Dott. Mag. Yunus Schmirander, BSc

Teaching & Research Assistant +43 512 2070 - 4442
Dott. Mag. Yunus Schmirander, BSc

  • 09/2017 - 10/2019
    M. Sc. - Politecnico di Milano
    Biomedical Engineering
  • 10/2013 - 08/2017
    B Sc. - University of Stuttgart, University of Tübingen
    Biomedical Engineering
Peer reviewed journal article
  • Su, H., Schmirander, Y., Valderrama-Hincapié, S.E., Qi, W., Ovur, S.E. and Sandoval, J. (2022) Neural-learning-enhanced Cartesian Admittance control of robot with moving RCM constraints. Robotica, pp. 1-13.
  • Su, H., Qi, W., Schmirander, Y., Ovur, S.E., Cai, S. and Xiong, X. (2022). A human activity-aware shared control solution for medical human-robot interaction. Assembly Automation, 42(3), pp. 388-394
  • Su, H., Schmirander, Y., Valderrama-Hincapie, S. E., Pinedo, J., Zhou, X., Li, J., Zhang, L., Hu, Y., Ferrigno, G., & De Momi, E. (2020). Asymmetric bimanual control of dual-arm serial manipulator for robot-assisted minimally invasive surgeries. Sensors and Materials, 32(4), pp. 1223-1233.
  • Su, H., Qi, W., Hu, Y., Sandoval, J., Zhang, L., Schmirander, Y., Chen, G., Aliverti, A., Knoll, A., Ferrigno, G., & De Momi, E. (2019). Towards model-free tool dynamic identification and calibration using multi-layer neural network. Sensors, 19(17), p. 3636.
Peer reviewed academic/professional meeting proceedings
  • Reinmüller, S., Schmirander, Y., Hollaus, B. (2022). Quality Assurance in Denture Production using Convolutional Neural Networks. Abstracts of the 2022 Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian (ÖGBMT), German (VDE DGBMT) and Swiss (SSBE) Societies for Biomedical Engineering (BMT), 67(1), p. 31.
  • Hu, Y., Chen, G., Zhang, L., Su, H., Li, M., Schmirander, Y., Cao, H., & Knoll, A. (2020). Fuzzy Adaptive Control-based Real-time Obstacle Avoidance under Uncertain Perturbations. 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), pp. 50-55.
  • Dercole, F., Sangiorgio, M., & Schmirander, Y. (2020). An empirical assessment of the universality of ANNs to predict oscillatory time series. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2), pp. 1255-1260.
  • Su, H., Schmirander, Y., Li, Z., Zhou, X., Ferrigno, G., & De Momi, E. (2020). Bilateral teleoperation control of a redundant manipulator with an rcm kinematic constraint. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 4477-4482.
Supervised bachelor theses
  • Auer Jannik (2024): Größenbestimmungen in der Laparoskopie basierend auf einer Instrumentenerkennung
  • Mikulic David (2024): Generating detailed, segmented anatomical models utilizing CT-, MR-, and serial anatomical images
Supervised master theses
  • Wernard Markus (2023): Development of an impedance measurement device to ensure tissue contact of the cryoablation coolloop catheter under consideration of IEC 60601.