Sascha Gell, BA MA

Project Assistant +43 512 2070 - 7423
Sascha Gell, BA MA

Sascha Gell studied Sociology and International Health & Social Management with a special interest in the phenomenon of non-take-up of social (services). This topic was taken up in cooperation with the Institute for Social Services (ifs) for a status analysis in the Vorarlberg area during his Master's thesis. Currently working at the Center for Social & Health Innovation as a project staff member, he accompanied research projects with public health (nutritional environments at schools, health literacy among children and adolescents, COVID19 Social Indicator Survey) and social policy topics (social space analysis and inclusion of people with disabilities).

Professional work experience
  • 09/2019 - present
    Projektmitarbeiter - Center for Social & Health Innovation
    Projektassistenz bei Forschungstätigkeiten, Verwaltungstätigkeiten, Kommunikation mit externen Partnern, Beteiligung an der Erstellung von Projektberichten und Veröffentlichungen, Datenverwaltung.
  • 11/2023 - present
    PhD - Universität Wien
    Health Communication
  • 10/2022 - 11/2023
    PhD - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
    Health Communication
  • 09/2017 - 09/2019
    MA - Management Center Innsbruck
    International Health & Social Management
  • 09/2016 - 12/2016
    BA - University College Cork, Ireland
    Soziologie - ERASMUS+
  • 10/2014 - 07/2017
    BA - Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck
Practice realted research and developmental project
  • 03/2021 - present
    Projektmitarbeiter - Center for Social & Health Innovation / unicum:mensch
    Armutserfahrungen und Working Poor in Tirol
  • 04/2020 - 03/2021
    Projektmitarbeiter - Center for Social & Health Innovation / Diakonisches Werk Rosenheim e.V.
    Sozialraumorientierte und inklusive Teilhabe von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung in der Grenzregion Bayern - Tirol
  • 03/2020 - 06/2021
    Projektmitarbeiter - Center for Social & Health Innovation
    FoodExplorer: Ein Citizen Science Projekt zur Verbesserung des Nahrungsangebots im Schulumfeld
  • 09/2019 - 04/2021
    Projektmitarbeiter - Center for Social & Health Innovation / Österreichische Gesundheitskasse / Gesundheit Österreich GmbH
    Health Literacy in Childhood
  • 09/2019 - 04/2021
    Projektmitarbeiter - Center for Social & Health Innovation / Österreichische Gesundheitskasse
    Evaluation des Programms "Gesunde Schule Tirol"
Peer reviewed journal article
  • Engel, E., Gell, S., Heiss, R., & Karsay, K. (2023). Social media influencers and adolescents' health: A scoping review of the research field. Social Science & Medicine. 116387.
  • Gell, S., Pejkovic, E., Heiss, R. (2023). How (Un-)Healthy are Austrian School Food Environments? Evidence from Focus Groups and Citizen Science. Appetite, 188.
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Gell, S., & Boost, M. (2023). Die Einbindung von Menschen mit Behinderungen in qualitative Sozialforschung. Qual.Met, 1(1), 1-20. (
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Gell, S., Nesimovic, A. & Weinkogl, Ph. (2022). The inclusive, social space-oriented participation of people with disabilities in the Bavaria-Tyrol border region during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Comparative Social Work 17(1).
  • Heiss, R., Gell, S., Röthlingshöfer, E., Zoller, C. (2021). How Threat Perceptions Relate to Learning and Conspiracy Beliefs About COVID-19: Evidence From a Panel Study. Personality and Individual Differences, 175.
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Gell, S., Nesimovic, A., Röthlingshofer, E., Heiss, R. and Zoller, C. (2020). Integrating child's health promotion in schools - local mechanisms and strategies. European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement_5).
Editorial-reviewed journal
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Gell, S., & Reichmann, P. (46). Vulnerable Gruppen in der Krise. WISO-Wirtschafts- Und Sozialpolitische Zeitschrift, 2023(1), 116-130.
Chapters in books
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Gell, S., Reichmann, P. & Meindlhumer, M. (2022). Die sozialen Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf vulnerable Personengruppen. In A. Exenberger (Hrsg.), Armutsbetroffenheit in der Krise: Eine Studie des Tiroler Armutsforschungsforums 2020-22 (S. 65-146).
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Gell, S. & Reichmann, P. (2022). Kinderarmut und Schule in der Pandemie: Delphi Konzeption. In A. Exenberger (Hrsg.), Armutsbetroffenheit in der Krise: Eine Studie des Tiroler Armutsforschungsforums 2020-22 (S. 291-310).
Presentation of a paper at a conference, workshop or seminar
  • Gell, S. (2024, March). Mapping Food Environments with Citizen Science. Presentation at the Open Food Conference, March 11-13, Leuven.
  • Gell, S., Pejcovic, E., Heiss, R. (2023, November). How School Food Environments Influence Food Choices: Evidence from Citizen Science and Focus Groups. Presentation at the 16th European Public Health Conference, November 9-11, Dublin.
  • Gell, S., Engel, E., Heiss, R., Karsay, K. (2023, November). Challenges and Benefits of Social Media Influencers for Adolescent Health - A Scoping Review. Presentation at the 16th European Public Health Conference, November 9-11, Dublin.
  • Heiss, R., Bode, L., Bradshaw, S. R., MacCarthy, M., Porter, E., Engel E., & Gell, S. (2023). Countering Misinformation on Social Media: A Socio-Ecological Response Model. Presentation to the Information Technology, & Politics Division at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), August 31 - September 3, Los Angeles, USA.
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Reichmann, P. & Gell, S. (2023). Unlocking access: Overcoming barriers to social services. 29TH ANNUAL Foundation for international Studies of Social Security CONFERENCE, Sigtunahöjden, Sweden June 12th, 2023.
  • Engel, E., Gell, S., Heiss, R., & Karsay, K. (2023). Social Media Influencers and Adolescents' Health: A Scoping Review. Presentation to the Health Communication Division at the 73rd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, Toronto, Canada.
  • Gell, S., Engel, E., Heiss, R., Karsay, K. (2023). Social Media Influencers and Adolescents' Health: A Scoping Review. Presentation at the Etmaal 2023, 25th Edition, February 25-26, Twente, Netherlands.
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Sascha, G. & Reichmann, P. (2022). Non-Take-Up in Tirol. Josefikreis Zwischentreffen (27.6.2022), Seehof AK Tirol
  • Reichmann, P., Kerschbaumer, L. & Gell, S. (2022). Working Poor - Prekäre Lebensrealitäten im Fokus. Tiroler Armutsforschungsforum in Kooperation mit der Universität Innsbruck und FH Gesundheit. FHG (09.06.2022).
  • Gell, S. & Kerschbaumer, L. (2022). Armutsdynamik in der Covid-19 Pandemie - Prekarisierung und Resilienz. IDEENREICHTUM Vor!-Konferenz für junge Armutsforscher*innen, 23-25 Mai, St. Virgil, Salzburg.
  • Kerschbaumer, L. & Gell, S. (2022). Sozialraumorientierte und inklusive Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen. FFH Open Access Repository. 15. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen.
  • Gell, S., Kerschbaumer, L. (2022, April). Case Study on the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Research - Combining and Triangulating Face-to-face, Phone, and Digital Interviews with a Qualitative Online Survey. Methodological Innovations. BSA Virtual Annual Conference 2022: Building Equality and Justice Now, 20.-22. April 2022.
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Gell, S.(2022, April). Sozialraumorientierte & Inklusive Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen in der Grenzregion Bayern-Tirol. D2-Track2-Teil3: Cross-border Cooperations - Vorsprung durch grenzüberschreitende Forschung. 15. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, 20.- 21. April 2022, Villach, Kärnten.
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Gell, S., Reichmann, P. (2022, März). Armutsdynamiken und soziale Resilienz - Perspektiven aus Tirol. "Armut und Armutsgefährdung heute - ein Blick in unsere Region und die Auswirkungen der Covid 19 Pandemie". Regionalmanagement KUUSK, Kufstein, Tirol.
  • Heiss, R., Gell, S., Röthlingshöfer, E., Zoller, C. (2021, July). How Threat Perceptions Relate to Learning and Conspiracy Beliefs About COVID-19: Evidence From a Panel Study. Personality and Individual Differences. Presentation at the (virtual) annual meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), July 11-13.
  • Gell, S., Kerschbaumer, L., Nesimovic, A. (2021, June). The inclusive, social space-oriented participation of people with disabilities in the Bavaria-Tyrol border region during the COVID-19 pandemic. 5th Transforming Care Conference - Time in Care: The Temporality of Care Policy and Practices, June 24. - 26., Venice, Italy.
  • Kerschbaumer, L., Gell, S., Nesimovic, A., Röthlingshofer, E., Heiss, R., Zoller, C. (2020, October). Integrating health promotion in schools - local mechanisms and strategies. Presentation at the (virtual) 16th World Congress on Public Health, October 12-16, Rome, Italy.
  • Gell, S. (March, 2020). Enabling and restricting factors for the utilization of social services. Vor!-Konferenz "Ideenreichtum", 12th Austrian Poverty Conference-Voices against poverty, Salzburg.
  • Gell, S., & Heiss, R. (2020, February). FoodExplorer - A Citizen Science Project to Improve School Food Environments. Invited presentation at the workshop "Health and Wellbeing: Addressing today's Global Paradox", Department of Sport Science, Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck, February 6, Innsbruck, Austria.
Other intellectual contributions
  • Keschbaumer, L.; Gell, S. (2023). Sozialraumorientierte & Inklusive Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen in Bildungseinrichtungen in der Grenzregion Bayern-Tirol. Multiplier Event Mob4All (Ulysseus - MCI). Inklusion & Hochschule, 26. April 2023, MCI Innsbruck, Tirol
  • Heiss, R., Kerschbaumer, L., Zoller, C., Gell, S., Walch, S., Röthlingshöfer, E., & Nesimovic, A. (2021). COVID-19 Social Indicator Survey (SUF edition, V1), AUSSDA Dataverse,