Exciting presentations at the SE2020

Date 2020-02-26

Thomas Dilger and Christian Ploder presented their paper at the Software Engineering conference of the Society for Informatics

Thomas Dilger and Christian Ploder at the SE2020. Foto: MCI
Thomas Dilger and Christian Ploder at the SE2020. Foto: MCI

The annual conference serves as a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge in the field of software engineering and is aimed at both software developers from practical experience and researchers from the academic environment. Among them were also our two lecturers: FH-Prof. Dr. Christian Ploder spoke about agile project management methods for application in continuous forecasting. Thomas Dilger, MA BA gave a presentation on the approach of beyond budgeting, which was explained using a model-based approach. In the workshop setting qualified input was provided to improve operational excellence in project budgeting and to survey it in the subject-specific setting. Thanks to the organizers and all participants for the great day and the interesting input!

Prof. Dr. Christian Ploder | Operational Excellence Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Christian PloderOperational Excellence
 Thomas Dilger, BA MA | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Thomas Dilger, BA MASenior Lecturer
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