Electronics & Data Analytics

Electronics & Data Analytics

Technology & Life Sciences

The research focus "Electronics & Data Analytics" at MCI combines innovative approaches in electronics design and data-driven analytics. From the development of diverse hardware solutions to the appropriate measurement chain and data analysis, this research focus aims to promote technological innovations that will have a sustainable impact on our world today.

Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Manuel Ferdik | Digitalization & Data Science Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Manuel FerdikDigitalization & Data Science

If you have any questions regarding this research area, please contact us: electronics@mci.edu

Hardware Development

Within Hardware Development we specialize in the design and prototyping of electronic circuits. We focus on designing custom circuits to meet the needs of a wide range of applications. In addition, we implement the developed circuits into physical prototypes and rigorously test them to ensure that they function flawlessly in the real world.

Data Acquisition

In the area of data acquisition, the focus lies on the accurate collection of data through the selection of appropriate sensors for different applications. This process considers the entire chain from sensor selection to the data acquisition, transmission, and storage. Selecting the right sensors for a given application is crucial to obtaining reliable and accurate data. The goal is to collect high-quality measurement data that can be used as the basis for data-driven analysis.

Data Evaluation

Data evaluation forms the third pillar in the "Electronics & Data Analytics" research focus. In pre-processing, raw data is cleaned, clarified, and structured for further processing. This ensures that the subsequent analysis is based on high quality data. This is followed by data mining, where the use of the most advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms are used to extract deeper insights from the data. Identifying patterns, trends, and anomalies, not only provides information, but also significantly improves processes and decision making. Interactive dashboards, graphs, and other visual tools are used to present results in an intuitive way. This visual presentation is crucial for communicating results and supporting the strategic use of data analysis in practice.

Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Manuel Ferdik | Digitalization & Data Science Bachelor's program Industrial Engineering & Management
Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Manuel FerdikDigitalization & Data Science
 Thomas Gadner, BSc MSc | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Mechatronics
Thomas Gadner, BSc MScTeaching & Research Assistant
Prof.  Bernhard Hollaus, PhD | Deputy Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Prof. Bernhard Hollaus, PhDDeputy Head of Department & Studies
Prof.  Yeongmi Kim, PhD | Medical Devices & Control Engineering Bachelor's program Medical-, Health- and Sports Engineering
Prof. Yeongmi Kim, PhDMedical Devices & Control Engineering
 Daniel McGuiness, PhD | Lecturer Bachelor's program Mechatronics
Daniel McGuiness, PhDLecturer
 Matthias Panny, BSc MSc | Teaching & Research Assistant Bachelor's program Mechatronics
Matthias Panny, BSc MScTeaching & Research Assistant
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Repetzki | Mechanical Engineering Bachelor's program Mechatronics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian RepetzkiMechanical Engineering
Dr. rer. nat. Harald Schöbel, BSc | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Biotechnology & Food Engineering
Dr. rer. nat. Harald Schöbel, BScSenior Lecturer
Dr. rer. pol. Julian Huber | Senior Lecturer Bachelor's program Smart Building Technologies
Dr. rer. pol. Julian HuberSenior Lecturer

Safe Aviation Tyrol
2020 - 2023

Assoz. FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Manuel Ferdik

The overall project goal of SafeAviationTyrol is to find practicable and quickly deployable solutions for the security issues associated with drones. This includes a) the location of drones and aircraft close to the ground, b) the avoidance of collisions with civil aviation, and c) secure, high-speed radio data links. Through preliminary work and user surveys, the company partners quickly recognized and analyzed where technical solutions are still needed on the ground and in the air. With the support of their scientific partners, the company partners are now focusing on the development of these strategically important hardware components and the creation of system-supporting technical infrastructure. The project follows the new regulatory requirements of the EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency), currently Opinion 01-2018 and the European ATM (AirtrafficManagement) master plan. The central starting point for all IT solutions is the secure central database of all live flight movements included in this project. The subsequent further expansion to functionally complete and validated operational information solutions for aviation (Uspace 1 -4) can take place quickly through the selection and system integration of suitable operational software solutions. These are being developed and evaluated internationally. This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. More information on IGJ/ERDF can be found at www.efre.gv.at.

Universität Innsbruck - Institut für Mechatronik
Universitäten Inland

Emerging Applications Lab
2016 - 2021

Ing. Ronald Stärz, BSc, MSc

Andreas Albrecht, BSc

Andreas Mark, BSc, MSc

Stephan Jäkel

Martin Schiestl, BSc MSc

DI Dr. Siegfried Krainer

Evelin Steiner

Establishment of a sustainable cooperation model in the form of an application-oriented competence center | Realization of product prototypes | Opening of new markets and applications using and using Infineon products | Anchoring of Infineon hardware and software products at MCI's Technology & Life Science Departments | Integration of Infineon products into current and future research and development projects of MCI's Technology & Life Science Departments

IFX-Designer Application Circuits

Ing. Ronald Stärz, BSc, MSc

Andreas Albrecht, BSc

Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH Norbert Imlig

Infineon Designer is a digital prototyping engine making it easy for our mass market customers to get to know, select and design - in the right product for the right application in a very short time. The task of this project is to generate attractive, easy to understand real world application circuits that will be simulated in online web browser in shortest time. All circuits will be documented and tested against the reference circuit proposed in datasheet, application note or evaluation board. A circuit shall simulate as fast as possible (ideally below 1 minute, maximum is 10 minutes) and the accuracy shall be in the range of 5-10% compared to real world for min/max signal amplitudes, timing and efficiency. The circuit layout shall be attractive and well structured according to the standardized template. Example Circuit: http://design.infineon.com/tinademo/designer.php?c=56b529b60818e:67668&act

Unternehmenssektor Ausland

SSM Sensor Security Module
2019 - 2020

Ing. Ronald Stärz, BSc, MSc

Andreas Ascher, BSc, MSc

Gerald Streng, BSc, MSc

Evelin Steiner

The dedicated goal of the project is the development of the Tributech Sensor Security Module, which represents a hardware component that can then be used in order to ensure origin and integrity of any kind of data. The solution should provide an easy integration into existing systems. The module stores private key material and uses its own connectivity for the submission of the signed merkle tree root hashes in order to verify the data at its source. The Microcontroller on which the Merkle-tree hashes are computed is chosen to be a XMC4700 ARM-Cortes M4 MCU with 2 MB of Flash Memory. This MCU incorporates six serial communication channels (USICs) which are ideally suited to realize the necessary communication interfaces to the Trust-M ECC security chip as well as to the COMM Modules 1&2. The USB connection will be used to power the module and to allow data transfer via a virtual COM port for easy integration in existing systems. The COMM Modules represent a versatile hardware-interface to populate the module with different Radio Transmitters, like e.g. LTE, WIFI, NFC.


  • J. Fiala, H. Schöbel, P. Vrabl, D. Dietrich, F. Hammerle, D.J. Artmann, R. Stärz, U. Peintner, B. Siewert. A New High-Throughput-Screening-Assay for Photoantimicrobials Based on EUCAST Revealed Unknown Photoantimicrobials in Cortinariaceae. Frontiers in Microbiology Vol 12/703544 (2021) doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.703544
  • F. Marcolini, G. De Donato, F.G. Capponi, M. Incurvati, F. Caricchi, "Design of a Multiphase Coreless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Propulsion", ECCE 2020 Conference Proceedings, DOI: 10.1109/ECCE44975.2020.9235625
  • M. Schiestl, A. Lösch, M. Incurvati and R. Stärz, "Class-E/Φ2 6.78 MHz HD-GiT-GaN based Amplifiers for WPT Systems," EPE'19 ECCE Europe, Genova, Italy, 2019, pp. 1-10.
  • Schiestl, M., Marcolini, F., Incurvati, M., Capponi, F. G., Stärz, R., Caricchi, F., Secades Rodriguez, A., Wild, L. (2020). Development of a High Power Density Drive System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. doi:10.1109/TPEL.2020.3013899, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
  • M. Schiestl, A. Lösch, M. Incurvati and R. Stärz, "Accurate Losses Multipoint Non Adiabatic Calorimetric Measurement Technique for WBG Power Converters", PCIM Europe digital days 2020, pp. 1330-1337
  • F. Hammerle, P. Vrabl, I. Bingger, H. Schöbel, U. Peintner, H. Stuppner, B. Siewert. On the trail of fungal defense strategies – Employing a special workflow to spot photoactivity. Planta Med 85(18), 1541-1542 (2019) DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-3400069


  • Stärz R., “0x0 – 0xF” FROM SCRATCH TO AUTONOMOUS - Entwicklung autonomer Multicopter, Konferenz der Mechatronik Plattform, 22.11.2018.
  • Multi-diagnostic probe head for near-wall electric and magnetic measurements in medium-size tokamaks,B.S. Schneider1, C.K. Tsui2;3, J. Boedo2, N. Vianello4, M. Spolaore4, V. Naulin5, J.J. Rasmussen5, R. Staerz1;6, J. Kovacic7, T. Gyergyek7,8, S. Costea1, C. Ionita1, R. Schrittwieser1, Tsv. K. Popov9 1Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics, Innsbruck, Austria 2Center For Energy Research, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, USA 3Swiss Plasma Centre, SPC-TCV, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland 4Consorzio RFX, Padua, Italy 5DTU Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark 6Mechatronic Department, Management Center Innsbruck, Austria 7Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 8Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 9Faculty of Physics, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria



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