Before studying Digital Business & Software Engineering

Are you interested in software engineering? Would you like to gain further qualifications to ensure continued success in this digital world? However, a classic face-to-face study program is out of the question for you due to your professional activity or other personal circumstances? Our online study program Digital Business & Software Engineering, DiBSE for short, offers you a theoretically sound and practical education in the field of software engineering as well as flexible study arrangements in terms of time management and location.

<p>DiBSE alumnus Julian Janetschek explains #ThreeReasons for his bachelor’s degree in Digital Business & Software Engineering at MCI. @MCI</p>

DiBSE alumnus Julian Janetschek explains #ThreeReasons for his bachelor’s degree in Digital Business & Software Engineering at MCI. @MCI

<p>Welcome to MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®</p>

Welcome to MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®

<p>Campus Tour at the MCI</p>

Campus Tour at the MCI


With most classes held online, this study program provides an innovative education in software engineering in the field of digital business. An abundance of opportunities for interaction, as well as the practical and international orientation, makes it so unique. It is especially designed for motivated talents seeking for a program that can be combined with private or business related activities in order to leverage their career.

Local independence through online study

An intelligent mix of online courses, attendance modules, and electronic media is key to combining mobile or distance learning with personal interaction between lecturers and students, ensuring study to the highest standard.

Career path in the IT sector

The program provides a comprehensive and practice-oriented academic education in the promising field of software development. It also equips students with cross-disciplinary competencies related to personal development, business administration and digital law. Graduates of this course are qualified for a range of professions to answer the ever-growing demand for IT specialists.

Peter J. Mirski
Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski Head of Department & Studies
Do you have questions about studying? We look forward to hearing from you.
Das MCI Gebäude im Herbst

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

Why not study at the top?

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® is one of the most successful universities in the German-speaking region and Europe. Renowned business experts teach in small groups, distinguished lecturers ensure academic quality in all areas, and the dedicated MCI team supports students in their endeavors such as internships, research, and stays abroad.

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Applications for studies are accepted on an ongoing basis via our online application platform. In the interests of your further planning, we recommend that you submit your application early.

Applications for several degree programs at MCI in parallel are possible and welcome, as long as the motivation for the chosen studies can be conclusively demonstrated.

Dates & Deadlines
Nov 17, 2024 Dec 2 - 3, 2024
   Feb 2, 2025 Feb 17 - 19, 2025
Apr 6, 2025 Apr 22 - 24, 2025
May 18, 2025 Jun 2 - 4, 2025

Generally, admission to the program is available to the following persons:

Individuals with a university entrance qualification for a social, business or legal sciences study program (e.g. school-leaving exam, appropriate university entrance equivalency exam etc.)

Individuals without a university entrance qualification, but with relevant professional qualification, provided that one of the following requirements is fulfilled:

  • school-leaving certificate from a relevant vocational secondary school

  • completion of a dual education course with a relevant apprenticeship

Persons without a university entrance qualification but with relevant vocational qualifications must additionally sit entrance exams in German, English (Level II) and Mathematics (Level I). The level of the exams corresponds to that of a non-school university entrance qualification in social & economic sciences.

Persons in their last year at school wishing to apply for a place on the program before taking their final exams must include their most current school report with their application. Successful applicants must subsequently submit their school-leaving examination certificate before the start of the first semester.


In just two steps to your desired study program at MCI:

Step 1 – Online application: CV & motivation

A complete online application consists of a CV, a letter of motivation, information on educational background, qualifications, professional career, social achievements and academic as well as professional goals. We would like to know why you are applying to study at MCI.

You may apply for more than one degree program at the same time, provided you can conclusively explain your respective motivations in your letter of motivation.

Step 2 – Online admission interview

In the second step, all applicants will be invited to an online admission interview.

In this interview, we want to get to know you. We are particularly interested in your motivation to study at MCI as well as your professional and personal goals you want to achieve with the help of your studies.

Within three weeks after the admission interview, we will inform you about the admission decision.

As a lecturer for databases and Big Data at the MCI, my goal is not only to provide students with a solid foundation of technical knowledge but also to equip them with the ability to create innovative solutions in complex, data-driven environments. I focus on combining practical approaches with theoretical knowledge to prepare students for the demands of the modern data-driven world. While doing so, students will learn how to implement data analysis methods efficiently in an era of Big Data and database driven systems to manage data and make educated decisions.

Christoph Praschl
Christoph Praschl
Research Project Manager and Assistant Professor, FH Oberösterreich (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria)

In my former position as Senior Corporate Training Consultant for the Anthony Robbins Companies and currently Senior Lecturer for Management Center Innsbruck, I feel that the understanding of English & Social Skills has a definite impact on how students are able to take their learned knowledge and present themselves for a positive result in their career choices.

Clint Leahr, BA
Clint Leahr, BA
Senior Lecturer in Communication Science

In my current position as a scientist at the Medical University of Innsbruck, transparent knowledge-based research is an essential part of my daily academic activity. Studying, reflecting and writing scientific articles and presenting one's own work will continue to be a fundamental competence of academic researchers.

Assoc.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. (Univ.) Dr. Mag. Georg Göbel
Assoc.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. (Univ.) Dr. Mag. Georg Göbel
Geschäftsführer R+ Research & Projekt GmbH und Assoziierter Professor bei der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck / Dept. f. Statistik, Informatik & Gesundheitsök.

As a service integration expert at Novartis, holistic thinking plays a particularly important role not only regarding processes but also from an enterprise architecture and portfolio perspective. I would like to pass on skills such as this holistic-processual thinking, as well as the basic understanding of MIS, to the students in my course.

Robert Pecina
Robert Pecina
IT Infrastructure Manager, Sandoz

While studying Digital Business & Software Engineering

MCI study programs stand out due to the quality of their content, relevance to the business world, and their international orientation. The close cooperation with partners from industry and integrative internships enable students to gain practical experience as early as in their Bachelor’s studies. In addition to providing expert knowledge, MCI places great importance on encouraging personal development and the development of social and intercultural competencies.

Module Overview
Informatics 53%
Fundamentals in Mathematics & Technical Science 8%
Fundamentals in Business & Interdisciplinary Competences 25%
Bachelor Thesis with accompanying Seminar 8%
Internship / Professional Experience 6%
Curriculum and Courses
Systems Planning 4 | 5          
Programming Techniques 4 | 5          
Methods of Software Development II 4 | 5          
Computer Architecture & Embedded Systems   4 | 5        
Methods of Software Development II   4 | 5        
Operating Systems      4 | 5      
Data Networks     4 | 5       
Databases I     4 | 5      
Software Engineering I     4 | 5      
Development of Mobile Systems     4 | 5      
Databases II & Big Data        4 | 5    
Smart Systems & Machine Learning        4 | 5    
Information Systems Architecture       4 | 5    
Software Engineering II       4 | 5    
Current Technologies         4 | 5  
Distributed System         4 | 5  
IT-Security         4 | 5  
Integrative Overall Project         4 | 5  
Human Technology Interaction         4 | 5  

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Mathematical & Technical Foundations
Logic & Predictability 4 | 5          
Mathematics for Software Engineering    4 | 5        
Algorithms & Data Structures   4 | 5        

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Business & Interdisciplinary Foundations
eCollaboration 4 | 5          
Academic Writing 4 | 5          
General Business Administration    4 | 5        
Business Solutions (ERP, MIS)   4 | 5         
Project & Process Management     4 | 5      
Information Law        4 | 5    
IT-Strategy        4 | 5    
Interdisciplinary Elective          3 | 5  
IT-Governance          4 | 5  
Digital Business            4 | 5

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Bachelor Thesis with accompanying Seminar
Bachelor Thesis with accompanying Seminar & Bachelor Examination           1 | 15

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Internship / Professional Experience
Integrative Internship           0 | 10

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Time Model

There are two different modes of mandatory attendance within this study program: Online mandatory attendance and mandatory attendance for face-to-face classes in Innsbruck. Online mandatory attendance takes place twice a week in the evening (2 hours between 6 – 10 pm). The weekdays are always the same within a semester and the days will be communicated well in time before the semester starts. Mandatory face-to-face classes in Innsbruck take two consecutive days. In total there are usually six days of mandatory attendance in Innsbruck per semester (Saturdays included).

Academic Degree

Graduates of the program are conferred the academic title of Bachelor of Science in Engineering, in short BSc or B.Sc. This is attested by a leaving certificate, the Bachelor diploma, the international diploma supplement, and further documents where relevant. MCI Alumni are entitled to combine their academic degree with the brand “MCI” to provide trust and orientation in an increasingly intransparent international education market. Example: BSc (MCI).
Source: GZ BMWF-52.330/0195-I/6/2013

Interdisciplinary Electives

Our interdisciplinary electives provide you with the opportunity to tailor your academic journey to your own interests and goals.

Interdisciplinary electives are cross-curricular courses on current trends and developments.

They allow you to discuss topics from different perspectives and interact with students and faculty from other disciplines.

During your studies you have the unique chance to choose such a course from a wide range of topics within the following focus areas:

  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation

  • Sustainability

  • Digitalization

  • Globalization

  • Society

The electives offer the opportunity to deepen your own interests and broaden your horizons. Join us as we enter a world of learning, exploration, and growth! Read more.

Cooperation & Career Partners

  • AV Comparatives

  • DVT Daten Verarbeitung Tirol GmbH

  • IKB - Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe


  • Lindner Traktoren

  • Swarovski Optik

  • Tirol Kliniken

Learning Goals

In order to ensure the transfer of learning and to enable students to develop relevant competencies, MCI has defined clear cross-curricular learning goals. These describe, in detail, the knowledge and skills acquired by our graduates on completion of their studies at MCI.

Information Literacy

Our graduates have the ability to research information from variety of optionally digital sources, evaluate their credibility and use them responsibly.

Responsible Decision Making

Inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our graduates can make decisions that are ecologically sustainable, economically responsible, and socially equitable.


Our graduates demonstrate proficiency in applying entrepreneurial thinking and strategies to identify market opportunities, solve complex problems, and create innovative solutions, considering ethical issues.

International Outreach

One of the most essential components of MCI study programs is their international orientation. This is reflected not only in the curriculum and assigned projects, but also in the backgrounds of our faculty and students. The program also includes the opportunity for students to spend the 5th semester abroad at one of MCI’s many partner institutions.


Study Abroad

at our partner universities around the world.

Copyright | Roland zh | CC: by-sa - Namensnennung, Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen
Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
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Copyright | Beau Giles | CC: by - Namensnennung
University of Technology, Sydney
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Copyright | Clayhefner | CC: CC0 - kein Copyright wenn möglich (Public domain) („no Copyright“)
Appalachian State University
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At the Entrepreneurial School®, providing a consistent link between science and practice has top priority. The collaboration with companies and organizations of different sizes and sectors forms one of the cornerstones in regards to research and studies at MCI. Not only our students but also our partners benefit from this cooperative work.

Digital Transformation

• Data Analytics & Business AI

• IT Security & Privacy

• Digital Interaction & Human-centered Software Engineering

• Operational Excellence & Agile Governance

• Digital Communication & Next Gen Work


Contact: FH-Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski (

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The transfer of knowledge from the university to business practice is an important part of this study program. Students who are already working are supported in applying what they have learned immediately.

Lecturer writing on whiteboard, surrounded by three students

Our department and the MCI Career Center regularly provide up-to-date information about internship positions and the situation on the labor market in general.

Study projects

As part of practice-oriented projects, students are provided with the opportunity to work with local and international businesses. This allows them to immediately apply their newly acquired knowledge in practice and in collaboration with the project team. Their theoretical knowledge is further deepened by a mandatory internship of several weeks duration.

As Digital Business & Software Engineering is a job-friendly study program, the internship requirement can be waived for students with at least two years’ relevant professional experience. In all other cases, students in the 6th semester are expected to complete a relevant internship lasting at least eight weeks. The internship's organization is supported and supervised by the study department and the respective company.

After studying Digital Business & Software Engineering

The job descriptions underlying this study program are based on the current demand for IT specialists. The Tyrolean as well as the international job market registers an extremely strongly growing demand for appropriately qualified software engineers. DiBSE graduates consequently find far-reaching fields of activity in industrial, commercial and service companies as well as in the public sector.

Professional opportunities

The program provides career prospects particularly in the following fields:

  • Business Intelligence / Analytics

  • Digital Business

  • IT Consulting

  • IT Operation Management

  • IT Project Management

  • Software Engineering

  • Software Quality Management

  • Web & Mobile Development

Continue studying

The MCI offers a number of internationally oriented Master's courses. The master program in Management, Communcation & IT is aimed directly at the graduates of this bachelor program. The completion of a master's degree qualifies for the relevant doctoral studies.

Peter J. Mirski
Prof. Dr. Peter J. Mirski Head of Department & Studies
Do you have questions about studying? We look forward to hearing from you.


Digital Business & Software Engineering

Welcome day for 64 first-year students
Welcome day for 64 first-year students
Successful start of studies for Digital Business & Software Engineering students
Semester Update Summer '24
Semester Update Summer '24
News from the departments of Management, Communication & IT and Digital Business & Software Engineering
Students again award top marks to MCI
Students again award top marks to MCI
Top ratings for MCI in the CHE University Ranking 2024 | 52 out of 53 indicators in the top range
Show more

Questions & Answers

I have not yet received my school-leaving certificate. Can I still apply?

Yes, it is possible and it is even recommended that you apply before obtaining your school-leaving certificate in order to secure one of the limited places in your desired course of study. Please include your most recent certificates available in your application. Should your application be successful, the relevant school-leaving certificate may be submitted at a later date.

Is it possible to apply for two or more study programs?

Multiple applications are welcome as long as a plausible reason is provided in your cover letter. If you are admitted to two or more study programs, you are required to inform us of your final decision by the conclusion of the application procedures. If you have applied for two or more study programs, you will have to take the written entrance examination only once.

Can I complete the admission procedure abroad?

Yes. Both, the online application and the online admission interview, can be done regardless of location.

What is the tuition fee?

For citizens of the following countries, the tuition fee is 363 euros per semester plus a fee for compulsory membership to the Austrian National Union of Students:

  • EU citizens,

  • EEA and Swiss citizens, and

  • non-EU citizens who, according to § 2 of the University of Applied Sciences Studies Act, are subject to § 1 of the Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (see Federal Law Gazette II No. 340/2013, in its current version).

For students of non-EU countries not considered eligible according to above regulations, the tuition fee is as follows:

  • Bachelor’s courses: 6,250 euros / semester plus compulsory Austrian National Union of Students membership fee

  • Master’s courses: 6,250 euros / semester plus compulsory Austrian National Union of Students membership fee

Your application documents regarding nationality will be assessed in detail as part of your admission procedure. Scholarships are available for applicants from non-EU countries and can be applied for as part of your online application.

Are there any areas of specialization in my studies?

Students of this study program have the choice within their curriculum, but also as part of their extracurricular activities, to choose between modules, specializations, additional courses, electives, etc. Additionally, the semester abroad at one of our numerous partner universities, the internship, as well as projects and final papers, enable our students to make their study program a truly unique experience.    

Is attendance mandatory?

Attendance is mandatory in all classes. If you miss 25% of a course or more, this will have an effect on your final grade.

Exemption from mandatory attendance may be granted if a valid reason is given (e.g. sickness, visit to authorities or other personal reasons). Please submit your written request including relevant proof to the department for approval.

Will i be able to while I study?

Yes. The Digital Business & Software Engineering course combines synchronous and asynchronous online sessions with regular on-campus classes. Synchronous online lessons take place in the evening, whereas asynchronous formats can be completed independently. On-campus classes are held at MCI in Innsbruck.

When will the semester schedule be released?

The semester schedule including all dates for both the online and on-campus classes will be communicated to you in due time prior to the commencement of the respective semester (typically by the end of August for the winter semester, and by the end of January for summer semester).

When do the classes take place?

The course includes two types of classes, both of which are mandatory: online sessions and on-campus classes. There are two online lessons of two hours each per week. These take place between 6pm and 10 pm in the evening. The days on which evening classes are held will be scheduled and communicated to you at the beginning of the semester. On-campus classes are usually held in condensed form, extending over two consecutive days. The course includes usually six days of on-campus attendance each semester. Some courses may also take place on Saturdays.

How do online classes work?

All online classes are facilitated through the web conferencing software BigBlueButton. Access is secured via the SAKAI study platform. To ensure an optimal system functionality, it is highly recommended that you use the Chrome Web Browser. Additional software is not required.

Students in an online course usually have class on two fixed evenings, e.g. Monday and Wednesday night, every week. Each session lasts approximately two hours and takes place from 6pm to 8pm or from 8pm to 10pm, respectively. The majority of the study material and literature required for a course is made available for download on the respective SAKAI study platform course page.