Hannes Gruber

Lead Product Cost Engineer, Accelleron Industries

Hannes Gruber
Hannes Gruber

Study program: Industrial Engineering & Management (Bachelor & Master)

When I look back at my time at MCI...

I am incredibly grateful! This time has not only developed my professional and personal skills. New friends, acquaintances, a semester abroad and a global network were part of this adventure. The MCI's ongoing support made all this possible and I appreciate that very much today. What remains at the end of the day are memories....

How did your studies at MCI prepare you for your current job?

Thanks to my studies in industrial Engineering & Management, I can safely say that I am able to pursue a profession that challenges and fulfills me every day. Not only the theoretical connections between business and technology, but also the practical lectures have prepared me optimally for the professional world. Understanding complex problems quickly and solving them in a structured manner is a core part of the degree program and brings numerous advantages when starting a career. This was also facilitated by the lectures on social and leadership skills, which are unique to MCI. "Ultimately, a company is only as good as its employees" and the MCI significantly contributes to that.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

The MCI offers a great community of motivated and ambitious young people. Studying at MCI is an unforgettable experience and offers many different prospects for the future. Especially the international orientation and the support to attend a semester abroad is excellent. Finally, I personally found the practical and interactive lectures by lecturers from industry extremely valuable. The learning curve is very high and can be applied directly in the professional world.

What is your motto?

Nothing is impossible!