MOOCs | Massive Open Online Courses
MOOCs | Massive Open Online Courses



  • Self-paced online courses 
  • Multimedia & interactive
  • Learning videos in combination with tasks & quizzes



  • Time and location independent learning
  • Free certified MOOC degree from one of the world's most renowned Business Schools
  • Recognition as part of the admission process to MCI Bachelor's programs
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A MOOC is an online course in a self-learning format that combines the advantages of time- and location-independent learning with the possibility of open, high-quality education at university level. The thematic diversity of the MOOCs and the associated promotion of qualifications and competencies are entirely in line with a future-oriented culture of lifelong learning, which is to be promoted at the MCI. The online courses are mostly based on short interactive videos combined with assignments and quizzes. They are offered on online learning platforms that can be accessed worldwide via the browser. 

With the project "MOOCs @ and by MCI - Enabling Life Long Learning through Massive Open Online Courses", MCI MOOCs received a  Profformance Teacher Award ( pdf | 391.20K ) nomination.