Bierwirth

CEO, Magenta Telekom GmbH
Member of the MCI Advisory Board

©Magenta Telekom

Kaye Kye Sung Chon  Chair Professor & Head, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University MCI Lecturer

Kaye Kye Sung Chon

Chair Professor & Head, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MCI Lecturer

Ferdinand Eberle  MCI Senator Member of the Tyrolean Government 1989 - 2005 Deputy Governor of Tyrol 1993 - 2005  ©kk/ÖVP-Tirol

Ferdinand Eberle

MCI Senator
Member of the Tyrolean Government 1989 - 2005
Deputy Governor of Tyrol 1993 - 2005


Heinz Faßmann  Federal Minister for Education, Science & Research  ©BKA/Andy Wenzel

Heinz Faßmann

Federal Minister for Education, Science & Research

©BKA/Andy Wenzel

Heinz Fischer  Former Federal President of the Republic of Austria 2004 - 2016 Co-Chairman Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens

Heinz Fischer

Former Federal President of the Republic of Austria 2004 - 2016
Co-Chairman Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens

Elisabeth Hauser-Benz  Junior manager, Stanglwirt MCI Alumna  ©Stanglwirt

Elisabeth Hauser-Benz

Junior manager, Stanglwirt
MCI Alumna


Marcus Hofer  CEO, Standort Agentur Tirol  ©Standortagentur Tirol

Marcus Hofer

CEO, Standort Agentur Tirol

©Standortagentur Tirol

Ban Ki-Moon  8th Secretary General of the United Nations

Ban Ki-Moon

8th Secretary General of the United Nations

Evelyn Kirchmaier  General Manager, Markas Srl, Bolzano Member of the MCI Advisory Board  ©Markas

Evelyn Kirchmaier

General Manager, Markas Srl, Bolzano
Member of the MCI Advisory Board


Michael Kleinemeier  CEO of SAP SE for many years Founder & Managing Director, e-mobiligence GmbH Vice President of BITKOM, Berlin Member of the MCI Advisory Board  ©SAP

Michael Kleinemeier

Global Director of SAP SE for many years
Founder & Managing Director, e-mobiligence GmbH
Vice President of BITKOM, Berlin
Member of the MCI Advisory Board


Felicitas Kohler  CEO, Planlicht, Start-Up Carebylight MCI Alumna  ©Kohler

Felicitas Kohler

CEO, Planlicht, Start-Up Carebylight
MCI Alumna


Thomas Lemke  CEO, Sana Kliniken AG Member of the MCI Advisory Board  ©Sana Kliniken AG

Thomas Lemke

CEO, Sana Kliniken AG
Member of the MCI Advisory Board

©Sana Kliniken AG

Andreas Linger  Former Austrian luge athlete Three-time World Champion Double Olympic Champion MCI Alumnus

Andreas Linger

Former Austrian luge athlete
Three-time World Champion
Double Olympic Champion
MCI Alumnus

Tilmann Märk  Rector, Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck

Tilmann Märk

Rector, Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck

Reinhard Mayr  CEO Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol ©Raiffeisen/Dashuber

Reinhard Mayr

Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol


Wolfgang Mazal  Head of the Institute for Labor & Social Law, University of Vienna MCI Lecturer  ©Universität Wien

Wolfgang Mazal

Head of the Institute for Labor & Social Law, University of Vienna
MCI Lecturer

©Universität Wien

Helen Nellis  HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire MCI Lecturer

Helen Nellis

HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire
MCI Lecturer

Christine Oppitz-Plörer  City Council Mayor of Innsbruck 2010-2018

Christine Oppitz-Plörer

City Council
Mayor of Innsbruck 2010-2018

Günther Platter  Governor of Tyrol  ©Land Tirol / Berger

Günther Platter

Governor of Tyrol

©Land Tirol / Berger

Mario Riesner  CEO, Sandoz GmbH Österreich MCI Alumnus

Mario Riesner

CEO, Sandoz GmbH Österreich
MCI Alumnus

Armin Schneider  Director, Oesterreichischen Nationalbank West MCI Alumnus  ©MCI

Armin Schneider

Director, Oesterreichischen Nationalbank West
MCI Alumnus


Margarete Schramböck  Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs  ©BKA/Andy Wenzel

Margarete Schramböck

Federal Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs

©BKA/Andy Wenzel

Georg Singewald  Vice President, Global Quality Control, Roche MCI Lecturer  ©Singewald

Georg Singewald

Vice President, Global Quality Control, Roche
MCI Lecturer


Günter Steinbauer  CEO, Wiener Linien MCI Alumnus  ©Wiener Linien

Günter Steinbauer

CEO, Wiener Linien
MCI Alumnus

©Wiener Linien

Christoph Swarovski  Tyrol group of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV Tirol) Managing Partner Tyrolit Schleifmittel Swarovski KG  ©IV Tirol

Christoph Swarovski

Tyrol group of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV Tirol)
Managing Partner Tyrolit Schleifmittel Swarovski KG

©IV Tirol

Miklos Szocska  Former Minister of State for Health of the Hungarian Government Director of the Health Services Management Training Centre Director bei Semmelweis University  ©EUROPEAN HEALTH FORUM GASTEIN

Miklos Szocska

Former Minister of State for Health of the Hungarian Government
Director of the Health Services Management Training Centre
Director bei Semmelweis University


Barbara Thaler  CEO, digithaler - agency for digital visibility MCI Alumna  ©Tanja Cammerlander

Barbara Thaler

CEO, digithaler - agency for digital visibility
MCI Alumna

©Tanja Cammerlander

Bernhard Tilg  Member of the Tyrolean Government 2008 - 2021  ©Land Tirol

Bernhard Tilg

Member of the Tyrolean Government 2008 - 2021

©Land Tirol

Markus Tomaschitz  Chief Human Resources Officer, AVL List GmbH MCI Lecturer  ©AVL List

Markus Tomaschitz

Chief Human Resources Officer, AVL List GmbH
MCI Lecturer

©AVL List

Johannes Tratter  Provincial Councilor, Tyrolean Provincial Government  ©Land Tirol/Berger

Johannes Tratter

Provincial Councilor, Tyrolean Provincial Government

©Land Tirol/Berger

Alexander Van der Bellen  Federal President of the Republic of Austria

Alexander Van der Bellen

Federal President of the Republic of Austria

Herwig Van Staa  MCI Senator Mayor of Innsbruck 1994 - 2002 Governor of Tyrol 2002 - 2008 President of the Tyrolean Government 2008 - 2018  ©Land Tirol

Herwig Van Staa

MCI Senator
Mayor of Innsbruck 1994 - 2002
Governor of Tyrol 2002 - 2008
President of the Tyrolean Government 2008 - 2018

©Land Tirol

Christoph Vilanek  CEO, freenet AG Member of the MCI Advisory Board  ©freenet AG

Christoph Vilanek

CEO, freenet AG
Member of the MCI Advisory Board

©freenet AG

Oswald Wolkenstein  Chairman of the MCI Supervisory Board  Managing Director of the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce

Oswald Wolkenstein

Chairman of the MCI Supervisory Board 
Managing Director of the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce

Bettina Würth  Chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the Würth Group Member of the MCI Advisory Board  ©Wuerth-Group

Bettina Würth

Chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the Würth Group
Member of the MCI Advisory Board


Erwin Zangerl  President of the Chamber of Labour Tyrol  ©2018-2019 AAB-FCG-AK-Fraktion

Erwin Zangerl

President of the Chamber of Labour Tyrol

©2018-2019 AAB-FCG-AK-Fraktion

ATP architekten ingenieure  Gerald Hulka CEO  Partner Company Smart Builing Technologies

ATP architekten ingenieure

Gerald Hulka

Partner Company Smart Builing Technologies

Grußbotschaft 25 Jahre MCI, Christian Handl, Handl Tyrol GmbH

Handl Tyrol GmbH

Christian Handl

Partner Company Food Technology & Nutrition

HOFER KG  Bettina Hauser Head of Human Resources, HOFER KG MCI Alumna  MCI Career Partner


Bettina Hauser
Head of Human Resources, HOFER KG
MCI Alumna

MCI Career Partner

IGO-Ortner Gruppe  Iris Ortner CEO  Partner Company Smart Builing Technologies

IGO-Ortner Gruppe

Iris Ortner

Partner Company Smart Builing Technologies

illwerke vkw AG  Christof Germann CEO  MCI Career Partner

illwerke vkw AG

Christof Germann

MCI Career Partner

Grußbotschaft 25 Jahre MCI, Julius Blum GmbH

Julius Blum GmbH

Lisa Erhart
Employer Branding und Recruiting

Career Partner

Porsche Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H.  Klaus Fetka HR-Manager  Lisa Langwallner Trainee  Eveline Breitweiser-Wunderl Work & Diversity Management  MCI Career Partner

Porsche Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Klaus Fetka

Lisa Langwallner

Eveline Breitweiser-Wunderl
Work & Diversity Management

MCI Career Partner

ROCHE Group  Simone Abmayr, Anna Boehm, Alena Feldl, Gereon Glombitza, Max Goller, Ben Hahnewald, Sandra Huber, Marco Jenzsch, Idris Johnson, Antonia Lechner, Eva Lobentanz, Maria Messmer, Sarah Müller, Sina Peters, Christopher Raggl, Lorenz Riemer, Rose-Sophie Rosenberger, Alexander Schuler, Franziska Schweizer, Jacqueline Simoncini, Hermann Tebbe  MCI Career Partner


Simone Abmayr, Anna Boehm, Alena Feldl, Gereon Glombitza, Max Goller, Ben Hahnewald, Sandra Huber, Marco Jenzsch, Idris Johnson, Antonia Lechner, Eva Lobentanz, Maria Messmer, Sarah Müller, Sina Peters, Christopher Raggl, Lorenz Riemer, Rose-Sophie Rosenberger, Alexander Schuler, Franziska Schweizer, Jacqueline Simoncini, Hermann Tebbe

MCI Career Partner

SPIEGLTEC GmbH  Katharina Margreiter HR-Generalist  Partner Company Smart Building Technologies


Katharina Margreiter

Partner Company Smart Building Technologies

Grußbotschaft 25 Jahre MCI, SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University

SRH Fernhochschule - The Mobile University

Ottmar Schneck
Rector & CEO

Joachim Merk

Stefan Ingerfurth

SWARCO AG  Richard Neumann Senior Manager, Communications & Events  MCI Career Partner


Richard Neumann
Senior Manager, Communications & Events

MCI Career Partner

We are MCI

Andreas Mehrle  Head of Department & Studies Mechatronics

Andreas Mehrle

Head of Department & Studies

Belachew Gebrewold  Head of Department & Studies Social Work

Belachew Gebrewold

Head of Department & Studies
Social Work

Bianca Gabl-Focke  Assistant & Project Management Food Technology & Nutrition

Bianca Gabl-Focke

Assistant & Project Management
Food Technology & Nutrition

Brigitte Auer  Head Quality Management, Personnel Development & Recruiting  Claudia Mössenlechner  Head Learning Solutions  Deputy Head Academic Council

Brigitte Auer

Quality Management, Personnel Development & Recruiting

Claudia Mössenlechner

Learning Solutions

Deputy Head
Academic Council

Business & Management

Business & Management

Center for Entrepreneurship

Center for Entrepreneurship

Christoph Griesbeck  Head of Department & Studies Biotechnology

Christoph Griesbeck

Head of Department & Studies

Claudia Mössenlechner  Head Learning Solutions Deputy Head Academic Council

Claudia Mössenlechner

Learning Solutions

Deputy Head
Academic Council

Clint Leahr  MCI Lecturer

Clint Leahr

MCI Lecturer

Daniel Obernosterer  Head Marketing & Communications

Daniel Obernosterer

Marketing & Communications

Elisabeth Rhomberg  Head Accounting, Finance & Personnel Administration

Elisabeth Rhomberg

Accounting, Finance & Personnel Administration

Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering

Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering

Franz Pegger  Head of the Academic Council Lecturer

Franz Pegger

Head of the Academic Council

Gerhard Hillmer  Head of Department & Studies Industrial Engineering & Management

Gerhard Hillmer

Head of Department & Studies
Industrial Engineering & Management

Johannes Dickel  MCI Lecturer, Professor for Marketing MCI Employee Representative

Johannes Dickel

MCI Lecturer, Professor for Marketing
MCI Employee Representative

Katrin Bach  Head of Department & Studies Food Technology & Nutrition

Katrin Bach

Head of Department & Studies
Food Technology & Nutrition

Leena Saurwein  Senior Lecturer  Assistant & Project Management International Relations Constanze Kaufmann  Exchange Coordinator International Relations

Leena Saurwein

Senior Lecturer

Assistant & Project Management
International Relations

Constanze Kaufmann

Exchange Coordinator
International Relations



Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management

Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management

Olena Rigger  Office Management Executive Education

Olena Rigger

Office Management
Executive Education

Peter Mirski  Head of Department & Studies Management, Communication & IT Digital Business & Software Engineering IT-Services

Peter Mirski

Head of Department & Studies
Management, Communication & IT
Digital Business & Software Engineering

Ralf Geymayer  Head of Department & Studies Management & Law

Ralf Geymayer

Head of Department & Studies
Management & Law

Silke Bernhart  Assistant & Project Management Business & Management  Renate Gruber  Assistant & Project Management Social Work

Silke Bernhart

Assistant & Project Management
Business & Management

Renate Gruber

Assistant & Project Management
Social Work

Student & Career Center

Student & Career Center

Susanne Herzog  Head Executive Education

Susanne Herzog

Executive Education

Tourism Business Studies

Tourism Business Studies

Vladan Antonovic  Coordinator Transnational Education & Projects International Relations

Vladan Antonovic

Coordinator Transnational Education & Projects
International Relations

Wei Manske-Wang  Professor for International Business Nonprofit-, Social- & Health Care Management  Head of China Center

Wei Manske-Wang

Professor for International Business
Nonprofit-, Social- & Health Care Management

Head of China Center

Family Business Center

Family Business Center