May 19th 2023

Eu-HEM Career Event 2023 in Dubrovnik

Great opportunity for Eu-HEM students to kickstart their careers

This year’s Eu-HEM Career event took place from May 1-6 in Dubrovnik, where students gathered to learn how to kickstart their professional journeys.

Students who started the European Master in Health Economics and Management (Eu-HEM) program in 2021 and initially studied together during the first semester at the University of Bologna reunited in Dubrovnik. In their second and third semesters, the students divided based on their chosen specialization and studied at different partner universities of the study program.

The week began with a series of workshops that focused on skills like CV writing, job search strategies and personal development. Students also had the chance to meet with stakeholders from various companies and organizations who visited the event and shared their experiences.

One of the highlights of the event was the mock interview session. This session was designed to give students the opportunity to practice their interview skills in a safe environment. Professionals from the field who conducted the interviews and provided valuable feedback.

However, this event was not limited to the classroom - a group of enthusiastic students even used the chance to participate in the Dubrovnik half marathon, combining their passion for running with their goal to develop their careers. Furthermore, the stunning surroundings of Dubrovnik provided the perfect setting and various opportunities for social and cultural activities.

We look forward to the next edition in 2024 and wish all participants the best for their future careers.