Hilal Yamaner

Date 2023-11-06

Process/Project Engineer for Biotechnological Plants, VTU Engineering Switzerland AG

Completed study programs: Biotechnology & Food Engineering (Bachelor)  |  Biotechnology (Master)

Hilal Yamaner

Hilal Yamaner

When I look back at my time at MCI...

I feel a deep sense of pride about the roller coaster ride I experienced. This journey was marked by impressive highlights, such as the high-quality education at MCI, the unforgettable moments with my fellow students in lectures, in the lab and at the various celebrations, as well as the feelings of success from passing exams. At the same time, I cannot ignore that there were also lows. The challenges of board exams, the need for self-management, and the home sickness have tested me. Yet I recognize that these lows were an important part of this valuable experience and made the highs so precious. I am grateful for every stage of this journey and firmly believe that it has been instrumental in shaping the person I am today.

How did your studies at MCI prepare you for your current job?

My master's degree at MCI, with a focus on pharmaceutical and industrial biotechnology, not only gave me a solid technical foundation, but also strengthened my organizational skills and developed my teamwork skills at a professional level. These skills are invaluable in my current job as a project engineer for biotechnological plants. The education at MCI has taught me the skills to perform successfully in challenging projects under time pressure, which is crucial in my current field of work. In addition, I appreciate the continuing relevance of my MCI education, as I can still draw on the knowledge and resources acquired during my studies to meet current professional challenges. The MCI not only stands out for its first-class professional education, but also offers a valuable network of alumni and experts that I can rely on at any time. Overall, the MCI has been instrumental in shaping my professional development and is a continuing source of support for my professional growth.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

Prepare yourself for the fact that it will not always be comfortable in your studies. Never give up, because at the end of the day you will be very proud of yourself for having taken this path. Regardless of your field of study, I recommend that you actively work on expanding your network during your time at MCI. This network can be invaluable both during your studies and afterwards. Get involved in extracurricular projects as well, as they offer you the opportunity to develop your personal skills and make valuable contacts that can be of use to you in the future. The experiences and relationships you build during your MCI studies can prove crucial to your professional career.

What is your motto?

Success is not easy to achieve. If you choose the easier path, the result will be correspondingly easy. But remember, the most beautiful view opens up after the hardest climb. Take the difficult path, dare to jump into the deep end and leave your comfort zone. The results that follow will be incredible.

Hilal Yamaner
Hilal Yamaner
Process/Project Engineer for Biotechnological Plants, VTU Engineering Switzerland AG
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Philipp Heider
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