"Elevate your personal and professional growth with our MBA in International Management, where you'll gain unparalleled leadership skills and cross-cultural competencies, setting you apart in the global business arena." Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Matzler, Academic Director


The Master-Program MBA International Management is a two-year in-depth management training course with an international focus and practice-oriented learning for entrepreneurs, technicians, engineers, medical doctors and members of other professional groups who already perform management tasks or want to prepare themselves for management tasks. The curriculum developed by MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® allows internationalisation at renowned partner universities and is one of the most flexible continuing education programmes in the German-speaking world thanks to its modular structure.

  • Continuing education master's programme with an international focus

  • Content focus: Management, Leadership & International Business

  • Profound management training

  • International modules at renowned partner universities

  • Ongoing transfer to questions from your own company

  • Scientifically supervised Master thesis

  • For entrepreneurs and (future) managers of all fields

Susanne E. Herzog
Mag. Susanne E. Herzog Associate Dean Continuing & Executive Education
Do you have questions about studying? We look forward to hearing from you.
Das MCI Gebäude im Herbst

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

Why not study at the top?

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® is one of the most successful universities in the German-speaking region and Europe. Renowned business experts teach in small groups, distinguished lecturers ensure academic quality in all areas, and the dedicated MCI team supports students in their endeavors such as internships, research, and stays abroad.

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Structure & Content

The Master-Program provides a general business administration and management education for (future) executives with an international focus.

Participants acquire all the skills and knowledge necessary to operate in a complex and competitive environment, to identify opportunities and to translate them into goals and concrete tasks in their companies and teams and to implement them successfully. This internationally program is a mostly face-to-face attendance program that promotes the exchange and networking of participants with each other and with the lecturers. The contents are constantly transferred to the students' own professional practice and is deepened through project work, reviews and the scientifically based Final Thesis / Master Thesis.

The four-semester program is structured as follows:

Stage 0: Professional Skills
Development of skills and competences that go beyond specialist and technical knowledge.

Stage I: General Management
General business administration and management training

Stage II: Internationalisation in Management
Internationalisation at renowned partner universities

Stage III: Management, Psychology & Leadership
In this stage, the scientific examination of selected questions of economic and organizational psychology against a human scientific or systemic-constructivist background is deepened and the personal reflection of the participants own leadership role is placed at the centre.

Stage IV: Development of the Master Thesis

Short Facts


Format Part-time with modular structure
Design 5 stages in 24 months
Language German & English
Tuition Fee EUR 25.550,-
Module Overview

Module Overview

Professional Skills 30 ECTS
General Management 35 ECTS
Internationalisation in Management 20 ECTS
Management, Psychology & Leadership 20 ECTS
Academically supervised Master Thesis Scientific work & reflection Thesis defense before committee 15 ECTS
Study Plan | Curriculum
Level 0: Professional Skills
Professional Skills Presence Online ECTS
Professional Skills   30 weeks 30
  • Business Communication I
  • Business Communication II
  • Decision Theories & Decision Making
  • Human Resource Management & Leadership
  • Intercultural Competence & Diversity Training
  • Organizational Development & Change
Level I: General Management
Certificate course Presence Online ECTS
General Management 23,5 days 1,5 week 35
Level II: Specialisation in Management
Internationalisation in Management Presence Online ECTS
Internationalisation at renowned partner universities Programme-related Programme-related 20
Level III: Management, Psychology & Leadership
Certificate course Presence Online ECTS
Management, Psychology & Leadership 16 days   20
Level IV: Scientifically Supervised Master Thesis, Scientific Work & Final Examination
Module Presence Online ECTS
Academically supervised Master thesis with accompanying courses

Scientific work

Thesis defense before committee 
4 days 3 weeks 15
Academic Board



Program Director

Mag. Susanne E. Herzog

MCI Head of Executive Education & Development


Academic Director

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Matzler

Professor for Strategic Management at the University of Innsbruck / Tyrol


Diplom-Psychologe, selbstständiger Berater, Coach und Referent, Leiter des Milton Erickson Instituts

Mag. (FH) Martina Kohlberger, PhD

MCI Lector Department of Economics & Management, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Selbstständiger Unternehmensberater, Forschungspartner an der Interdisziplinären Abteilung für Verhaltenswissenschaftlich orientiertes Management

PD Dr. Jürgen Kaschube

Business Psychologist, Owner of a Management Consultancy, Salzburg / Austria

Professor of Marketing / Research Director International University of Monaco

Assoz. FH-Prof. Dr. Kristina Kleinlercher

MCI Lecture Department of Economics & Management, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Rechtsanwalt und Partner der Sozietät Greiter, Pegger, Kofler & Partner

Univ.-Prof. FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Franz Pegger

Lawyer and partner in the law firm Greiter, Pegger, Kofler & Partner, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Rechtsanwalt und Partner der Sozietät Greiter, Pegger, Kofler & Partner

FH-Prof. Dr. Markus Kittler

MCI Lector Department of Management & Law, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Leitung Lehrstuhl Innovationsmanagement, Universität Hohenheim

PD FH-Prof. Dr. Bernd Ebersberger

Head of the Chair of Innovation Management, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart / Germany

MCI Leiter Department & Studiengänge Wirtschaft & Management und International Business

FH-Prof. Mag. Hubert J. Siller

MCI Head of Department & Study Programmes Tourism & Leisure Management and Entrepreneurship & Tourism, Innsbruck / Tyrol

Selbstständiger Unternehmensberater, Forschungspartner an der Interdisziplinären Abteilung für Verhaltenswissenschaftlich orientiertes Management

FH-Prof. Dr. Siegfried Walch

MCI Head of Department & Study Programme Nonprofit, Social & Health Management, Innsbruck / Tyrol           

Diplom-Psychologe, selbstständiger Berater, Coach und Referent, Leiter des Milton Erickson Instituts

Dr. Reinhold Bartl

Psychologist, independent Consultant, Coach and Speaker, Director of the Milton Erickson Institute Innsbruck / Tyrol

Time Model

The Master-Program relies on a modular structure in five stages: The combination of Professional Skills, Certificate-Courses, Electives at renowned partner universities and a scientifically supervised Master Thesis leads to an academic degree at postgraduate level.

The contents and structure of the program are tailored to the specific expectations and needs of high-level executives and decision-makers. Intensive modules over the course of several days (typically Thursday or Friday to Saturday) alternate with application phases in which the newly gained knowledge can put into practice. The upshot is the final transfer of the acquired knowledge into one’s own professional practice taking place.

  • Attendance days thursday / friday / saturday

  • Online weeks including MCI Webinars

  • Detailed schedule on request

Learning Goals

In order to ensure the transfer of learning and to enable students to develop relevant competencies, MCI has defined clear cross-curricular learning goals. These describe, in detail, the knowledge and skills acquired by our graduates on completion of their studies at MCI.

Responsible Leadership

Inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our graduates demonstrate a commitment to ecologically sustainable, economically responsible, and socially equitable decision-making.

Academic Rigor

Our graduates can apply relevant theories and appropriate scientific methods in their field of work.

Blended Learning at MCI

In its organizational form as an online Master program, the MCI follows a blended learning concept that combines synchronous and asynchronous online phases with regular attendance phases.

Who is the program suitable for?

The target group of the Master-Program are entrepreneurs as well as managers and decision-makers who wish to qualify for higher management positions. Admission to the Master-Program requires at least five to eight years qualified professional experience. Due to the structure of its content, the program is suitable both for graduates of economics and for people with limited knowledge in business administration, such as engineers and doctors.

The program represents an interesting perspective for the following target groups:

  • Graduates with a degree in economics who wish to deepen their know-how.

  • Academics who graduated in economics some time ago.

  • Academics with a degree in non-economic disciplines who wish to prepare themselves for management tasks.

  • Executives without academic degrees with an exceptional professional track record.


Applications for studies are accepted on an ongoing basis via our online application platform. In the interests of your further planning, we recommend that you submit your application early.

Applications for several degree programs at MCI in parallel are possible and welcome, as long as the motivation for the chosen studies can be conclusively demonstrated.

Dates & Deadlines

 Application Deadline




















In general, people with the following qualifications are admitted to the course:

  • Undergraduate degree from a recognized university (at least Bachelor with 180 ECTS).
  • Minimum of three years professional experience in a qualified position.
Admission Procedure

The admission procedure includes the following elements:

Online application
The application must be submitted in the form of a standardized online-application accompanied by the required documents (curriculum vitae and essay on medium-term career goals). An academic degree and minimum of three years professional experience in a qualified position prior to commencement of the program (ideally, qualified professional activity during the MBA program itself) are required.

Personal interview
The interview gives applicants the opportunity to present themselves personally, to narrate their career history, to explain their motivation for applying to this program as well as to describe their medium-term professional goals.

An admission committee reaches the final decision on the applicant’s admission to the Master program.

Career & Perspectives

The focus of the Master-Program on business administration, management, leadership and leadership psychology qualifies graduates for senior management positions with team responsibility.

Graduates are offered opportunities in all sectors and companies that are oriented towards the market economy, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and medium-sized industrial companies. The concrete field of application correlates with the chosen specialization in the program.