mci4eu Contest - Join in and win up to €500 #mci4eu
"Democracy means having a choice. Dictatorship means being faced with the choice". (Jeannine Luczak)
On 26 May 2019 the elections to the European Parliament will take place - Use your vote and go to the election under the motto #thistimeimvoting.
Since 1979 the European Parliament can be directly elected by us citizens (every 5 years). Although more and more challenges can only be solved together at the European level and at the same time the European Parliament has gained more and more importance, unfortunately since 1979 the turnout in the elections to the European Parliament has continuously decreased.
To counteract this is the aim of the non-partisan initiative #ThistimeImvoting, which exists in all 24 official languages of the European Union.
The MCI Management Center Innsbruck, the Jean Monnet Chair for "European Integration & Ethics" at the MCI, and the ÖH of the MCI have decided in a joint action to support this initiative with a cool competition on Instagram.