High switching frequency module for precision power converters

Date 2021-12-14

MCI and Alintel start cooperation | Research on power converters

In recent years the requirements for ever smaller, high-power density converters has grown dramatically. Furthermore, special applications like particle or medical physics, require these converters to achieve high-bandwidths as well as minimal output voltage ripple. At the same time, reduced mean time to repair MTTR and high reliability are often mandatory requirements. To comply with the above constraints the Italian company Alintel Srl started a collaboration with MCI.

Out of the feasibility study, the technology of GaN FETs has been selected as the most promising for the applications of the customers of Alintel. MCI therefore developed a concept of a highly modular converter featuring a construction that eases the manufacturing process as well as achieves a high power density. The module features bi-polar output voltage between +/- 200V, 20 A continuous current, 150 kHz switching frequency and 20 ns voltage rise/fall time with minimal overshoot. The proposed solution comprises also a 4th order LCR filter that guarantees a bandwidth of more than 20 kHz with 0.5% voltage ripple. Extensive tests have been conducted on the module confirming the expectations of the design and simulations.

Alintel is currently in the process of implementing the prototypes into upcoming projects and engineering a full electronic crate for a commercial solution.

For further information, please get in touch with:

Maurizio Incurvati
Lecturer Department Mechatronics
+43 512 2070 – 3936

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Rendering of the assembled prototype. © MCI-Incurvati.

Rendering of the assembled prototype. © MCI-Incurvati.

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