October 17th 2023

Coming Together for a Good Cause

Students Organize Charity Dinner for Austrian Doctors in Collaboration with Dinner Club Innsbruck

Students from the first semester of the master's program in International Health & Social Management at MCI recently organized a touching Charity Dinner in support of the organization "Austrian Doctors." The event was not only a culinary delight but also a matter of the heart, uniting the community and raising significant funds for a valuable humanitarian cause.

The Charity Dinner took place in the autumnally decorated community hall of Schutzengelkirche Innsbruck, in collaboration with Dinner Club Innsbruck. The students, aided by the dedicated "Rotschürzen" volunteers, went the extra mile to ensure the guests had an entertaining evening. The menu was exquisite, featuring a vegan 3-course meal. Live music, a raffle, and a video providing insights into the donation project all contributed to the ambiance, while the guests were served by our students and the volunteers from the Dinner Club.

The centerpiece of the evening was, of course, the fundraising. The students had prepared presentations about the work of "Austrian Doctors" to enlighten the guests about the challenges the organization faces. Austrian Doctors is a globally active aid organization advocating for every individual's right to education and medical care. The guests responded to the call for donations with generous contributions totaling over 2,500 Euros, benefitting the children of Eroret Preparatory School in Kenya. After deducting the necessary dinner expenses, the Austrian Doctors can anticipate approximately 2,000 Euros. The students have thereby achieved their objective of providing warm lunch for the children for an entire semester.

The Charity Dinner stands as a remarkable example of how even small actions can have a great impact when people unite for a worthy purpose. If you too are inspired to make a difference, there are numerous ways you can support organizations like "Austrian Doctors." The Dinner Club Innsbruck and the Rotschürzen always welcome enthusiastic support!