Bachelor Exam

Course contents
Examination procedure: the examination is generally open to the public and, in accordance with § 3 Abs. 2 Z6 (for further details see FHG § 16 Abs. 11), consists of the following examination parts: 1) an examination discussion on the completed Bachelor's thesis (weighting 50%) and 2) its cross-references to relevant subjects in the curriculum (weighting 50%). A prerequisite for a positive overall result is in any case the positive assessment of all partial examinations.

Assessment: In the board Bachelor's examination, questions are asked about the Bachelor's thesis on the one hand, and on the other hand cross-connections of the final theses to subjects from the degree program are examined with regard to overview knowledge, professional competence in selected areas and the ability to adequately apply acquired knowledge. Failed Bachelor's examinations can be repeated twice on the dates specified by the degree program. A negative assessment on the third board examination will result in de-registration.