Johanna Müller, BA
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PLG_RESEARCH_BESCHREIBUNG:In the Interreg project AB 116, the influence of different packaging on minced meat was investigated.
Various packaging materials and their influence on the quality of the packaged goods were analysed with invasively and non-invasively measurements. It remains that two research question was open (1)
if the results can also be transferred to other foods and (2) to what extent the packaging optimizations have an impact on an ecologically sustainable assessment, too.
The newly formed consortium takes the experience from the QualiMeat project into these submitted QualiCheese projects. The major focus will be the answer to the questions about the influence of the
manufacturing process and packaging as a sustainability assessment as well as the description of sensory perception and possible differences, which will process within three years after approval:
(1) Shelf life optimization of semi-hard cheese taking into account ecologically sustainable packaging solutions. The attention here is on the modelling of material, energy, and auxiliary
materials, preparation of material flow cost analyses and LCA analyses, in particular with regard to the overall ecological effects, and the transparent description of the SWOT of alpine cheese
production's overall life cycle phases.
(2) Factors of the packaging (e.g. different packaging materials or atmospheres) are tested in experimental tests with regard to their effect on the product.
(3) Analysis of the quality parameters (of the packaging material and the goods) by means of microbial, invasive, and non-invasive measurement methods as well as sensors. The project will
generate results for producers, packaging companies, and marketers, with the involvement of consumers and the public.
Overall, different phases of the project, interdisciplinary evaluations, e.g. weight sum modelling, will consider. The start of project should start as soon as possible.
The project beginn should be September 1, 2023 and will continue until August 31, 2026.