Johannes Peter Bachler

Date 2023-06-21

Chairman of the Executive Board and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Raiffeisenbank Kitzbühel - St. Johann eGen; Raiffeisenlandesbank Tirol AG

Study program: Business & Management (Diploma)

When I look back at my time at MCI...

...I am very grateful for the many valuable experiences, insights and encounters I have had. While I remember many challenges, such as juggling classes, exams, family, friends and work, I also think of the close friendships I was able to make during my studies and the valuable contacts I still have today. I always had a lot of fun with my fellow students during my studies. I also remember the dedicated professors and lecturers who expanded my knowledge and challenged my way of thinking. The program also gave me the opportunity to specialize in my field and deepen my passion for my field of study (Banking and Finance). I learned about many interesting topics and was able to expand my skills and knowledge through internships and projects. In addition, I also learned a lot about myself. I explored my strengths and weaknesses and found out how I can learn and work best. I also learned how important it is to have time for myself and to relax.

How did your studies at MCI prepare you for your current job?

Overall, my time at MCI has boosted my confidence, developed me academically and personally, and helped me discover my passions and interests to pursue in my professional career. I was encouraged to follow my own path and use my individual strengths and talents to make a meaningful contribution. My studies have made me the person I am today. I am grateful for the many experiences I have had and for the friendships and contacts I have made during this time.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

Do it! MCI is an institution that cares not only about education but also about the well-being and personal development of its students.

What is your motto?

"The greatest adventure you can undertake is life itself." This motto reminds me that life itself is an exciting and challenging adventure. It encourages me to enjoy life to the fullest, to have new experiences, and to break out of my comfort zone. It reminds me that life is unpredictable and that we have the chance to discover and experience something new every day. It encourages me to be brave, take risks and face the challenges that life presents. By looking at life as one big adventure, I am able to maintain my curiosity, my exploratory spirit, and my passion for life. It also reminds me that I am the creator of my own adventure and have the opportunity to pursue my dreams and live a full and exciting life.

Johannes Peter Bachler
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