Mag. Regina Obexer, Master of Education

Head, Center for Responsible Management & Social ImpactSenior Lecturer +43 512 2070 - 1922
Mag. Regina Obexer, Master of Education

Regina Obexer is a university lecturer and Head of the Center for Responsible Management & Social Impact at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School. She coordinates activities and initiatives in the field of responsibility, sustainability and ethics at MCI and is head of the PRME Task Force. She is also a member of the steering group of the PRME Chapter DACH. She serves as vice chair of the MCI Research Ethics Committee.
In collaboration with the Career Center, she is co-initiator and co-project leader of the MCI Badge Program and the MCI Mentoring Program.

She has previously worked in the field of digital education in higher education for two decades and held various management and leadership positions at universities in Austria and Australia. Regina has led a number of projects including the evaluation and implementation of learning management systems, the design and delivery of programs in digital literacy development for higher education faculty, and the design of introductory programs for online students. She leads courses on digital literacy development and e-learning for students and faculty.

Regina is MCI Project Lead for the Erasmus+ project "Digital Soft Skills @ UlyssEUs" which involves the development of a digital soft skills framework for students as well as a self-analysis tool, a MOOC and a series of online courses for students in the UlyssEUs network.

Her research interests are at the intersection of digital education, change management, education for sustainable development, and responsible management education.

Professional work experience
  • 12/2023 - present
    Academic Lead, Certificate "Green Transition & ESG Management" - MCI Management Center Innsbruck - Executive Education
    Curriculum Development | Quality Assurance & Development | Teaching | Supervision of Final Theses | Advising Students and Prospective Students
  • 10/2021 - present
    Head, Center for Responsible Management & Social Impact - MCI Management Center Innsbruck
    Supporting the systematic integration of responsibility, sustainability, and ethics in teaching, research and organisation | Further develop extra-curricular learning opportunities on these topics, including in collaboration with partner organizations | Promoting student engagement in these concerns through various initiatives and events | Coordination and further development of the MCI's community initiatives | Coordination MCI Climate Team
  • 10/2021 - present
    Senior Lecturer - MCI Management Center Innsbruck
    Teaching in the areas of sustainable development, responsible management, business ethics, qualitative research methods Professional development & training for MCI staff, focus on sustainability integration in teaching
  • 11/2017 - 11/2017
    PRME Coordinator - MCI Management Center Innsbruck
    Coordination of Activities and Initiatives to further the integration of PRME Principles across MCI programs, processes, and practices.
  • 10/2014 - 10/2021
    Senior Lecturer, Learning Solutions - MCI Management Center Innsbruck
    Teaching; Planning and Development of initiatives to implement digital and other innovative teaching and learning models; academic staff development and coaching for blended learning; Instructional Design Quality Assurance for Blended Learning Offerings; Environmental Scanning and research in the areas of online education.
  • 01/2013 - 12/2014
    Director, eLearning Services - Queensland University of Technology
    Leadership of the eLearning Services Departments (45 staff); leading innovative University initiatives to enhance the quality and flexibility of online and blended study programs; Responsibe for the University's virtual learning environment (technology, development, User Support, training for faculty); Collaboration and strategic partnerships within the University and with external partners; Representation of the department and the division where necessary in leadership groups, committees, working parties, and other internal and external bodies.
  • 08/2005 - 12/2012
    Manager, Learning and Teaching Technologies - Queensland University of Technology
    Lead the team "Governance & Quality" Responsible for the development of strategies and policies for blended and online learning and the University's virtual learning environment Departmental Quality Management, Process improvement, Information Management Project and Change Management
  • 06/2004 - 07/2005
    Acting Manager, Educational Products and Services - Griffith University
    Responsible for the portfolio "Educational Products & Services" (Design, Development, Evaluation und Selection of multimedia Learning and teaching resources, Academic Staff development and Training für for e-Learning); Led 4 Teams (50 staff); Strategy development, Budget planning and adminstration, Quality assurance, Development and implementation of new work processes, reporting, marketing
  • 01/2003 - 12/2004
    Product / Service Manager, Educational Products & Services - Griffith University
    Strategic planning for products/services in the area of online and blended learning Evaluation of learner and staff satisfaction and effectiveness of products and services Development of Marketing and Communications plans
  • 01/2001 - 12/2003
    Educational Designer - Griffith University
    Curricular and pedagogical design of online courses; Project management in the development of multimedia learning and teaching resources for e-Learning and blended Learning; Academic staff development and training teaching staff in the area of e-Learning Accredited Trainer for Blackboard- Training for external clients in Australia and Singapore
  • 01/2000 - 12/2001
    University Coordinator for New Media in Learning and Teaching - University of Innsbruck
    Strategic planning of online learning and teaching for the University Budget planning Project proposals and bids implementation of a university learning management system Planning and development of academic staff development programs Represent the University in various regional, national and international fora
  • 01/1997 - 12/2000
    Assistant Professor - University of Innsbruck, English Department
    Research and Teaching Department Coordination of the international student exchange program (Erasmus) Project Coordination Flexible Learning
  • 01/1996 - 12/1997
    Project assistant "Dictionary of Philosophical Terms German - English / English - German" - University of Innsbruck, English Department
    Research, data entry, quality assurance, induction and training of new project staff
  • 01/2021 - 12/2024
    Ph.D. - Lancaster University
    PhD in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning
  • 01/2001 - 12/2006
    M.Ed. - University of Southern Queensland (Australien)
    Master of Online Education
  • 01/1991 - 12/1996
    M.A. - Innsbruck University
    English and American Literature and Language / German Literature and Language
Teaching (faculty internships etc.)
  • 10/2014 - present
    Students (degree programmes): Orientation eLearning, Digital Competences & Self-Management Qualitative Research Methods Business English Students (Career Center) Various workshops in the area of digital skills and learning online Staff development: Workshops and other training opportunities for lecturers in the field of eLearning and blended learning;
  • 02/2008 - 12/2011
    Management Center Innsbruck
    Management, Communication & IT: eLearning, Lerntechnologien, Bildungsökonomie, Kommunikation;
  • 02/2001 - 12/2003
    Griffith University
    Verschiedene Workshops und Seminare für Lehrende im Bereich eLearning; Tätigkeit als externe Trainerin für Blackboard
  • 02/2000 - 12/2001
    Universität Innsbruck
    Verschiedene Workshops zur Fortbildung der Lehrenden im Bereich eLearning.
  • 02/1997 - 12/2000
    Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Anglistik
    Proseminare und Seminare im Bereich der englischsprachigen Literaturwissenschaft (Focus Contemporary Australian Women's Literature)
Competitive Research Award
  • 06/2023 - 06/2023
    UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (UN PRME)
    UN PRME Faculty Recognition Award for Excellence in SDG Integration - Finalist MCI PRME/SDG Ambassador Group & Lead Regina Obexer for exemplary performance advancing sustainability practices and responsible management education at MCI Management Center Innsbruck (Austria)
  • 01/2018 - 01/2018
    MCI Management Center Innsbruck
    MCI Teaching Award 2017
  • 01/2013 - 12/2013
    Educause Breakthrough Models Academy Contest Team Winner (3. Platz, Anaheim, USA)
  • 01/2011 - 12/2011
    Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia)
    Vice Chancellor's Performance Award
  • 01/2006 - 12/2006
    University of Southern Queensland (Australien)
    Dean's Commendation
  • 01/1999 - 12/1999
    Center for Canada Studies Innsbruck
    Young researcher award 1999
Further education & Training
  • 2022 - 2022
    EFDM Global
    Mainstreaming the SDGs in business education: Strategy, implementation, practice
  • 2020 - 2021
    The Embassy of Good Science
    The Virt2UE Train the Trainer Program
  • 2020 - 2020
    Nottingham Business School
    Carbon Literacy Training
  • 2017 - 2017
    Copenhagen Business School, Dänemark
    Implementing PRME at your University
  • 2013 - 2013
    Educause & Next Generation Learning Initiative
    Breakthrough Models Academy
  • 2004 - 2004
    ITIL Training and Certification
  • 2003 - 2003
    TAFE Queensland
    Workplace Training and Assessment
  • 01/2022 - present
    Board member, secretary, and MCI representative at the association "Hand aufs Herz" - Verein zur Förderung von Respekt und Wertschätzung
  • 03/2021 - 03/2023
    MCI Project Lead EU Project "Digital Soft Skills @ Ulysseus"
  • 10/2020 - present
    MCI Coordinator "Scholars at Risk" (SAR)
  • 09/2020 - 09/2020
    Coordination of student ideas competition and preparation "MCI Earth Day": Coordination of the call and process for an ideas competition for students to submit a concept idea for the "MCI Earth Day" that will take place in April 2021.
  • 09/2019 - 09/2019
    Coordination of the "MCI Community Projects" initiative
  • 09/2019 - present
    Project "Life Science | Interactive"
    Project "Life Science | Interactive" - Project lead in the development of digital learning content for high school students who are interested in the field of biotechnology and food technology.
  • 08/2019 - 08/2019
    In cooperation with the Career Center, development and implementation of an MCI Mentoring Program including a mentoring toolkit, and piloting with a study program in 2020/2021
  • 06/2019 - 06/2019
    Workshop "Let‘s get digital: Virtual classrooms as a tool for internationalisation (at home)". Lecture delivered to the WILLIAM project team on the occasion of their consortium meeting and site visit to MCI in June 2019.
  • 09/2018 - present
    Member of the Steering Committee, PRME Chapter DACH, since 2022 Deputy Head
  • 04/2018 - 11/2018
    Organisation and project management of the PRME video competition: "Student Voices on Responsible Management Education"
  • 11/2017 - 11/2017
    Workshop "Opportunities of digitization for international offices" for the MCI International Staff Week 2017
  • 11/2017 - 11/2017
    MCI PRME Coordinator: Coordination of MCI's activities as signatory to the UN PRME initiative.
Positions in professional/academic societies
  • 11/2019 - present
    Member of the Steering Group - PRME Chapter DACH
  • 02/2013 - 05/2014
    Member - representative of Queensland University of Technology - ACODE - Australasian Council of Open and Distance Education and eLearning
  • 01/2000 - 12/2001
    Member - representative of the University of Innsbruck - fnma - Forum Neue Medien Austria
Board membership with significant responsibilities
  • 2020 - 2020
    Deputy Chair, MCI Ethics Committee
Peer reviewed journal article
  • Lee, K., Sulaimi, S. A., Leach, T., Lefaiver, M. L. M., Mavridi, S., Obexer, R., Petsiotis, K., & Villalba, K. (2022). A collective reflection on doing an autoethnography in online doctoral education. Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning.
  • Obexer, R. (2022). Lost in third space: Identity work of a "blended professional" in higher education. Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning.
  • Moessenlechner, C., Obexer, R., Pammer, M., & Waldegger, J. (2021). Switching Gears: Online Teaching in Higher Education in the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), 14(2), pp. 27-43.
  • Moessenlechner, C., Obexer, R., Pammer, M., & Waldegger, J. (2021). Switching Gears: Online Teaching in Higher Education in the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), 14(2), pp. 27-43.
  • Moessenlechner, C., Obexer, R., Sixl-Daniell, K., & Seeler, J.-M. (2015). E-learning degree programs: A better way to balance work and education?. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), 8(3). doi:10.3991/ijac.v8i3.4844
  • Bates, P., and Obexer, R. (2005). "Evaluating student centred teaching and learning strategies for Aviation students using a quality framework for online learning environments." Conference Proceedings: ASCILITE 2005: 67-77.
  • Obexer, R., Wieser, D., Baumgartner, C., Fröhlich, E., Rosenbloom, A., & Zehrer, A. (2024). Innovation in Responsible Management Education - Preparing the Changemakers of Tomorrow. Leeds: Emerald Publishing Limited. https:/
Chapters in books
  • Wieser, D., Obexer, R. and Rosenbloom, A. (2024), "Innovation and Social Impact in Responsible Management Education", Obexer, R., Wieser, D., Baumgartner, C., Fröhlich, E., Rosenbloom, A. and Zehrer, A. (Ed.) Innovation in Responsible Management Education, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 269-276.
  • Obexer, R., Wieser, D., Baumgartner, C., Fröhlich, E., Rosenbloom, A. and Zehrer, A. (2024), "Introduction", Obexer, R., Wieser, D., Baumgartner, C., Fröhlich, E., Rosenbloom, A. and Zehrer, A. (Ed.) Innovation in Responsible Management Education, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 1-5.
  • Obexer, R., Waldegger, J., Wieser, D., Windbichler, R. (2024). Embracing Sustainability in Higher Education: Key Insights from Organizing an Academic Conference. In: Leal Filho, W., Sima, M., Lange Salvia, A., Kovaleva, M., Manolas, E. (eds) University Initiatives on Climate Change Education and Research. Springer, Cham.
  • Baumgartner, C., Fröhlich, L., Herzner, A., Krein, A., Obexer, R., Ortiz-Avram, D. & Viere, T. (2021). PRME Chapter DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland): Striving for positive change - continuous support of the PRME principles. In Morsing, M. (ed.). Responsible Management Education: The PRME Global Movement (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Obexer, R. (2019). Scaling Online Learning: The Case for a Programme-level Approach. In A. Altmann ,B. Ebersberger, C. Mössenlechner, D. Wieser (Eds.) The Disruptive Power of Online Education. Challenge, Opportunities, Responses. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.7 - 25.
  • Collom, G., Obexer, R. (2004). "Supporting cultural change in higher education: modelling learner-centredness in academic staff development." In: Laske, S., and Hugl U. eds. Virtuelle Personalentwicklung. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag: Wiesbaden, Gabler: 183 - 204. (Kapitel auf Einladung der Herausgeber)
Peer reviewed academic/professional meeting proceedings
  • Siniáková, M., Obexer, R., Aarreniemi-Jokipelto, P., Bartóková, M., Preuner, M., Yot-Domínguez, C., Raisová, M. & Marcelo, P. (2023). Developing Online Courses for Digital Soft Skills: Experience of a Pan-European Project. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 1303-1317). Vienna, Austria: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 8, 2023 from
  • Obexer, R. & Giardina, N. (2016). "What is a Learning Designer? Support Roles for collaborative eLearning Implementation." In: Wachtler, J., Ebner, M., Gröblinger, O., Kopp, M., Bratengeyer, E., Steinbacher, H., Freisleben-Teutscher, C., Kapper, C. (Hrsg.). Digitale Medien: Zusammenarbeit in der Bildung. Tagungsband der GMW2016, Waxmann Verlag.
  • Cook, R., & Obexer, R. (2014). A time for everything: Reviewing an institution's virtual learning environment. 31st ascilite Conference Rhetoric or Reality 2014: Critical perspectives on educational technology, November 23-26, Dunedin, New Zealand.
  • Obexer, R. (2007). "Organisationsentwickung und Supportmodelle für e-Learning." ILIAS Konferenz 2007. Online unter URL [Stand 22/11/2007].
  • Obexer, R., Bates, P., Crock, M. (2003). "Evaluating ‘Aviation Online': measuring success in providing flexible education for professionals in the aviation industry." Conference Proceedings: ICDE 2004.
  • Collom, G., Dallas, A., Jong, R., Obexer, R. (2002). "Six months in a leaky boat: framing the knowledge and skills needed to teach well online". Conference Proceedings: ASCILITE 2002: 97-106.
  • Obexer, R. (2001). "Unterstützung von Lehrenden beim Einsatz neuer Medien in der Lehre an der Universität Innsbruck." Konferenzbeitrag: Frauen und Technologien. Zum Einsatz neuer Medien in der Lehre. Online unter URL [Stand 10/07/2004].
Presentation of a paper at a conference, workshop or seminar
  • Farrell, W., Waldegger, J., & Obexer, R. (2024, September 23). Exploring Business School Students' Ethical Intentions. 11th Responsible Management Education Research Conference (9th track - Responsible Management Practices and Learning: Understanding Practices and Navigating Changes to a Sustainable Future while Unveiling the Microfoundations), Berlin, Germany.
  • Obexer, R. (2023, March 23). Digital pedagogies for transformative sustainability learning: can we do it online? [Seminar presentation]. How to build hope for a sustainable future in education?
  • Obexer, R. (2022, September). Integrating responsible management aspects across a blended undergraduate business program: an exploration of contradictions using Activity Theory. Paper presented at the 9th Responsible Management Education Research Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Farrell, W., Waldegger, J., & Obexer, R. (2022, September 27). Assessing students' behavioral intention to act ethically: A proposed methodology.
  • Obexer, R. (2019, November). Digitale Kompetenzen | Definition - Frameworks - Praxis. Paper presented at the virtual conference "Digital Learning", Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Obexer, R. (2017, Januar). Digitale Kommunikation und Netiquette. Professioneller Umgang mit sozialen Medien. Vortrag für die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mobile Dienste (Innsbrucker Soziale Dienste) am 25.02.2017 in Innsbruck.
  • Obexer, R. (2016). "Blended Learning for Newbies: Using Sakai to introduce students to a Blended Learning Program." The Future of the Learning Online: Beyond the Walled Garden." Sakai Virtual Conference 2016. Online unter
  • Moessenlechner, C. & Obexer, R. (2016). Robot vs. Teacher. Reclaiming the role of the teacher in an online world. OEB The global, cross-sector conference on technology supported learning and training Berlin, November 30 - December 2, 2016.
  • Sixl-Daniell K., Moessenlechner C., Obexer R., Seeler J.-M. (2016): The Role of Motivation in Management Education in a Digital World. Presented at the CEEMAN 2016 Conference Management Education in A Digital World, Tallinn, Estonia.
Other intellectual contributions
  • Obexer, R. (2024). Tools for transformation: Selecting a suite of digital tools for an online Change Laboratory. Bureau de Change Laboratory.
  • Frischhut, M., Obexer, R., & Bierwisch, A. (2024, May 15). Verständnis, Zusammenarbeit und Zukunftsorientierung. APA-Science.
  • Obexer, R. (2018). How to harness digital badges for RML? Center for Responsible Management Education [Blog]. Online unter
Supervised bachelor theses
  • Mayer Sara (2024): Strategien für Grünes Wachstum im modernen Management: Herausforderungen und Chancen für nachhaltige Unternehmensführung
  • Berchtel Oliver (2024): Reasons for the Existing Discrepancy Between Knowledge about Sustainability and Climate Change and the Dissenting Travel and Mobility Behavior of Students in the "DACH" Region
  • Fuchs Hannes (2024): Perception of International Students Towards Intra- and Extra-Curricular Sustainability
  • Debortoli-El Abdellaoui Gina (2024): Geschlechterdisparität in Führungspositionen: Eine qualitative Analyse der internen und externen Einflussfaktoren in der Maschinenbaubranche
  • Hilliard Denise (2024): Engagement of Austrian SMEs with the Sustainable Development Goals as a Guiding Framework: A Pathway to Sustainable Development
  • Mengel Sehzade (2023): Chancen und Herausforderungen des digitalen Lernens bei der Berufsausbildung von Arbeitssuchenden
  • Sillaber Roman (2020): Ethische Führung: Voraussetzungen für Moral Entrepreneurship in Non-Profit-Organisationen
  • Tinello Laura (2018): Retention Management aus Sicht der Generation Z Wie Unternehmen im War for Talent zukünftig erfolgreich sein können - am Beispiel einer explorativen Studie mit HAK Absolventen
  • Tinello Laura (2018): Retention Management aus Sicht der Generation Z
  • Toetsch-Karnutsch, BA Ingrid (2018): Die Digitalisierung der internen Kommunikation - Der Einsatz von digitalen Kommunikationsmedien in der internen Kommunikation im Bereich Supply Chain Management der Firma Daniel Swarovski KG.
  • Toetsch-Karnutsch, BA Ingrid (2018): Die Digitalisierung der internen Kommunikation - Der Einsatz von digitalen Kommunikationsmedien in der internen Kommunikation im Bereich Supply Chain Management der Firma Daniel Swarovski KG
Supervised diploma theses
  • Büchele Thomas (2009): E-Learning und dessen Barrieren als zusätzliche alternative didaktische Lehr- und Lernmethode an Tiroler Grundschulen
  • Abfalterer Stefanie Anna (2009): Kids-Marketing für Buchhandlungen - Am Beispiel der Universitätsbuchhandlung Wagnersche
  • Carrer Maria (2009): Gegenüberstellung charakteristischer Gewohnheiten von Kindern beim Gebrauch von Internetsuchhilfen - Untersucht an Kindern zwischen acht und zwölf Jahren im Raum Osttirol
  • Hopfner Bernd (2009): Learning 2.0 im Unternehmenskontext
Supervised master theses
  • Binder Gerald (2024): Leadership und CSR: Erkenntnisse und Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung von Corporate Social Responsibility in Raiffeisen Regionalbanken
  • Hoffmann Jan (2020): E-Learning in der Kommunalverwaltung