Before studying Smart Building Technologies

The Smart Building Technologies program provides you with a sound education in the field of building technologies. The bachelor’s program is offered in dual form. This means that students complete both a study phase at MCI and a practical phase at a partner company each semester. This ensures, that theory and practice are continuously combined and students gain relevant work experience during their studies. The employment relationship with the company exists throughout the year and for the entire duration of the program.

<p>Smart Building Technologies at MCI. ©MCI</p>

Smart Building Technologies at MCI. ©MCI

<p><span style=#ThreeReasons | Bachelor’s degree program Smart Building Technologies ©MCI


#ThreeReasons | Bachelor’s degree program Smart Building Technologies ©MCI

<p><span style=Florian Huber shares his first experiences of the dual study program Smart Building Technologies. With the kind support of ©whatchado and iDM - Energiesysteme GmbH


Florian Huber shares his first experiences of the dual study program Smart Building Technologies. With the kind support of ©whatchado and iDM - Energiesysteme GmbH

<p>Welcome to MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®</p>

Welcome to MCI - The Entrepreneurial School®


The study program focuses on automation and information technology, the vastfield of heating, air conditioning, ventilation and sanitary engineering, as well as lighting technology and therefore the deriving "human" component of indoor comfort. The practical knowledge acquired during the studies can be enhanced during the phases of employment with the partner companies. The focus is on the development of technical solutions for relevant, future-oriented challenges in the field of increasingly digitalized buildings. The technical components are complemented by courses in economics, management and social skills, which prepare graduates for a successful start into the working world.

Werner Stadlmayr
Prof. Dr. Werner Stadlmayr Head of Department & Studies
Do you have questions about studying? We look forward to hearing from you.
Das MCI Gebäude im Herbst

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

Why not study at the top?

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® is one of the most successful universities in the German-speaking region and Europe. Renowned business experts teach in small groups, distinguished lecturers ensure academic quality in all areas, and the dedicated MCI team supports students in their endeavors such as internships, research, and stays abroad.

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Applications for studies are accepted on an ongoing basis via our online application platform. In the interests of your further planning, we recommend that you submit your application early.

Applications for several degree programs at MCI in parallel are possible and welcome, as long as the motivation for the chosen studies can be conclusively demonstrated.

Dates & Deadlines
Nov 17, 2024 Dec 2 - 3, 2024
   Feb 2, 2025 Feb 17 - 19, 2025
Apr 6, 2025 Apr 22 - 24, 2025
May 18, 2025 Jun 2 - 4, 2025

Generally, admission to the program is available to the following persons:

Individuals with a university entrance qualification for a social, business or legal sciences study program (e.g. school-leaving exam, appropriate university entrance equivalency exam etc.)

Individuals without a university entrance qualification, but with relevant professional qualification, provided that one of the following requirements is fulfilled:

  • school-leaving certificate from a relevant vocational secondary school

  • completion of a dual education course with a relevant apprenticeship

Persons without a university entrance qualification but with relevant vocational qualifications must additionally sit entrance exams in German, English (B2), Mathematics and Physics. The level of the exams corresponds to that of a non-school university entrance qualification in social & economic sciences.

Persons in their last year at school wishing to apply for a place on the program before taking their final exams must include their most current school report with their application. Successful applicants must subsequently submit their school-leaving examination certificate before the start of the first semester.


In just two steps to your desired study program at MCI:

Step 1 – Online application: CV & motivation

A complete online application consists of a CV, a letter of motivation, information on educational background, qualifications, professional career, social achievements and academic as well as professional goals. We would like to know why you are applying to study at MCI.

You may apply for more than one degree program at the same time, provided you can conclusively explain your respective motivations in your letter of motivation.

Step 2 – Online admission interview

In the second step, all applicants will be invited to an online admission interview.

In this interview, we want to get to know you. We are particularly interested in your motivation to study at MCI as well as your professional and personal goals you want to achieve with the help of your studies.

Within three weeks after the admission interview, we will inform you about the admission decision.

Preparation (Mathematics and Physics)

We offer a course in Basic Mathematics & Science to complement the curriculum and provide the best possible introduction to this study program. If you feel that you are not completely familiar with the secondary school material or have not been studying Mathematics and Physics intensively for a long time, these pre-science basics are ideal for refreshing the fundamentals and then solving exercises independently during your studies to achieve optimum learning success.

Scope: 1 hour per week per semester (corresponds to 15 teaching units) in Mathematics and Physics (of which approx. 2/3 in class and 1/3 asynchronously via our learning platform)

Period: in the last two weeks of September

Costs: EUR 50,-

Building services engineering is a future-oriented industry with enormous career opportunities for young people with big plans. After completing the dual study program at MCI, they can already look back on three years of work experience and thus, are well on their way to climbing the career ladder to the top.

Gerald Hulka
Gerald Hulka
Partner and Managing Director, ATP architects engineers (Innsbruck)

As an employee of iDM, you will quickly find yourself in the most diverse areas of building services engineering, from energy technology to comfort issues and room comfort. Getting to know these exciting new topics is often not easy. Such a unique course of study provides the perfect background for this; in combination with the practical experience of a modern future-oriented company.

Julina Petutschnigg
Julina Petutschnigg
apprentice, IDM Energy Systems

This course of study combines training and career as a whole. The high quality of the study program is complemented by great partner companies. It is an excellent opportunity to immediately implement knowledge into practice.

Felicitas Kohler BA
Felicitas Kohler BA
CEO, Planlicht

The combination of theory and practice is simply perfect: We can put the knowledge we have acquired into practice right away on real projects - that motivates us immensely. At ATP architects engineers as a partner company, we are involved in the planning of highly complex buildings. Thanks to Integral Planning, we always work in interdisciplinary teams and thus learn to think outside the box.

Sebastian Spitzer
Sebastian Spitzer
student of the dual study program Smart Building Technologies at MCI; practical part at ATP architects engineers

Through smart, innovative building technology, we can make a significant contribution to CO2 savings and thus effectively counteract climate change. The generation and management of heating and cooling from renewable energy is a key technology for the coming decades. The demand for appropriately qualified key employees and smart technicians will grow enormously in the coming years. The dual study program offers the ideal conditions for a targeted and efficient training and rapid integration into work processes.

Manfred Pletzer
Manfred Pletzer
Managing Director, IDM-Energiesysteme

As an engineering company in the industrial environment, SPIEGLTEC always has a high demand for qualified employees who are able to meet the requirements of handling demanding projects in the field of technical building equipment, process technology and infrastructure systems. In this respect, we consider the dual study program at MCI to be an ideal opportunity for a sound technical, but also practice-oriented education in a highly demanding and promising field of activity.

DI (FH) Christian Peintner
DI (FH) Christian Peintner
Managing Director, SPIEGLTEC

HELLA supplies not only the products, but also systems for controlling sunlight. Premium quality, full service and high tech for each room and every day are at the core of our company. Our products are part of a holistic construction project. We therefore support training that enables graduates to think and plan in an interdisciplinary and systemic way.

Andreas Kraler, MBA; Managing Partner, HELLA
Andreas Kraler, MBA; Managing Partner, HELLA
Managing Director KADA

As a building technologist, I can help ensure that the buildings of tomorrow are energy-efficient and environmentally compatible. The degree program offers a wide-ranging education for this purpose, which I can apply in practice at ATP architects engineers. In terms of sustainability, we always work in accordance with the ATP Green Deal, which means that we plan in a CO2-neutral, resource-conserving and circular way.

Felix Burr
Felix Burr
student of the dual study program Smart Building Technologies at MCI; Practical part at ATP architects engineers

Cross-trade control of buildings is essential for reducing energy consumption and optimizing  interior comfort for users. The dual study program at MCI provides you with the necessary and unique understanding of the energy flows through the facade and the networking of all parts of a building by means of intelligent control logic.

Robert Weitlaner, MSc
Robert Weitlaner, MSc
Head of Research, HELLA

In addition to the sound scientific training at the MCI, this course of study offers practical usage of accumulated knowledge in the field. This combines the best of both fields and prepares the students in an excellent way for the coming challenges in building services engineering.

Daniel Hargaßner, MSc
Daniel Hargaßner, MSc
MCI graduate and project engineer at SPIEGLTEC

The diverse challenges that come along with the broad field of activity as well as the constant technological development – this is what makes my job so exciting.

Harald Erhart
Harald Erhart
Project Manager Building services engineering at Ortner

My research and training at an international level has led to a stimulating professional career at Eurotherm. I am very happy with it.

Marta Avantaggiato, PhD
Marta Avantaggiato, PhD
technical consultant at Eurotherm

While studying Smart Building Technologies

An MCI study program is characterized by the quality of its content, its proximity to business and its internationality. Because of its close cooperation with business partners, students gain valuable practical experience during their bachelor's degree. Personal development and the acquisition of social as well as intercultural skills are equally important components of the program, rounding out a comprehensive set of professional skills. With this future-oriented degree, you will be ready for the challenges of tomorrow!

The bachelor's program Smart Building Technologies offers you a sound engineering education with excellent career opportunities in the fields of building technology and building automation.

This future-oriented dual study program enables practical training in close cooperation with renowned partner companies. The focus of the program is always on a well-founded, application-relevant teaching of its contents. Priority is given to solutions for current challenges in the core areas of building technology in order to meet growing comfort requirements combined with architecture and building physics, while at the same time conserving resources and the CO2 budget. The focus on networked technologies enables the highly automated and controllable buildings of tomorrow. Courses in economics and social skills also provide basic business knowledge to prepare students for their international career.

Module Overview
Information Technology 6%
Automation & Measurement, Control & Regulation 6%
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Sanitary Engineering 12%
Comfort in Building Technology 7%
Scientific and Technical Basics 11%
Engineering Sciences 19%
Business & Management / Key Competencies 11%
Practical Phases 17%
Practice-oriented R&D / Bachelor’s thesis 11%
Curriculum and Courses
Scientific and technical basics
Mathematics 4 | 5 4 | 5        
Technical Physics   4 | 5            
Engineering Mechanics 2 | 3          
Design Engineering 2 | 2          

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Engineering Sciences
Thermodynamics   3 | 5        
Materials and Material Technology   3 | 5        
Fluiddynamics       3 | 5       
Building Physics       4 | 5     
Buildings Envelope       3 | 5     
Energy Engineering         3 | 5   

Safety Engineering

          3 | 5 

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Information technology








Fundamentals of Information Technology and Data Security

 3 | 5






Bus Systems


 2 | 4





Bus Systems Laboratory


  1 | 1 





Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Automation & measurement, control and regulation








Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering


2 | 4 





Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Laboratory


1 | 1





Measurement Technique and Intelligent Sensor Systems



2 | 4




Measurement Technique and Intelligent Sensor Systems Laboratory



1 | 1




Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Heating, air conditioning, ventilation & sanitary engineering
Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal Systems     2 | 4       
Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal Systems Laboratory     1 | 1       
Ventilation Technology     2 | 4       
Ventilation Technology Laboratory     1 | 1      
Refrigeration Technology and Air Conditioning           2 | 4    
Refrigeration Technology and Air Conditioning Laboratory         1 | 1  
Heating Technology          2 | 4   
Heating Technology Laboratory         1 | 1  

Specialisation Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Sanitary

          3 | 5  (elective module)

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Comfort in building services engineering
Semester 123456
Lighting Technology I       3 | 5     
Comfort in Building Technology         3 | 5   

Lighting Technology II

          3 | 5 (elective module)

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Ecomnomics & management / key competences








Introduction to Academic Research

1 | 1 






English I

2 | 2 






Introduction to Building Technology

1 | 1 






Business & Management: Basics for Engineers

1 | 1 






English II



2 | 2 




Accounting / Controlling



2 | 3




English III




1 | 1



Quality- & Environmental Management




2 | 2



Process- and Project Management




2 | 2



English IV





1 | 1


Fundamentals of Law





2 | 2


Life Cycle Assessment





1 | 1


Energy Certificate





1 | 1


Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Practical phases









 0 | 5 

 0 | 5 

 0 | 5 

0 | 5 

0 | 5  

0 | 5  

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Practice-oriented R&D / Bachelor thesis
Buildings Conception and Planning       3 | 5    
Bachelor Seminar           1 | 2
Bachelor Thesis           0 | 12

Bachelor Exam

          0 | 1

Semester Credit Units | ECTS-Credits

Time Model

The Bachelor program Smart Building Technologies is offered as a dual study program. The students are in a paid employment with a company partner for the entire duration of their studies. Each semester, students complete both a study phase at the university and a practical phase at the company.

The courses in the study phase at MCI take place from Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:15 PM. In exceptional cases, the times may vary and the lessons and/or examinations may take place outside the specified times.

Academic Degree

The program is completed with the academic degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering, or BSc or B.Sc. for short, and is certified accordingly (degree certificate, Bachelor degree certificate, international Diploma Supplement, etc.).

MCI Alumni are entitled to use their academic degree in conjunction with the "MCI" brand to provide confidence and orientation in an increasingly opaque education and science market. Example: BA (MCI).

Source: GZ BMWF-52.330/0195-I/6/2013

Partner companies

The consistent linking of science and practice is at the core of the Entrepreneurial School®, and the cooperation with companies and organizations of different sizes and industries forms an essential cornerstone of this. It is not only our students who profit from this unique cooperation, but also MCI’s partners in practice.

ATP architects engineers

The interdisciplinary cooperation between architecture and engineering and state-of-the-art knowledge management have enabled ATP to become Europe’s leading integrated design office. More than 1,500 employees in its current thirteen offices in the DACH+CEE Regions design for clients from the research and industrial, retail, real estate, and health sectors, with the support of ATP’s own in-house research specialists, design and consulting companies. Since 2012, ATP has exclusively designed digitally with BIM. In doing so, it uses the “corporate structure” of the group to permanently grow as a learning organization. In order to fulfill the responsibility of the building industry to future generations, the integrated design company has drawn up the ATP Green Deal, as confirmation of its complete commitment to climate-neutral and sustainable designing and building.

Eurotherm S.p.A.

We are an Italian company based in Bolzano, part of a production group called "E Group".
Indoor comfort, intended as design and creation of a climate tailored to everyone’s needs, has always been our passion.
For almost 40 years, we have been selling floor, ceiling and wall radiant systems for heating and cooling, suitable for buildings of all sizes and for all uses (residential, tertiary, industrial). Production takes place within "E Group": all components are made in Italy and guaranteed for life.
In terms of climate comfort, we offer global expertise culminating in the development of SmartComfort 365, a technology for intelligent management of the radiant system even remotely.
The commitment to research is always active and involves international partners such as Eurac Research, currently collaborating with us in the NEW-AIR project aimed to defining new approaches and technologies that improve the healthiness of environments and thermal comfort by reducing energy consumption.

HELLA Sonnen- und Wetterschutztechnik GmbH

HELLA is one of the leading European suppliers of sun, light and weather protection systems for buildings. The company, which has its headquarters in Abfaltersbach in East Tyrol and employs 1,300 people, is represented in nine European countries with its own branches, in which two of them operate production plants. In the field of building equipment, the product portfolio includes coordinated exterior and interior solutions, security systems and their electronic control systems, and it is constantly updated with the latest architectural trends. The products create individual light profiles, protect against the effects of sun and weather, help to secure buildings and help to reduce energy consumption. 

iDM Energiesysteme GmbH

iDM Energiesysteme GmbH is a pioneer in intelligent heat pump systems and provides sustainable heat that makes you independent. Headquartered in Matrei in East Tyrol, iDM has been supplying cutting-edge technology in the field of renewable energy for over 45 years and is Austria's largest manufacturer of heat pumps from 2 to 1,500 kW. It is part of the PLETZER Group, a family-run group of companies with its roots in Tyrol. In addition to iDM, other companies in the PLETZER Group offer a wide range of career opportunities as part of the study program. These include Pletzer Immobilien – real estate throughout Austria, Pletzer Anton GmbH, which specializes in building and heating technology, and APL Apparatebau GmbH, a leading manufacturer of heat exchangers.

Mader GmbH

Mader is a South Tyrolean company and employs over 200 people in the HVAC, electrical engineering, construction and real estate sectors.

From planning to execution, Mader is able to offer everything from a single source: from architecture to shell construction and technical building equipmentto maintenance and service.

Mader is located in Sterzing, Bruneck, Brixen, Bozen and Munich.

Mader attaches great importance to technical innovations and sustainability. Mader already has experience with BIM planning, as well as with augmented reality on the construction site during assembly and with final status surveys by 3D scan.

By setting up its own department that focuses intensively on renewable energies, Mader wants to help achieve climate targets and promote a sustainable energy supply for buildings. Whether district heating plants or hydrogen plants - Mader has the know-how.

The training of young people is particularly important to Mader: This includes 70 young people who have already completed their apprenticeship at Mader, work students who write their final thesis at the company as well as employees who study at Mader while working to expand their knowledge.

ORTNER Ges.m.b.H.

ORTNER Ges.m.b.H. is part of IGO INDUSTRIES and among the top players in building technology and systems engineering. With around 1100 employees in Innsbruck, Vienna and Munich, the family-owned company has been planning and implementing complex building technology projects and industrial and environmental systems for 115 years - from hospitals, buildings and systems for the pharmaceutical industry, offices and hotel buildings to shopping centers.
Highly qualified committed teams and their extensive expertise ensure success. Being on the pulse of the times is the order of the day at ORTNER and lifelong learning is our path to the goal.
Lifelong learning is the way to achieve your goals. The close cooperation with the MCI is a logical consequence.

planlicht GmbH & Co.KG

Our passion is light - and we have been doing so for over 30 years. We produce our high-quality lamps exclusively in Austria and distribute them all over the world. We are experts when it comes to the best light for people.

As an internationally operating company, planlicht is specialized in the production and distribution of high-quality lamps and lighting systems for stores and offices. First-class service standards and a strong export orientation distinguish us from our competitors. We currently employ about 160 people at nine company locations in Austria, Germany, France, Italy, England, Finland and Sweden.

From the development of the product idea to product manufacturing, everything takes place in-house. With its own technology and development department as well as an in-house lighting laboratory, planlicht is a technology expert in the field of biodynamic lighting.

SPIEGLTEC GmbH – engineering services

SPIEGLTEC GmbH is an independent technical planning office with expertise in project planning and implementation. For over 20 years we have been specialised in the pharmaceutical, chemical and metallurgical industries. 

As a general planner, SPIEGLTEC’s core competencies lie in process technology and process engineering, outfitting buildings (HVAC), automation, engineering for public authorities, and legal compliance.  We partner our clients through all phases of the planning and implementation, and offer further services such as consulting, project controlling, operational management support, CAD, project management, plant qualification and validation, so that the entire range of services for even the most challenging projects can be managed.


At the Entrepreneurial School®, providing a consistent link between science and practice has top priority. The collaboration with companies and organizations of different sizes and sectors forms one of the cornerstones in regards to research and studies at MCI. Not only our students but also our partners benefit from this cooperative work.

Energy & Process Technologies

Optimal use of resources is a key factor in sustainable development. The research focus is at the interface between energy and process engineering and addresses the wide range of issues arising from this. The focus is on energy supply and storage from biogenic raw materials and renewable sources, as well as on water with its characteristics of waste water, process water and drinking water.

The aim of the research area's projects is to develop innovative solutions and concepts for current and future challenges, often in cooperation with partners from industry and research.

  • Building Performance

  • Biomass to Power & Heat

  • Decarbonization & Hydrogen Management

  • Energy Distribution & Storage

  • Membrane Technology & Water Treatment

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After studying Smart Building Technologies

Studying at MCI is an investment in a successful future. Through close cooperation with industry and the practical orientation of all courses, MCI graduates are in particularly high demand on the job market and have several job offers even before graduation.

Professional opportunities

Thanks to the breadth of their interdisciplinary training, graduates have a large variety of career options, with a focus on the following fields:

  • Building Automation

  • Water Supply

  • Water Disposal

  • Ventilation Technology

  • Heating Technology

  • Air-conditioning Technology

  • Refrigeration Technology

  • Sun and Weather Protection

  • Lighting Technology

Continue studying

The MCI offers a range of internationally oriented Master programs. The completion of a Master degree qualifies students to pursue a doctoral program in the relevant field.

Werner Stadlmayr
Prof. Dr. Werner Stadlmayr Head of Department & Studies
Do you have questions about studying? We look forward to hearing from you.


Smart Building Technologies

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Questions & Answers

I have not yet received my school-leaving certificate. Can I still Apply?

An application is possible without a diploma and is recommended in order to secure your desired study place as early as possible. In this particular case, the last available annual certificate must be attached to the application. In the case of admission to a course of study, the diploma must be submitted subsequently before the start of the course of study.

Can I complete the admission procedure from abroad?

Yes, this is easily possible via the digital admission interview.

When do the courses take place?

During study phases, respectively from Monday to Friday 09:00 am to 4:15 pm

In exceptional cases, the times may vary and the lessons and/or examinations may take place outside the specified times.

Is there compulsory attedance?

Generally, attendance is mandatory for all courses. If the absence per course exceeds 25%, the positive completion of the course will be affected.

In exceptional cases (e.g. illness, visits to authorities or other personal reasons), the course director may grant an exemption from the attendance obligation upon written application by the student.

Are courses held in english?

The program is taught in German. However, English is part of the module Business & Management / Key Competences.

I have never worked in a laboratory before. Do you have to take special precautions?

Yes. Working in the laboratory requires that the necessary safety guidelines and precautions are met and that the safety instructions of the course instructor are followed. Therefore, mandatory safety instructions are provided at the beginning of the bachelor's and master's programs. All students, without exception, must attend these instruction sessions. The dates for such safety-instruction sessions are organized by the program coordinator.

What exactly are the benefits of a dual study program for me?

A dual study program is a combination of work experiences and studying. Practical and study phases alternate at regular intervals and in roughly equal parts. We have compiled further detailed questions and answers for you here.