Florian Falbesoner

Gruppenleiter Technologie & Vorentwicklung, Liebherr Werk Telfs GmbH

Florian Falbesoner
Florian Falbesoner


Studiengang: Mechatronics & Smart Technologies (Bachelor & Master)

When I look back at my time at MCI...

I think of many interesting lectures, short weekends and long nights preparing for the courses as well as the fellow students, which were of great importance for motivation.

How did your studies at MCI prepare you for your current job?

During my studies, I was not only taught the basics for my current work in the field of research and development, but also many social skills that proof to be of great importance in my everyday professional life. The successful completion of my studies is therefore certainly the prerequisite for my current job.

What would you tell someone who is considering studying at MCI?

You should consider your decision well, as there will be some very demanding months coming up; especially if you are working part-time. Nevertheless, those who have the energy will be rewarded and benefit from it all along the line.