"The PhD Program for Executives is like a great journey: life-changing and career-boosting. The students dive into their research topics. To ensure that the journey leads to success, we support them with tailor-made coaching." Prof. Dr. Markus Kittler, Academic Director

<p>PhD Program for Executives at MCI</p>

PhD Program for Executives at MCI


The internationally oriented doctoral program "PhD Program for Executives" integrates international academic standards and economic relevance and is aimed at executives and managers from all over the world who wish to apply state-of-the-art research expertise and academic knowledge to complex economic issues. The doctoral program is offered jointly by MCI | The Entrepreneurial SchoolÂź in Innsbruck, the Antwerp Management School and the University of Antwerp. The academic degree of PhD is awarded by the University of Antwerp.

  • Four-year doctoral program

  • Working language: English

  • Part-time

  • For senior-level decision makers

  • Network of internationally renowned universities

  • Study locations: Innsbruck & Antwerp (approx. 50 % each)

  • International scope

  • Linking research and practical relevance

  • Research topics from the participants' professional background

  • Integration in international research groups

  • Professional coaching, network meetings & workshops

Susanne E. Herzog
Mag. Susanne E. Herzog Associate Dean Continuing & Executive Education
Do you have questions about studying? We look forward to hearing from you.
Das MCI GebÀude im Herbst

MCI | The Entrepreneurial SchoolÂź

Why not study at the top?

MCI | The Entrepreneurial SchoolÂź is one of the most successful universities in the German-speaking region and Europe. Renowned business experts teach in small groups, distinguished lecturers ensure academic quality in all areas, and the dedicated MCI team supports students in their endeavors such as internships, research, and stays abroad.

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Structure & Content

The PhD Program for Executives develops the research competence of decision makers and managers and links scientific approaches to current challenges and questions in management. It thus closes the gap between scientific PhD studies and practice-oriented professional doctorates (e.g. DBA).

The program was developed to meet the special requirements of decision makers and to make their expertise available for research. It combines academic approach, intellectual inspiration and practical applicability at the highest level. Managers and executives are enabled to develop scientifically interesting questions based on relevant problems from their own professional background, to expand their research and methodological competence and to conduct scientific research. The core of the doctoral program is the writing of a dissertation, which has to be defended at the University of Antwerp.

The research topics follow the needs of the participants and cover a wide range of areas of economics, management and business. The participants are connected with the corresponding research centers and laboratories. They benefit from the intellectual input of their research group and work closely with the supervising lecturers and professors.

The individual research is integrated into a four-year program. With eleven three-day seminar sessions (on campus), which alternate between Innsbruck and Antwerp, the program can be completed on a part-time basis. Students can continue their profession full-time.

Program Overview


Format Part-time
Design 48 months
Presence Days Eleven three-day attendance seminars (five in Antwerp, six in Innsbruck)
Intensive scientific support over the entire duration
Language English
Tuition Fee EUR 67.950,-
Courses | Program
Program Stage 1

Stage 1 is expected to last approximately 15 months. Participants acquire in-depth knowledge about quantitative and qualitative management research methods. Considerable attention will also be devoted to literature search and review and to the skills needed to transfer knowledge. They gain broad insights into their specialization through being embedded in the relevant research centers or research labs of the respective university. Every intake is developed according to a "cohort" principle with a network of faculty supervising, guiding and advising the entire intake. Successful completion of all modules and assignments provides all the elements required for an academically robust PhD research proposal.

Program Stage 2

With the acceptance of their PhD research proposal and the appointment of a PhD supervisor, participants progress to stage 2. Over a period of approximately 33 months, participants proceed with their research, write and eventually defend a doctoral dissertation. During this stage, participants are expected to grow their competencies in presenting, discussing and publishing their research. Participants are expected to attend doctoral Research Colloquia and seminars on academic publishing, writing teaching cases and facilitate case study discussions in academic and business environments.

Academic Board | Cohort Coaches



Program Director

Mag. Susanne E. Herzog

MCI Head of Executive Education & Development

Vice Dean, Antwerp Management School / Belgium

Academic Director

Prof. Dr. Bart Cambré

Vice Dean, Antwerp Management School / Belgium; Chair of Methods in Economic Research, University of Antwerp / Belgium

Academic Director China-Europe Business Studies & Executive PhD Program in Management, Antwerp Management School / Belgium

Academic Director
Steffi Weil, PhD 

China-Europe Business Studies & PhD Program for Executives, Antwerp Management School / Belgium

Academic Director of the Executive PhD Program in Management, MCI Management Center Innsbruck

Academic Director

FH-Prof. Dr. Markus Kittler

MCI Senior Lecturer

Cohort Coaches

Cohort Coach (2018) Executive PhD Program in Management, MCI Management Center Innsbruck

FH-Prof. Dr. Simon Czermak

MCI Senior Lecturer, Cohort Coach (2018) PhD Program for Executives

Cohort Coach (2019) Executive PhD Program in Management, MCI Management Center Innsbruck

Dr. Lucy Rattrie CPsychol, Ph.D.

Consultant & Lecturer in the Division of Management, Work and Organisation, University of Sterling / Schottland; Diplom-Psychologin; Cohort Coach (2019) PhD Program for Executives

PhD Students | Research Topics
MBA. Jorge Arturo LeĂłn y VĂ©lez Avelar

Jorge Arturo LeĂłn y VĂ©lez Avelar
The Nature, Extent and Effectiveness of CSR Communication using Social Media in Mexico

Fernanda Canale

Fernanda Canale
Family Influence on Family Firms' Ambidextrous Orientation

Leeya Hendricks

Leeya Hendricks
Value Co-Creation in B2B Digital Technology Platforms

Alexander Pavelko

Alexander Pavelko
Language Impact on Prosocial Behaviour

Maysam Ayoub

Maysam Ayoub
Intra-firm Audit Quality Variation

Dima Braiteh
The Impact of the Paradoxical Leadership Behavior on the Employee Well-Being in the context of Organizational Change

Rosa Paulina LĂłpez PĂ©rez

Rosa Paulina LĂłpez PĂ©rez
Building upon the “Intuitive Judgement and Intuitive Outcome Framework“: Understanding Intuitive Misses

Time Model

The content and structure of the postgraduate PhD Program for Executives are tailored to the specific expectations and needs of decision-makers. The eleven three-day attendance seminars take place in Antwerp / Belgium and Innsbruck / Austria (five in Antwerp, six in Innsbruck).

Doctoral Thesis
  • Inspired by current business problems

  • Based on critical literature review, contribution to management research and empirical research

  • Public defense of the thesis before a committee of internal and external examiners at the University of Antwerp

Academic Degree

After completion of the doctorate and successful defense of the dissertation, the University of Antwerp awards the academic degree of "PhD" (Doctor of Philosophy or philosophiae doctor).

Beyond their studies, graduates benefit from a strong network of renowned lecturers from science, business and society. The networking with international students promotes contacts and creates international acceptance.


The PhD Program for Executives was submitted to the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ) in accordance with § 27 para. 1 and registered by the AQ in accordance with § 27 para. 6 HSQSG. The registration of the program in accordance with § 27 para. 6 HS-QSG does not ascertain equivalence with Austrian study programs and similar Austrian academic degrees. Graduates awarded with an academic degree from Belgium are entitled to use it in accordance with § 88 para. 1 of the 2002 law governing universities. The academic degrees awarded by the University of Antwerp are therefore recognized foreign degrees in Austria and may be used in official documents in accordance with § 88 para. 1a of the 2002 law governing universities.

Who is the program suitable for?

The part-time program "PhD Program for Executives" is aimed at senior-level managers and decision-makers who

  • wish to combine professional experience and scientific excellence,

  • plan their further career at the interface between business and science,

  • strive for intellectual challenges and expansion of their personal potential,

  • wish to participate in international networks and wish to use these for their professional and personal development,

  • wish to acquire a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy).

The current participants come from Europe, the USA and Central America and bring along impressive CVs. They greatly appreciate the fact that this novel PhD Program for Executives can be perfectly reconciled with their lives and career planning. The general prerequisites are a relevant Master’s degree and at least 10 years professional experience in a management position.


Applications for studies are accepted on an ongoing basis via our online application platform. In the interests of your further planning, we recommend that you submit your application early.

Applications for several degree programs at MCI in parallel are possible and welcome, as long as the motivation for the chosen studies can be conclusively demonstrated.

  • MBA, Master's degree or equivalent

  • At least ten years relevant professional experience in a management position

  • Proven academic and professional track record

  • Selection of a relevant and promising research topic (from the fields of Business & Management and taking into account the research focus of UA, AMS and MCI)

  • Two letters of recommendation (one each from academic and professional environments)

  • Successful completion of the admission procedure

Admission Procedure

The University of Antwerp (UAntwerp), the Antwerp Management School (AMS) and the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) only admit participants to the PhD Program for Executives with the intrinsic motivation and willingness to contribute to academic research and to become the next generation business leaders. Candidates must hold an MBA, a Master‘s degree, or an equivalent degree from an accredited academic institution and must have at least ten years of professional experience in the field of management. The program is taught in English thus an excellent knowledge of oral and written English is required.

You will need to upload the following documents*:
  • Motivation letter in which you demonstrate your academic and professional progression

  • Current resume / CV

  • Copy of your passport

  • Recent passport photo

  • Outline of your pre-selected research field and an initial research idea. It should demonstrate high potential for applied business and interdisciplinary research and should link to the research priorities of UAntwerp, AMS or MCI

  • Two letters of recommendation (one academic and one business)

  • Copy of your MBA and/or Master’s certificate and transcripts scanned version of your TOEFL / IELTS scores (except for native English speakers or applicants who completed their undergraduate or graduate studies in a native English speaking country)

By applying and/or registering for the PhD Program for Executives, you give the University of Antwerp, the Antwerp Management School and the Management Center Innsbruck the formal consent to check all of the provided credentials and documents. Once your application file has been accepted, intake interviews will be organized to get a better insight of your motivation and perseverance. All applicants are requested to present their initial research topic during an interview with one or more faculty members of the Executive PhD Program.

Career & Perspectives

After successfully defending the doctoral dissertation, participants will be rewarded with the PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy) conferred by the University of Antwerp.

Graduates are able to generate and share academic knowledge within their own professional and academic networks. They master methods and instruments of economic research in order to apply them to challenges in their professional environment.

Our graduates profit from our strong network of recognized lecturers from science, business, and society, even beyond their studies. The exchange with international students also improves their own network and creates international acceptance for the benefit of all our students.

Facts & Figures

The PhD Program for Executives at a glance
Average Age of the participants
Average experience in management of the participants