Start of studies for 51 first-semester bachelor's students

Date 2023-09-12

Welcome to the cohort 2023 of the Social Work bachelor's program at MCI

Welcome to the freshers of the Social Work study program. © MCI / Schmid

Belachew Gebrewold, Head of Department & Studies, welcomed the first-year students of the bachelor's program of Social Work at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®. In the course of the introductory seminar, the students got to know the MCI as well as staff members from administration and teaching as well as representatives of the Austrian Student Union and Student & Career Services.

The course was continued at the mountain lodge "Gufl", which allowed for further connections and networking.

The entire team of the department of Social Work wishes the students a good start of studies.

Prof. Dr. habil. Belachew Gebrewold | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Social Work
Prof. Dr. habil. Belachew GebrewoldHead of Department & Studies
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