Business Simulation/ Business Economics

Course contents
- Companies and their environment
- Marketing (marketing mix; consumer goods marketing vs. B2B marketing)
- Legal forms
- Cost accounting (e.g. depreciation of operating assets, preparation of balance sheets and profit and loss statements, fundamentals of cash flow, calculation and analysis of selected performance indicators, implementation of quarterly income statements, calculation of operating income, analysis of annual profit and loss)
- Organization, human resources and management
- Investment and financing
- Selected aspects of strategic management (e.g. market-related decision making, strategic considerations of the production portfolio)
- Operational management of production plants
- Procurement and sales strategies:
o Basic types of analysis (ABC and XYZ) and key performance indicators (KPI) in employment
o Assessment, development and rating in supplier management
o Strategic partnerships with purchasers, cost planning, cost analysis, procurement methods from a strategic viewpoint
o Peculiarities of technical marketing
o Capital goods marketing
o Phases of organizational procurement
o Information behavior and asymmetry
o Working capital management
- Product costing and break-even analysis