November 14th 2017

Scouting for talent on MCI campus

Popular recruiting event at the Entrepreneurial School® provides platform for 60 national and international employers to connect with 1,000 MCI students

On November 13, 2017, the MCI Recruiting Forum took place for the tenth time. Almost 1,000 students and young graduates – the highest number to date – flocked to the Entrepreneurial School® on the day of the event.

Altogether, 60 companies and organizations attended the event to present themselves to MCI students and graduates as potential employers. On the lookout for attractive career options, they seized the opportunity to meet human resource managers as well as prestigious national and international companies from a variety of sectors. They could, thus, establish valuable contacts right there, on campus. In addition, the participants gained information about the best procedure for internship and job applications, the key competencies required by future employees, and how to successfully manage the transition from student to working life. For the exhibiting companies, which included top brands as well as internationally-thriving niche players, the MCI Recruiting Forum once again provided an ideal venue to present themselves as attractive employers and seek out tomorrow’s talent.

Miriam Zeitlhofer , Chair of the MCI Student Council, praises the fruitful collaboration with the MCI Career Center as well as the strong practical orientation of MCI: “The MCI Recruiting Forum provides us students with the opportunity to meet companies with an eye to future employment or internships. From personal experience, I am aware that such personal contacts are decisive for your future career. Therefore, I highly appreciate this service offered by MCI.”

Brigitte Huter, Head of the MCI Career Center, is delighted that once again the 2017 Recruiting Forum provided a successful platform for the networking between companies and students: “Particularly in times of social media, online application procedures, and Skype interviews, personal contact can open doors in the application process. I am delighted that with the 2017 Recruiting Forum, we could provide employers and students with another attractive opportunity to network.”

pdfExhibiting companies at the Recruiting Forum 2017

Press contact
Mag.(FH) Ulrike Fuchs
+43 512 2070-1527