How to start your studies successfully

Date 2021-08-10

Our most important tips and experiences at a glance

Studying requires a lot of discipline. Some of our team members have also worked during their studies and therefore know exactly what is important when combining job and studies. In the following text, you will find the most important tips to combine both parts successfully: 

Tip 1: Good time management

Our two assistants, Sandra Grässle and Julia Waldegger, agree: good time management is the be-all and end-all for successful studying.  They hereby recommended the use of to-do lists and deadlines in the personal calendar.

Tip 2: Schedule time off

Another tip, which is shared by our two assistants, is to allow yourself time off. Taking a short break is important to clear your head and be productive again. Studying is not short-lived, so you need to make sure you have enough energy to run across the finish line - just like in a marathon.

Tip 3: Plan your group work efficiently

In the course of your studies, you will have to work on assignments in different groups. It is therefore to your advantage to plan them efficiently. Here, we are primarily recommending fixed agendas for your meeting, task distribution, and the use of digital tools for good collaboration. A planned and structured approach will save you time, which you in turn can use for individual assignments and for your time off.

You can read about the tips in more detail in the articles that have already been published:

Tip 4: Support each other

Finally, we would like to give you one last tip: Support each other - you are all in the same boat. An intensive exchange with fellow students is also very important, among other things, to motivate each other during intense, stressful phases. 

We hope that these tips will help you to master the start of your studies. We wish you every success.


<p><em>Smart planning is very important for a successful study. Photo: Pexels/cottonbro</em></p>

Smart planning is very important for a successful study. Photo: Pexels/cottonbro

<p><em>Smart planning is very important for a successful study. Photo: Pexels/cottonbro</em></p>
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