News Management, Communication & IT

ENTER Conference 2020 in Surrey
ENTER Conference 2020 in Surrey
MCiT Lecturer Aleksander Groth and MCiT Master Alumna Adriana Wacker, BA MA presented their research results at the ENTER Conference 2020 in Surrey, UK
MCI successful with Tyrolean Science Fund
MCI successful with Tyrolean Science Fund
Six exciting, location-relevant research projects receive state funding - Strengthening the innovative power of Tyrol as a location for business and science  
MCI professorship for Christian Ploder
MCI professorship for Christian Ploder
The Entrepreneurial School® awards professorship to Dr. Christian Ploder  
Outstanding lecturers at MCI
Outstanding lecturers at MCI
Teaching Awards 2019 go to the "best" lecturers 2019 at the Entrepreneurial School®: Thomas Dilger, Michaela Pichler, Christian Ploder, Teresa Spieß - Excellent teaching as the basis for successful alumni  
Excellent lecturers at MCI
Excellent lecturers at MCI
Teaching Awards 2019 go to the "best" lecturers 2019 at the Entrepreneurial School®: Thomas Dilger, Michaela Pichler, Christian Ploder, Teresa Spieß - Excellent teaching as the basis for successful alumni  
Dr. Christian Ploder receives the MCI professorship
Dr. Christian Ploder receives the MCI professorship
It is a great pleasure for us to congratulate our colleague and lecturer Dr. Christian Ploder on his inaugural lecture on his new professorship at MCI - The Entrepreneurial School.
MCiT Insights - Nǐ hǎo Taipei!
MCiT Insights - Nǐ hǎo Taipei!
Our student Freja Büll gives insight into her semester abroad in Taiwan.
Scholarship of excellence 2019 at MCiT & DiBSE
Scholarship of excellence 2019 at MCiT & DiBSE
Having breakfast at the Café Sacher with our MCiT & DiBSE top-students
MCiT Study Tour 2019 - Brussels
MCiT Study Tour 2019 - Brussels
Our students give insights into their study tour.
Partner University of the Month: Erasmus University Rotterdam
Partner University of the Month: Erasmus University Rotterdam
Internationally highly ranked university and partner of the Entrepreneurial school® since 2010 - Since 2015 Joint Degree (EU-HEM) - 140 student exchanges
Successful cooperation with Finnish university partners
Successful cooperation with Finnish university partners
Further research cooperations are planned
MCiT Business Breakfast 2019
MCiT Business Breakfast 2019
A successful start to the day
Lecturers on Tour
Lecturers on Tour
MCiT-moderators at international congresses in Germany  
It’s time to celebrate the success!
It’s time to celebrate the success!
60 MCiT students were honered at the graduation ceremony in the Dogana on Saturday, October 12th, 2019
The start of a new MCiT year
The start of a new MCiT year
We welcome our new & loyal students
Morning Talk „War for Talents“
Morning Talk „War for Talents“
Peter Mirski visits the Competence Center Innsbruck
Christina Bauer
Christina Bauer
Consultant, Organization Transformation & Talent, Human Capital Consulting / Deloitte Consulting GmbH Austria
Kathrin Schnaller
Kathrin Schnaller
Business Consultant / BE-terna