Christian Burkia

Managing Partner, Burkia Gastronomie GmbH, Opera Kultur Catering Gastronomie OG

Christian Burkia

Study program: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Leisure (Diploma)

When I look back at my time at MCI...

In the program at MCI I have become a staunch believer in the application of methods and theories taught in Business Administration. I can no longer imagine working successfully without this foundation.
During this laborious time of full-time studies with my peers and lecturers I established a network of friends and business partners that has lasted to this day. In that sense, MCI is still a part of me today.

How did your studies prepare you for your current job?

I had been running my own business for many years before commencing my studies and was able to expand my knowledge through the scientific theory and methods taught at MCI, which I found very useful and easy to implement. The tourism and catering industry with its traditional, hands-on structures can particularly benefit from the program’s “Cuvee” blend of academic know-how and solid practical experience.