Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Kristina Kleinlercher

Prof. Dr. Kristina Kleinlercher
Business Administration | Omnichannel Marketing & Sales
+ 43 512 2070 - 3131

Prof. Dr. Kristina Kleinlercher

My work focuses on consumer behavior along the customer journey and on digital marketing. I am particularly interested and experienced in multi-, cross-, and omni-channel management, customer experience creation and in marketing communication at new digital touchpoints. For my research papers, I have conducted online experiments, collected field data, mined text data, and analyzed the data sets using stylometric analyses, text analyses, and regression analyses (including mixed and multi-level approaches).

2023 - present
Study Coordinator Marketing & Sales - MCI Management Center Innsbruck

2021 - present
Associate Professor at the Department Business & Management - MCI Management Center Innsbruck

Senior Lecturer, Department Business & Management - MCI Management Center Innsbruck

2019 - 2021
Postdoctoral Researcher, Project Leader and Director Competence Center Omnichannel & Customer Experience Management - Institute of Retail Management, University of St.Gallen

2014 - 2019
Research Associate & Doctoral Candidate - Institute of Retail Management, University of St.Gallen

Communications & Media (Internship) - Swarovski KG

Marketing & Sales (Internship) - Olympiaworld Innsbruck

2014 - 2019
Ph.D. in Management (Specialization: Marketing) - University of St.Gallen (Ph.D. HSG)

2011 - 2012
ERASMUS Exchange Year - EM Business School Strasbourg

2008 - 2013
International Economic and Business Studies - University of Innsbruck (Mag. )

Der neue Gesundheitsmarkt: Gefahren und Chancen - Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AG

Managing the Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption in Retailing, Marketing Functions - University of St.Gallen

Moments-of-Truth - How Can Retailers Increase Loyalty for Different Customer Segments?, ROPO Reality - How Can Retailers Steer the Customer Journey?, Neue Kanäle in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und Vertikalisierung, Omni-Channel & Customer Journey Management - University of St.Gallen (Executive Education)

Retailing Innovations - University of St.Gallen

Retail Marketing - Bodensee Campus GmbH

International & Global Marketing, International Marketing, International Sales, Marketing Research & Intelligence, Marktbearbeitung & Verteieb - MCI Management Center Innsbruck

American Marketing Association (AMA)
2021 AMA's Retail and Pricing SIG Best Paper award for a paper published in 2019 that has made a significant contribution to the retail or pricing literature

Journal of Retailing
2020 Davidson Award for the best paper best paper published in the Journal of Retailing in 2019

EHI Retail Institute
Science Award Nomination (Top Dissertations)

European Marketing Academy (EMAC)
EMAC Best Paper Award Finalist (Top 20 Papers)

  • Kleinlercher, K., & Hacket, M. (2024). Employee Responses to Robots in Hospitality. Marketing Review St.Gallen, 4(2024).
  • Rudolph, T., Neumueller, K, & Kleinlercher, K. (2021). Employee Inspiration in Retailing: Opportunities and Risks. Marketing Review St.Gallen, 1, 34-41
  • Kleinlercher, K., Linzmajer, M., Verhoef, P.C., & Rudolph, T. (2020). Antecedents of Webrooming in Omnichannel Retailing. Frontiers in Psychology,
  • Evanschitzky, H., Bartikowski, B., Baines, T., Blut, M., Brock, C., Kleinlercher, K., Naik, O., Petit, O., Rudolph, T., Spence C., Velasco., C., & Wünderlich, N.V. (2020). Digital Disruption in Retailing and Beyond,. Journal of Service Management Research, 4(4), 187-204
  • Herhausen, D., Kleinlercher, K., Verhoef, P.K., Emrich, O., & Rudolph, T. (2019). Loyalty Formation for Different Customer Journey Segments. Journal of Retailing, 95(3), 9-29.
  • Kleinlercher, K., Emrich, O., Herhausen, D., Verhoef, P.C., & Rudolph, T. (2018). Websites as Information Hubs - How Informational Channel Integration and Shopping Benefit Density Interact in Steering Customers to the Physical Store. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3(3), 330-342.
  • Kleinlercher K. (2017). The Digital Disruption in Over-the-Counter Drug Retailing. Marketing Review St.Gallen, 5, 40-47.

  • Neumueller, K., & Kleinlercher, K. (2024). Hoch lebe die Inspiration: Mitarbeiterbefragungen neu gedacht. HR Performance, 2/2024, 52-55.

  • Kleinlercher, K. (2024). Switching Behavior. In J. Gollnhofer, R. Hofstetter & T. Tomczak (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior (pp.294-296). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • Kleinlercher, K. (2024). Bounded Rationality. In J. Gollnhofer, R. Hofstetter & T. Tomczak (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior (pp.35-37). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • Kleinlercher, K. (2024). Impulse Buying. In J. Gollnhofer, R. Hofstetter & T. Tomczak (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior (pp.183-185). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • Kleinlercher, K. & Rudolph, T. (2023). Emmi: A Swiss Dairy Company Conquers the U.S. Market, in Phillips, Diane M. (2023): Marketing Strategy & Management: Globally-balanced, Sustainability-focused, Consumer-centric, 1st ed., SAGE Publishing, London, UK. ISBN: 978-1-5297-7856-4.
  • Rudolph, T., Kleinlercher, K., Linzmajer, M., & Diethelm, C. (2018). Contributing to Competitiveness in Retailing by Engaging in Sustainability: The Case of Migros, in Brinkmann, Robert and Garren, Sandra J. (ed.): The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan, 467-483.

    Kleinlercher, K., & Maiello, M. (2024). Framing Effects in Threshold-Based Free Shipping. Paper presented at The American Marketing Association: 2024 Summer Academic Conference, Boston, USA

    Neumueller, K., & Kleinlercher, K. (2024). The Power of Frontline Employee Inspiration in Times of Technological Change. Paper presented at The American Marketing Association: 2024 Summer Academic Conference, Boston, USA

    Kleinlercher K., & Böttger, T. M. (2024). When Worlds Collide: Luxury Brand Positioning in Social Media. Paper presented at the AMA CBSIG 2024 Conference, Vienna, Austria.

    Linzmajer, M. Wagner, T., Walsh, G. & Kleinlercher, K. (2024). Does Frontline Employee Ethnicity Shape How Organizational Clothing Affects Customers?, Paper presented at the 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference, Florida, USA.

    Rudolph, T., Kralle, N., & Kleinlercher, K. (2023). Increasing customers' purchase and loyalty intentions through data-driven personalization in brick-and-mortar-stores. Presented at EMAC annual conference 2023, Odense, Denmark.

    Linzmajer, M., Kleinlercher, K., Eggenschwiler, M., & Rudolph, T. (2023). Do, Undo, Redo: How Experiential Teaching Formats Prepare Marketing Students for Retail Practice (ID: 131), submitted to Track Public Sector and Non-Profit Marketing. Paper presnted at EMAC annual conference 2023, Odense, Denmark.

    Kleinlercher, K., Linzmajer, M., Rudolph, T., & Eggenschwiler, M. (2023). Connecting Retail Education to Retail Practice: How Innovative Teaching Formats Influence Students' and Employees' Transformative Learning. Paper presented at virtual 2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference, even platform Whova.

    Filippova-Karlusch, E., & Kleinlercher, K. (2022). Value creation by Blockchain-enabled food traceability systems: the consumer's perspective. Paper presented at 29th EurOMA Conference, Berlin, Germany.

    Neumueller, K; Kleinlercher, K.; Evanschitzky, H.; Rudolph, T.; Frontline Employee Inspiration: How Inspired Frontline Employees Impact Customers during Service Encounters, paper presented at EMAC Annual conference 2022, Budapest, Hungary.

    Kleinlercher, K., Boettger, T., & Rudolph, T. (2021). Positioning High- and Low-Status Brands in Social Media: The Potential of Communication Style. Monaco Symposium on Luxury 2021, conference postponed due to Corona.

    Kleinlercher, K., Linzmajer, M., & Rudolph, T. (2020). Retail Education from the Student to the Store and Beyond: How New Teaching Formats and Methods Influence Students' Transformative Learning Process. Paper presented at the Swiss Academy of Marketing Science Conference 2020, Lucerne, Switzerland.

    Kleinlercher, K., Boettger, T.. & Rudolph, T. (2020). Positioning High- and Low-Status Brands in Social Media: The Potential of Communication Style. Paper presented at the Association for Consumer Research 51th Annual Conference, held online due to Corona.

    Kleinlercher, K., Böttger, T., & Rudolph, T. (2019). Positioning High- and Low-Status Brands in Social Media: The Potential of Communication Style. Paper presented at The American Marketing Association: 2019 Summer Academic Conference, Chicago, USA.

    Kleinlercher, K., Linzmajer, M., & Rudolph, T. (2019). Retail Education from the Student to the Store and Beyond: How New Teaching Formats and Methods Influence Students' Transformative Learning Process. Paper presented at the Journal of Marketing Research Special Issue Conference Education and Marketing, Austin, USA

    Kleinlercher, K., Emrich, O., Herhausen, D., Verhoef, P.C., & Rudolph, T. (2017). he Role of Retailer Websites in the Customer Journey: How Website Cues Foster Channel Switching to the Physical Store. Paper presented at the Baker Retailing Center Conference, Philadelphia, USA.

    Herhausen, D., Kleinlercher, K, Verhoef, P.C., Emrich, O., & Rudolph, T. (2017). Customer Journeys and their Effects on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. Paper presented at the European Marketing Association 46th Annual Conference, Groningen, the Netherlands.

    Kleinlercher, K., Bötter, T., & Rudolph, T. (2017). Social Media Communication Styles and the DNA of Luxury Brands. Paper presnted at the European Marketing Association 46th Annual Conference, Groningen, the Netherlands.

  • Rudolph, T., Kleinlercher, K., & Kralle, N. (2021): Cross- und Omni-Channel Management 2021 in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. St.Gallen: Universität St.Gallen.
  • Rudolph, T., Kleinlercher, K., Neumüller, K., & Klink, B. (2019). Der Schweizer Online-Handel. Internetnutzung Schweiz 2019. St.Gallen: Universität St.Gallen.
  • Rudolph, T., Kleinlercher, K., & Nitsch, F. (2017). Schweizer Apotheken- und Drogeriemarktstudie 2017. St.Gallen: Universität St.Gallen.
  • Rudolph, T., Linzmajer, M., Kleinlercher, K., & Lersch, T. (2017). Cross- und Omni-Channel Management 2017 in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. St.Gallen: Universität St.Gallen.
  • Rudolph, T., Oliver E., Kleinlercher, K., & Pfrang, T. (2015). Der Schweizer Online-Handel. Internetnutzung Schweiz 2015. St.Gallen: Universität St.Gallen.
  • Rudolph, T., Metzler, T., Emrich, O., & Kleinlercher, K. (2014). Cross-Channel Management 2014 in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. St.Gallen: Universität St.Gallen.

2021 - 2024
Projektmitarbeiter - Marketing Education in a Digital World: The Impact of Gamified Experiential Education in Transformative Learning - Swiss National Science Foundation

2020 - present
Member - Association for Consumer Research (ACR)

2017 - present
Member - European Marketing Academy (EMAC)

2017 - present
Member - American Marketing Association (AMA)

Brenner Paul Constantin (2024): Threshold-Based Free Shipping: The Effect of Information Cues Justifying the Shipping Policy on Consumers' Fairness Perceptions and Intention to Shop

Maiello Melanie (2024): Framing Effects of Minimum Basket Value for Free Shipping in E-Commerce: an Experimental Approach

Erhart Marielen Greta (2024): Psychographic Factors and Their Influence on Customers' Intention to use Social Commerce for Fashion Items

Ruetz Jana (2024): Die Bedeutung nachhaltiger Versandmaßnahmen im österreichischen Onlinehandel unter Berücksichtigung des Konsumentenverhaltens

Szilagyi Viktoria (2023): The Effect of Gamification on Attendees' Participation and Engagement at Large-Scale Online Business Events

Höliner Valentina (2023): The Impact of Brand Hate and Online Negative Word of Mouth on Consumers' Buying Behaviour

Byrnes Tomi (2023): Triggering Customer Attention and Engagement in Video Sharing Apps: A Qualitative Investigation of Generation Z

Zanon Simon (2023): The Impact of Event Sponsorship on Brand Loyalty and Brand Image Among Austrian Consumers

Siegel Miriam (2023): Weißes Gold wird grün - Die Zukunft des Skitourismus in Tirol

Schreiner Michael (2023): In-Store Smart Retailing: A Study on Factors Influencing the Consumers' Willingness to use Cashier-Free Grocery Stores in Austria

Schrade Laureen (2023): The Effect of Seasonal Free Shipping Promotions on the Smart Shopper Feeling and the Customer Purchase Intention in Online Shops

Jehle Andreas (2023): The Sustainable Development Goals as Incentives for Enhancing Competitiveness in SMEs

Meran Amelie (2023): Zahlungsbereitschaften für produkt- und servicebezogene Leistungen in Auto-Abonnements

Trost Susanne (2022): Customer Experience Management als Erfolgsfaktor für den Stromvetrieb am Beispiel der Generation Y

Fahmi Mario (2022): Die Effizienz der verschiedenen Vertriebskanäle im regionalen Bankensektor

Dervisevic Lejla (2022): Eine Imageanalyse eines Tiroler Einkaufszentrums als Basis der Kundengewinnung

Luchner Lara (2022): Success Factors of Social Commerce in Western Countries - Learnings From China

Brugger Katharina (2022): The Effects of Electronic Word of Mouth on People's Willingness to Pay in Austria

Kopański Kacper (2022): Restaurants and Online Food Delivery Platforms in Poland - A Perspective for Improving Customer Acquisition and Retention

Schöber Maximilian (2024): Omni-Channel Integrations in Retailing - How Integrations Differ and What Affects a Customer's Intention to use Them

Sperling Julia (2024): Opportunities, Challenges and Potential Use Cases of the Metaverse in the Beauty Industry

Korff Shannon (2023): Variables Influencing Consumer Purchasing Processes in Mobile E-Commerce vs. Mobile Social Commerce

Brugger René (2023): Perceived Price Fairness in a Dynamic Pricing Setting - A Systematic Investigation of Influencing Factors for Price Fairness Perception in Retail Markets

Felder Nicole (2023): The Effect of AI-Enabled Personalization via Smartphones on Customer Experience in Grocery Stores

Hacket Margaretha (2023): Service Robots on the Rise: Responses of Frontline Service Employees to Collaborating With Service Robots in the Hospitality Industry

Veruňková Kateřina (2023): Customer Perception of Controversial, Sexual, and Stereotypical Humour Displayed in Social Media Advertising

Löffler Johannes (2023): Success Criteria and Success Factors in IT-Consulting Projects

Richter Felix Christian (2023): Destinationsmarketing Tirol: Die KI-unterstützte blau-gelborange Farbabstimmung von Fotos für Social-Media-Werbeanzeigen

Auer Caroline (2023): Marketing Automation entlang der touristischen Customer Journey. Automatisierung von Marketingprozessen am Beispiel des Südtiroler Hotel- und Gastronomiesektors

Wiesler Bettina (2023): Characteristics of Sustainable Labels in the Fashion Industry and the Effect Towards Consumers' Trust, Willingness to Pay and Guilt

Gualdiero Benedetta (2023): Luxury Fashion Brands and Social Media: Boycott or Support? A Survey Among Customers of Luxury Fashion

Männer Marlene (2022): Frontline Employee Engagement During an Organizational Crisis

De Wachter Jasmien (2022): The Impact of Context-Aware Technologies on B2B Sales