September 21st 2021

Lobbying: MCI Professor advises EU on ethics

European Parliament endorses ethics body to monitor lobbying rules | MCI professor Dr. Markus Frischhut proposes new inter-institutional agreement for ethics body with study.

MCI Professor Markus Frischhut influences new regulations for lobbying in the EU through study.
MCI Professor Markus Frischhut influences new regulations for lobbying in the EU through study. ©MCI_Kasper

Lobbying rules in the EU are supposed to be independently controlled in the future. The creation of an ethics body has been decided by the European Parliament in fall 2021. A study by MCI Professor Dr. Markus Frischhut, among others, serves as the basis for a recommended course of action for enforcement.

This study, entitled "Independent Ethics Entity" (UEE), aims to strengthen transparency and integrity within the EU and proposes a new inter-institutional agreement. For the establishment of independent controls for ethics rules, the study is inspired by already established systems in France, Ireland and Canada.

The study was commissioned at the request of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs by the European Parliament's Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs Section. The study provides an overview of transparency and integrity-related elements in the current EU framework, covering both substantive elements (especially conflict of interest and revolving door effects) and the body responsible for ethical oversight and guidance.

Markus Frischhut is a professor in the Department of International Business & Law at MCI and also holds the Jean Monnet Chair, which focuses on EU Law, Ethics & Values. "The EU cannot be successful without the trust of its citizens. Highest ethical standards, transparency and integrity are essential prerequisites for trust in the EU and its activities," Frischhut explains the significance of the study.

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