MCI joins United Nations Academic Impact

Date 2021-08-24

MCI now also represented on United Nations university platform | Students benefit from global network and attractive scholarships

MCI students will benefit from the United Nations networks from now on. ©MCI_Kasper
MCI students will benefit from the United Nations networks from now on. ©MCI_Kasper

Internationality has been one of the MCI's strategic objectives for 25 years. With its membership in United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® now offers students access to another renowned global network with great development and networking opportunities. UNAI is an initiative launched in 2010 by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and now includes more than 1400 organizations in over 145 nations worldwide.

International network as an advantage for students

UNAI provides an international network with a platform for higher education institutions to work on solutions for UN Sustainable Development Goals such as combating climate change and poverty and supporting health and education through exchange and cooperation across borders and disciplines. The initiative aims to connect higher education institutions around the world more closely with the United Nations and leverage their research, innovation and scholarship to achieve the UN's visions as well as support the education of future generations of "global citizens."

"For MCI students, UNAI offers interesting opportunities to become active in an international network, to participate in calls for international scholarships, competitions and fellowships, and to be part of a vibrant community," explains UN PRME Coordinator at MCI Regina Obexer. Through public calls or individual coaching such as the 'Millennium Fellowship Class', in which students participate in a leadership development program, young people are actively involved in United Nations processes during their studies on how sustainability can be implemented in society.

Long-standing cooperation with United Nations initiatives

In addition to its membership of UNAI, the Entrepreneurial School® has been involved in a number of United Nations initiatives for many years. Among other things, the MCI is a co-founder of the PRME Chapter DACH, is a member of the "Scholars at Risk" network and the "UN Global Compact". The establishment of the Ban Ki-moon Scholarship has set the course for further international exchange.

A number of MCI initiatives such as the MCI Community Projects, the Jean Monnet Chair "EU Values & Digitization for our Community (DIGNITY)", the lecture series "Distinguished Guests Online" and the "MCI Earth Day" are further examples of how the Entrepreneurial School® contributes to social and ecological challenges.

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