December 03rd 2020

"Carbon Literacy Training" at MCI

Developing knowledge and committing to action for CO2 reduction

How much do you contribute to your CO2 emissions by buying a steak, sending a parcel or flying to the Caribbean? How can you reduce your own CO2 footprint and that of your organisation?

These and other topics in the field of climate protection were discussed in a motivated group of almost 30 participants in the "Carbon Literacy Training" organized in a cooperation between MCI and Scientists4Future Tirol & Vorarlberg and led by Professor Petra Molthan-Hill, Professor of Sustainable Management and Education for Sustainable Development at Nottingham Business School (GB).

The Carbon Literacy Training focuses on the scientific background of the climate crisis and enables participants to take individual and collective actions. These range from adapting eating habits (more regional vegetables, less meat) to collective measures within organisations and businesses, such as avoiding business trips or using sustainable means of transport. In four online learning units the participants from different universities and organisations in the DACH area learned about these issues in the form of a train-the-trainer concept, sharpened their "CO2 instinct" and committed to individual and collective measures to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions.

In a final reflection paper, participants had to both demonstrate their knowledge and describe their individual and collective plans to  reduce their CO2 footprint in order to obtain a certificate from the Carbon Literacy Project in Manchester.

By organising the Carbon Literacy Training, MCI contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 13 (Climate Action). The 17 Goals for Sustainable Development - often referred to as Agenda 2030 - are a United Nations action plan for a better future for all.