Insights into Lighting Technology: Excursion to Planlicht

Date 2024-04-15

Partner company planlicht welcomes students to the headquarters in Vomp

Our partner company planlicht GmbH und Co KG invited ourstudents to visit the company: As part of the "Lighting Technology I" course, our second year students visited the main site in Vomp to get to know the work processes of this partner company of Smart Building Technologies.

The visit was characterized by a variety of insights into the company divisions at the planlicht headquarters in Vomp for the students of year 2022: The welcoming words from Felicitas Kohler (CEO), Andreas Mühlthaler (Product Management), and Miriam Döhner (Human Centric Lighting) were followed by a comprehensive tour of the company site.

From lighting planning & project management to development and production, the students were able to exchange ideas with the respective contact persons at the company. A technical highlight was the opportunity to observe measurements in the in-house lighting laboratory.

Thank you to our corporate partner planlicht for the invitation. We look forward to further practice-oriented opportunities.


About planlicht

"We have been passionate about light for over 30 years. We produce our high-quality lamps exclusively in Austria and sell them all over the world. We are the experts when it comes to the best light for people.

As an internationally active company, planlicht is specialized in the production and distribution of high-quality lamps and lighting systems for stores and offices. First-class service standards and a strong export orientation distinguish us from our competitors.

We currently employ about 160 people at nine company locations in Austria, Germany, France, Italy, England, Finland, and Sweden.

From the development of the product idea to product manufacturing, everything takes place in-house. With its own technology and development department as well as an in-house lighting laboratory, planlicht is a technology expert in the field of biodynamic lighting."

<p>Together with Human Centric Lighting expert Miriam Döhner, Martin Ittner (Control Engineering) provided an entertaining insight into research on site in Vomp in the company's own lighting laboratory. Photo: ©MCI/Öttl</p>

Together with Human Centric Lighting expert Miriam Döhner, Martin Ittner (Control Engineering) provided an entertaining insight into research on site in Vomp in the company's own lighting laboratory. Photo: ©MCI/Öttl

<p>Im unternehmenseigenen Lichtlabor wurden seitens Martin Ittner (Control Engineering) und Human Centric Lighting-Expertin Miriam Döhner auch unterhaltsame Einblicke in die Forschung vor Ort in Vomp ermöglicht. ©MCI/Öttl</p>

Im unternehmenseigenen Lichtlabor wurden seitens Martin Ittner (Control Engineering) und Human Centric Lighting-Expertin Miriam Döhner auch unterhaltsame Einblicke in die Forschung vor Ort in Vomp ermöglicht. ©MCI/Öttl

<p>The study program would like to thank for the renewed invitation and the detailed tour of the company headquarters in Vomp. Photo: © Miriam Döhner</p>

The study program would like to thank for the renewed invitation and the detailed tour of the company headquarters in Vomp. Photo: © Miriam Döhner

<p>Together with Human Centric Lighting expert Miriam Döhner, Martin Ittner (Control Engineering) provided an entertaining insight into research on site in Vomp in the company's own lighting laboratory. Photo: ©MCI/Öttl</p>
<p>Im unternehmenseigenen Lichtlabor wurden seitens Martin Ittner (Control Engineering) und Human Centric Lighting-Expertin Miriam Döhner auch unterhaltsame Einblicke in die Forschung vor Ort in Vomp ermöglicht. ©MCI/Öttl</p>
<p>The study program would like to thank for the renewed invitation and the detailed tour of the company headquarters in Vomp. Photo: © Miriam Döhner</p>
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