MCiT Insights - Stormy times during the exchange semester

Date 2020-01-16

Our student Luica Hemsing reports about the revolution in Hong Kong.

Our student Luica Hemsing reports about the revolution in Hong Kong. Photo: Luica Hemsing
Our student Luica Hemsing reports about the revolution in Hong Kong. Photo: Luica Hemsing

I am Luica, a MCIT student in my final year and I spent my exchange semester at Hong Kong Baptist University. I believe that every exchange student describes his semester abroad as breathtaking and one of the greatest experiences of his life, but I swear mine was truly unique. During my time in Hong Kong, I had the chance to experience a revolution. I was able to see people fight for their freedom and rights with all their passion and willpower. This was truly a once in a lifetime experience that will go down in history books as the revolution of modern times. 

Filled with excitement to discover Chinese culture, an important buzzing metropolis, one of the world's most important economic centers and much more, I decided to choose Hong Kong as a destination for my exchange abroad. What I found was a city fulfilled with life, energy and light, a true historical treasure and a cultural melting pot. Most importantly, I met people with ways of thinking that were so different from mine. I met people with backgrounds I have never been in touch with before and students who grew up in ways that are so different from how I grew up in Europe. I tapped into countless cultural pitfalls such as insulting the chef by pointing my chopsticks into the leftover rice in my bowl. I learned the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese language, Cantonese is spoken in Hong Kong and more difficult. Additional learnings from Hong Kong include being able to pick up peanuts with chopsticks, eating rice or noodles twice a day and ordering beer in Cantonese. Besides this, I had the greatest time exploring Hong Kong’s districts, living the student residence hall life and going surfing on Fridays. Hong Kong is so much more than a city full of skyscrapers and economic power. Hong Kong has tight financial districts next to old ladies selling vegetables, beaches that are 20 minutes away from Times Square and traditional Chinese dim sum restaurants next to stunning view rooftops. I have never seen a city with more diversity.


A valuable experience for life - MCiT students have the opportunity to spend their 5th semester at one of the many partner universities around the world.

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Peter J. MirskiHead of Department & Studies
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