MCI brings international universities to Tyrol

Date 2023-04-27

Tailored programs for international partner universities | Investment in quality and global network pays off

International opportunities at MCI in Innsbruck. ©MCI / Anna Geisler
The tailored programs at MCI in Innsbruck enhance international visibility and strengthen the location of Innsbruck-Tyrol. ©MCI / Anna Geisler

More and more universities around the world put their trust in the MCI by sending their professors and students to the Entrepreneurial School® in Innsbruck for one or more weeks to enrich their study programs with valuable input and to benefit from the MCI's quality, expertise and networking. The universities participating so far include

  • WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
  • University of Vaasa, Finland
  • Seton Hall University, USA
  • Pepperdine University, USA
  • National Kaoshiung University, Taiwan
  • University of Nebraska, USA.

In addition to high-quality lectures, seminars, case studies and trainings at MCI, these tailored programs often include excursions to renowned companies in Tyrol and surrounding regions, providing opportunities for contacts and global networks. The experience of Tyrol's diverse culture and nature is an additional highlight for the international guests.

Activities like these increase the MCI's international visibility, strengthen its brand and make a valuable contribution to promoting scientific competence, quality tourism and purchasing power in Innsbruck-Tyrol. The resulting revenues help finance research, teaching, start-ups and scholarships, which subsequently benefits the joint location.

Tyrolean Science Minister Cornelia Hagele is impressed by the international programs offered at MCI. “This diverse program for partner universities at MCI once again promotes intercultural exchange and demonstrates the importance of internationally oriented education in Tyrol. By promoting international education, we are also strengthening Tyrol's international orientation as a science and business location.”

MCI is excited about the worldwide interest in the programs. Susanne Lichtmannegger, Head of MCI International Relations, explains, "The growing demand for tailored short programs for foreign partner universities is proof of the MCI's growing international reputation and is a gratifying result of the MCI's consistent internationalization strategy over many years."

"At MCI, cultural variety and diversity play a significant role. Through international exchange, we strengthen intercultural competencies, broaden horizons, foster international contacts and promote careers. Students from all over the world are excited about the city of Innsbruck and its many opportunities. They return to their home country as ambassadors," adds Susanne Herzog, Head of MCI Executive Education.

"Our tailored offerings for other universities add another building block to the profile of the Entrepreneurial School®. We increase our visibility, add value and strengthen our common location," MCI Rector Andreas Altmann concludes confidently, "we see valuable potential for the future."


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