University, Output & Impact

University, Output & Impact

Management & Society

The research area “University, Output & Impact” is to be seen as a separate area, but at the same time as an overarching umbrella that makes the university's impact visible to the outside world. The results, findings and radii of effectiveness of all MCI research areas are taken up and summarized in order to make them publicly accessible – following the Third Mission of Universities.

University management research at MCI seeks to reflect on the role of universities in a changing economic, technological and social environment with ever changing demands for higher education. We are particularly interested in how universities strategically change to align current challenges with future opportunities. In doing so, we focus in particular on the following topics:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann | Rector
Prof. Dr. Andreas AltmannRector

If you have any questions regarding this research area, please contact us:

Higher Education Governance

The requirements for universities are subject to constant change. Important drivers in particular are changes in technology, the digitalization of academic programs, the increasing internationalization of markets and competition, changing student profiles and expectations, and the growing importance of innovative teaching / learning formats and didactics. Universities are faced with the challenge of dealing with new business models, adapting to and innovating fields such as governance, and corporate culture.

Teaching & Learning

As The Entrepreneurial School®, MCI has been involved in the strategic design and implementation of new, innovative approaches to teaching, learning and personal development for many years now. eLearning and didactics play a major role here, including lifelong learning, personal learning paths and innovative education and training concepts. Our team has been involved in the design, detailed planning, implementation, evaluation and quality assurance of eLearning programs at universities.

Research & Transfer

For practitioners, the increasing abstract and theoretical character of research is often considered to have little relevance for the real world. Focusing on application-oriented research, the MCI takes on a mediating function here, and promotes the transfer of research results into practice and teaching.

Portfolio & Quality

With the increasing dynamic environment, higher education institutions are facing more pressure for the development of new programs and the overall portfolio management. In turn, new challenges regarding quality management and quality assurance arise. Coping with international accreditations such as AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS, as well as rankings are major concerns of universities nowadays.

Output & Impact

Educational institutions are no longer seen as ivory towers, but as entities that are embedded and operate in a network of diverse stakeholders (students, other institutions, organizations, government, etc.). In order to fulfill the so-called "Third Mission", higher education institutions nowadays substantially contribute to the prosperity of a modern economy and to the development of a progressive society. In doing so, the production of knowledge, the training of human capital, the promotion of research and development, the transfer of know-how and the access to knowledge infrastructure are critical to promote regional development.

Steering Board

The Steering Board initiates the establishment of research and transfer centers and accompanies the development and strategic alignment. The Steering Board is supported by consulted experts in order to ensure adequate support and know-how in accordance with the scope of the content.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann | Rector
Prof. Dr. Andreas AltmannRector
Prof. DI Dr.-Ing. Michael Kraxner | Head of Research & Development R & D
Prof. DI Dr.-Ing. Michael KraxnerHead of Research & Development
Prok. Mag. Tommy Mayr | COO Chief Operating Officer Infrastructure & Organisation
Prok. Mag. Tommy MayrCOO Chief Operating Officer
Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Management, Communication & IT
Prof. Dr. Peter J. MirskiHead of Department & Studies
Prok. Mag. Elisabeth Rhomberg | CFO Chief Financial Officer Accounting, Finance & Personnel Adminstration
Prok. Mag. Elisabeth RhombergCFO Chief Financial Officer