Interactive Course Entrepreneurship

Date 2019-02-07

Exciting insights into the topic of setting up and running a business

MCiT lecturer Thomas Dilger
MCiT lecturer Thomas Dilger, MA, BA at the evening event with the focus on business establishment in Tyrol

As part of the interactive course, at the end of the 5th bachelor semester, the students of the class 2016 received well-founded and exciting insights into the topic of business establishment. MCiT lecturer Thomas Dilger, BA, MA and MCiT graduate, long-time companion and successful entrepreneur Ms. Mag. phil. Mag. Barbara Thaler referred to both the theoretical and practical perspective.

Based on a case study, two student groups worked on the optimization of economic and internal affairs within a production company (unmanned aerial vehicle). With their final presentations, where the students occupied different roles to the firm, the following stood out in particular:

  • Chiara Wehinger as best CEO
  • Eva Erbers as best CHRM
  • Florian Brecher as best COO
  • Josef Vettorazzi as best CFO
  • Marc Schlömmer as best CIO
  • Thaddeus Bridgeford as best CMO
  • Valentin Voelckel as best CLO

MCiT student Chiara Wehinger emphasizes: "In my role as the CEO, I was able to follow how my team developed and exceeded itself during the Entrepreneurship days. In addition, I was able to transfer the contents I had learnt about leadership and employee management into practice and can proudly reflect on these exciting days with my team".

For our MCiT Entrepreneurs, the evening event with the focus on business establishment in Tyrol was a highlight of the course. Many thanks at this point to Karin Trocker, BA of the founder service of Wirtschaftskammer Tyrol and MCiT graduate Benjamin Suitner, BA, MA, Consultant at the founder service centre Start Up Tirol GmbH, who informed about current developments and possibilities of company foundation in Tyrol.

Mag. phil. Barbara Thaler finally highlighted the topic from the practice-relevant point of view and thus enabled the students to deal more intensively with the area of corporate leadership and employee management. 

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