We are at the beginning of a new era of sustainability reporting. Transparency and comparability in sustainability reporting are the focus of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), the EU directive on non-financial reporting that came into force at the beginning of 2023. The CSRD standardizes previous reporting requirements in accordance with the NFRD (Non-Financial Reporting Directive) and expands the scope of the companies affected.

The EU directive on sustainability reporting defines new standards (ESRS) on how and by which companies reporting on ESG issues should be carried out in future. In future, the publication of sustainability indicators must be mandatory and standardized in the management report of the annual report with clearly defined reporting content. The ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards) define general and thematic content on which companies are obliged to report. Increased quantification of report content through the use of key figures is intended to improve the measurability and comparability of information and transparently present developments in the sustainability performance of companies. 

Numerous companies and their employees are now faced with the task of preparing for this challenge in a targeted and structured manner.

The compact certificate course “Corporate Sustainability Reporting & EU Taxonomy” provides you with exactly the know-how and do-how you need to implement the CSRD and the EU taxonomy in your company.

After completing the certificate course

  • you will have a comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of sustainability reporting;

  • know the reporting requirements of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards in detail and qualify as a “Subject Matter Expert” for the new reporting standards in your company;

  • you will be able to put the requirements of the CSRD and the EU taxonomy into practice.

The part-time certificate course is designed for

  • Specialists and managers, auditors and consultants who wish to prepare themselves in a structured and targeted manner for sustainability reporting (CSRD, ESRS, Taxonomy Regulation);

  • (Junior) managers and employees who are responsible for the introduction or professionalization of sustainability reporting;

  • (Junior) managers and employees in accounting and controlling;

  • (Junior) managers & employees in the area of sustainability and ESG management.

 Victoria Lettenbichler | Program Manager
Victoria LettenbichlerProgram Manager

Your way to sucess

Find out all the details you need to make your decision here:

What awaits you?

The compact course is organized for part-time study and follows a didactic concept specifically tailored to the needs of working decision-makers. The classes are conducted in a blended learning format, combining face-to-face modules with synchronous and asynchronous online modules. The latest insights from science and research are discussed and reflected upon through practical examples.

  • More information on costs & teaching principles can be found here.

  • Detailed schedule on request.

Course Assessment

The program concludes with a written transfer assignment evaluated by an Academic Board. The written transfer assignment is presented and defended before a panel.

Who awaits you?

The lecturers are proven experts in the field of leadership with excellent academic qualifications and international experience. The latest findings from science and research are discussed and reflected upon using practical examples.

Scientific Management

Philipp Hörmann, BSc MSc
Managing Director & Senior Consultant, WeitBlick Impulse • Consulting • Partner, Göfis / Vorarlberg


Eva-Maria Grosse, BSc MSc
Consultant for Sustainable Finance and Sustainability, Klagenfurt / Carinthia

Dr. Endrik Lengwenat
Management Consultant for Sustainability and Climate Protection, Schruns / Vorarlberg 

Eva Seiser, BA MSc
Consultant for CSRD, sustainability management & strategies, sustainable AG, Munich / Germany

Recognition of Credits

 The MCI certificate programs have been designed to meet the highest international quality standards. They are continuously assessed by internal and external bodies.

All business-related MCI study programs have been accredited by the renowned Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

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