May 27th 2022

Study Trip Budapest 2022

Successful study trip to Budapest by students in the 4th semester of the Bachelor degree program Nonprofit, Social and Health Management

After a long break, a study trip to Budapest for our Bachelor students could take place again in May 2022. A big thank you to our hosts Semmelweis University Health Services Management Training Centre for the exciting lectures, the opportunity for discussions and the practical insights into different institutes.

We had the opportunity to to get to know the Movement Improvement Primary School (Mozgásjavító Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Gimnázium, Kollégium és EGYMI) and look at the great premises for the school, housing and medical care. During the visit to the nonprofit start-up OncoVR, the students were able to test the virtualreality googles for children with cancer, among other things.

Of course, there was also time in between to visit the main sights of the city. Thanks also to all students for active participation. It was a successful excursion.