Corporate Governance & Finance Online | Master

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Short Facts
  • Time model & language: Online + attendance modules | English
  • Duration of study: 4 Semesters | 120 ECTS
  • Prerequisites: Bachelor or equivalent degree in relevant studies or studies comprising a certain level of relevant ECTS points
  • Academic Degree: Master of Arts in Business | MA or M.A.
  • Tuition fee: EUR 363,36 / semester plus membership fee for the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) for EU and EEA citizens

Before studying

Are you interested in Governance Systems, Financial Management, Strategic Management and all other areas directly related to Corporate Management? Are you employed and want to take the next step in your professional career? Then the part-time Master's program Corporate Governance & Finance Online is the right choice for you!


Student working at his laptop in relaxed lounge atmosphere

The part-time Master’s degree course in Corporate Governance & Finance Online allows professionals to obtain a Master’s degree in only four semesters. The time required to complete the program is no more than 20 to 25 hours per week.

The master's program Corporate Governance & Finance Online educates students to become reflective decision-makers that combine purpose and profit. The two main pillars of the master's program are corporate governance and financial management. To ensure that students have the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully operate in management, the program incorporates competencies from the fields of Business Ethics, Business Psychology, Self-Management & Leadership and Change Management. Graduates of this master's program are thus able to analyze business challenges, recognize opportunities and formulate appropriate strategies to keep companies competitive in the long term.

This master program is based on a blended learning concept. Learn more about the blended model here.

Through this blended learning concept, the master's program Corporate Governance & Finance Online offers not only flexibility and independence, but also practical relevance as well as a clear focus on application-oriented work. Students can combine their studies with their professional life and family, but also benefit from the personal interaction with the lecturers and a strong student network.

The Master’s program targets individuals who already hold a business-related bachelor’s degree and who are aiming to obtain a master's degree within two years while also maintaining their professional activities.

Prof. Dr. Maria Pammer | Head of Department & Studies Bachelor's program Business Administration / online
Prof. Dr. Maria Pammer Head of Department & Studies

If you have any questions about the study program, please contact us.

Consultancy situation between MCI staff and future student


Applications for admission are accepted on a rolling basis. The required documents are to be submitted online. Applicants are welcome to apply for multiple programs of study, as long as a plausible rationale is given. The final decision may be taken by the end of the application procedures.



Date 1 Nov 12, 2023 Dec 5, 2023
Date 2 Feb 4, 2024 Feb 27, 2024
Date 3 Mar 31, 2024 Apr 23, 2024
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The program accepts

  • Graduates of relevant bachelor programs. For example: (International) Business Administration, Business & Management, (International) Economics.
  • Graduates of other bachelor or post-secondary programs comprising courses in business administration / strategic management, accounting / controlling and human resource management / business process management (totaling a minimum of 70 ECTS).

In just two steps to your desired study program at MCI:

Step 1 – Online application: CV & motivation

A complete online application consists of a CV, a letter of motivation, information on educational background, qualifications, professional career, social achievements and academic as well as professional goals. We would like to know why you are applying to study at MCI.

You may apply for more than one degree program at the same time, provided you can conclusively explain your respective motivations in your letter of motivation.

Step 2 – Online admission interview

In the second step, all applicants will be invited to an online admission interview.

In this interview, we want to get to know you. We are particularly interested in your motivation to study at MCI as well as your professional and personal goals you want to achieve with the help of your studies.

Within three weeks after the admission interview, we will inform you about the admission decision.

Students discussing on the roof terrace

While studying

MCI study programs stand out due to the quality of their content, relevance to the business world, and their international orientation. The close cooperation with partners from  industry and integrative internships enable students to gain practical experience as early as in their Bachelor’s studies. In addition to providing expert knowledge, MCI places great importance on encouraging personal development and the development of social and intercultural competencies.

Corporate Governance & Finance Online

The Master’s program provides students with modern business concepts and tools with a special focus on financial management and governance-related fields of action. It establishes a link between these two subject areas to illustrate their importance for the success of a company and to teach essential management concepts. The program also equips students with the core competencies of academic reading and writing on an advanced level, and allows them to deepen their understanding of digital communication, self-management and team work.



Time model & language
Online + attendance modules | English
Academic year
Winter semester: beginning of September – beginning of February
Summer semester: mid of February – beginning of July
1st - 3rd semester: core curriculum, lectures in Governance, Finance, Management and research methods
4th semester: Master thesis and final exam
Tuition fees
For students from EU & EEA countries: EUR 363,36 / semester plus membership fee to the Austrian Student Union (ÖH). Details & information for students from third countries can be found at admission.

Modules overview

Finance Management 12,5%
Governance Systems 12,5%
Management Behavior 12,5%
Operational Competencies 12,5%
Strategic Decision Making 12,5%
Economic Environment 10%
Advanced Academic Research 12,5%
Master Thesis & Final Exam 15%


Accounting I 4 | 5      
Accounting II (IFRS)   4 | 5    
Financial Markets     4 | 5  

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Finance & Corporate Law 4 | 5      
Corporate Governance   4 | 5    
Business Ethics        4 | 5

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Self-Management & Leadership 4 | 5      
Business Psychology   4 | 5    
Organizational Behavior     4 | 5  

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Entrepreneurship 4 | 5      
Operational Excellence     4 | 5  
Change Management       4 | 5

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Strategy & Finance 4 | 5      
Mergers & Acquisitions   4 | 5    
Risk Management     4 | 5  

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Economics   4 | 5    
Economic Policy      4 | 5  

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Fundamentals of Research 4 | 5      
Research Methods   4 | 5    
Applied Project     4 | 5  

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

Master Thesis & Final Exam       2 | 20

Semester Credit Units| ECTS-Credits

With only two MCI WEBINARS per week and six to eight on-campus days in Innsbruck per semester we give you the temporal and local flexibility to work full-time while studying Business Administration Online.

• MCI WEBINARS: 2 per week in the evening

• On-campus sessions: 3 blocks à 2 days on-campus sessions in Innsbruck per semester (usually Friday & Saturday)

• Flexible time: Approx. 20 hours workload per week that can be scheduled individually & flexibly


MCI eCampus offers online study with a high level of autonomy in time and place. Students can download the teaching and learning materials from eCampus and work on them when and where it suits them. They work autonomously in time and place but are always in contact with faculty, fellow students and the MCI’s support services.

Through the personal customized learning environment on MCI eCampus, students receive the latest updates, e-mails, and all the information which are necessary to concentrate fully on the studies. Exercises and tests to check the personal progress, plus learning forums and moderated chats, further facilitate the online study process.

The technical requirements for study using MCI eCampus are as follows

  • PC / Laptop (latest standard)
  • Broadband Internet
  • Microphone and loudspeaker (headset)
  • Webcam
  • Printer


  • MS Office / Open Office
  • Modern Web browser
  • (Free) software as announced at the start of the program

Graduates of the program are conferred the academic title of Master of Arts in Business, in short MA or M.A. This is attested by a leaving certificate, the Master diploma, the international diploma supplement, and further documents where relevant. MCI Alumni are entitled to combine their academic degree with the brand “MCI” to provide trust and orientation in an increasingly intransparent international education market. Example: BSc (MCI).
Source: GZ BMWF-52.330/0195-I/6/2013

Blended Learning

The online study program follows a blended learning concept combining asynchronous study with synchronous study modes and mandatory face-to-face seminars (up to 8 days per semester). These mandatory residential seminars are held on the MCI campus in Innsbruck and usually take two consecutive days.

Learning Goals

In order to ensure the transfer of learning and to enable students to develop relevant competencies, MCI has defined clear cross-curricular learning goals. These describe, in detail, the knowledge and skills acquired by our graduates on completion of their studies at MCI.

Studying Abroad

One of the most essential components of MCI study programs is their international orientation. This is reflected not only in the curriculum and assigned projects, but also in the backgrounds of our faculty and students. The program also includes the opportunity for students to spend the 3rd semester abroad at one of MCI’s many partner institutions.

Sabine Weißbriacher

In addition to a comprehensive education in business administration I also acquired a new understanding of e-learning and a variety of online tools. Since my Bachelor’s studies were such a positive experience, I am now looking forward to getting started on the Master’s degree course in Corporate Governance & Finance.

Sabine Weißbriacher

Florian Seidner

The blended learning concept employed by MCI was essential for me to be able to combine my work with study. The intelligent mix of MCI WEBINARS, on-campus classes and personal interaction with fellow students and teachers enabled me to complete my studies successfully.

Florian Seidner

Carolin Schönherr, CFA, Risk Advisor | Strategic Thinker | Passionate Problem Solver | Connector

Everyone is a risk manager; successful risk management allows us to understand which risks we face, take informed decisions about mitigation or acceptance and align risk to our organisation's purpose.

Carolin Schönherr, CFA, Risk Advisor | Strategic Thinker | Passionate Problem Solver | Connector

Christoph Kneiding, CFA, Independent Consultant

Having worked in various developing countries, mainly in Africa and Latin America, I am particularly interested in the lessons that economics has to offer as to how low-income populations can improve their standard of living. Conveying these findings from fields as diverse as macroeconomics, microeconomics, behavioral economics, and development economics, is a central aim of my lectures.

Christoph Kneiding, CFA, Independent Consultant

Zuobao (Eddie) Wei, Professor of Finance, College of Business Administration at the University of Texas at El Paso

In addition to my academic background, I am also a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), a globally recognized professional designation. I stride to bring real world financial analysis practices into classroom discussions.

Zuobao (Eddie) Wei, Professor of Finance, College of Business Administration at the University of Texas at El Paso

Rainer Kirchmair, Head of Finance Diocese Innsbruck

The knowledge concerning processes and tasks within legal entities helps me to ensure an adequate control of ecclesiastical bodies linked with the diocese of Innsbruck. Corporate Governance is necessary not only in the profit sector but also for me being an ecclesiastical financial officer.

Rainer Kirchmair, Head of Finance Diocese Innsbruck

After Studying

Studying at MCI is an investment in a successful future. Through close cooperation with industry and the practical orientation of all courses, MCI graduates are in particularly high demand on the job market and have several job offers even before graduation.

Professional Opportunities

  • Accounting, finance, controlling, R&D, quality and risk management
  • Business consultancy
  • Politics, public administration, interest groups
  • Corporate governance, organizational psychology, business ethics and business law
  • Management functions in SME
  • Credit and insurance institutions

Questions and Answers

The program is particularly suitable for people who have additional commitments or occupations that do not allow them to take up a full-time study program at MCI.

For example, if you

  • care for you child or children
  • are already studying at another university and are looking for a second degree in business administration
  • are a professional sportsman or professional musicians
  • are self-employed

Yes. To be admitted to a part-time course you are not required to be employed (full-time). Part-time studies are specially adapted to accommodate (full-time) employees in terms of structure and time model, but can also be completed by full-time students. 

Other than in traditional distance learning programs, students have close contact and much personal exchange with fellow students and lecturers in this study program. Although you can enjoy a great deal of flexibility in terms of time and place when studying Corporate Governance & Finance Online, the course structure and deadlines help you to actually complete your studies after two years. In this Master program, courses take place online and at the MCI in Innsbruck.

In this Master program, we accept graduates of relevant Bachelor programs with a minimum of 70 ECTS in the following fields:

  • Business Administration/Strategic Management (40 ECTS)
  • Finance/Controlling (20 ECTS)
  • HR/Business Process Management (10 ECTS)

We do not offer preparatory courses to compensate a lack of ECTS.

This study program includes two types of classes, online sessions (MCI WEBINARS) and on-campus classes, both of which are mandatory. There are two online sessions per week in the evening (Wednesday & Thursday). On-campus classes are usually held in condensed form, extending over two consecutive days (Friday & Saturday). Each semester, there are 3 on-campus phases à 2 days in Innsbruck. In the first semester, you will also have an introduction day at the beginning of the semester.

The semester schedule including all dates for both the online and on-campus classes will be communicated to you in due time prior to the start of the respective semester (typically by the end of August for the winter semester, and by the end of January for summer semester)

eCampus facilitates studying online with a high level of autonomy in time and place. The learning platform Sakai is our main communication tool. You can access this online platform and all relevant course materials and tools from anywhere at any time. The conference solution Adobe Connect is used for the online-seminars. Through the personal customized learning environment on MCI eCampus, you receive the latest updates, e-mails, and all necessary information, so that you can fully concentrate on your studies. Assignments and tests to check the personal learning progress, plus discussion forums and moderated chats, further facilitate your online study process.

As a student, you can download the teaching and learning materials from eCampus and work on them when and where it suits you. While working autonomously, you are still always in contact with faculty, fellow students and the MCI’s support services.

You will be in a virtual classroom at the same time as your fellow students and the lecturer. You can see the lecturer’s slides and hear the explanations through your headset. You can speak via chat or microphone to ask or answer questions. There are many ways to interact in a MCI WEBINAR, from polls to small group work in separate virtual rooms. In principle, any activity that can be carried out in a seminar room can be performed in a MCI WEBINAR.

All you need is a laptop or computer, a headset, a webcam and a stable internet connection. In addition, a standard office software (MC Office / Open Office) and a current web browser are required. At the beginning your studies, you will get an introduction to the software used and the learning management system. You do not need any special prior knowledge.

Examinations for online study programs can be organized in a variety of ways. Written tests take place during on-campus sessions at MCI in Innsbruck. Oral examinations or examinations in the form of a presentation may be held online or on-campus. Further assessment, such as papers, projects in video or audio format, group and forum discussions, may take place throughout the semester. You have to submit these assignments (online) by the given deadline date.

Yes, regular attendance at both online and on-campus classes is mandatory for all students. Up to 25 percent of unexcused absence is permissible. Absence of an additional 25 percent of a course is accepted if a valid (e.g. health or work) reason is given. You have to communicate any absence from a course to your department or lecturer beforehand.

The first semester starts at the beginning of September with an on-campus weekend at MCI in Innsbruck. During these introduction days, you will not only get to know the lecturers and MCI, but above all your new fellow students. You will also receive training in our learning management system and MCI WEBINAR software, so that you are perfectly prepared for your online studies. During this first on-campus weekend, lectures of the first two courses will already take place.

With a focus on application-oriented content and practice-oriented examples, our courses link science and business practice. We also have experts from the business world as lecturers or invite them to give guest lectures at the MCI.

No, at MCI you can only start studying in the winter semester.

We would certainly recommend that you inform your employer. This is because:

  • on-campus sessions may require you to take several days off work, for which you will need your employer’s assent
  • during your studies at MCI, we may ask you to provide relevant documents or confirmations relating to your work, such as when you are unable to attend class due to work obligations, or need to have your internship recognized and credited.

In each application round, places are allocated on a rolling basis. Therefore, we recommend that you apply early. Applicants who achieve an above-average performance in the application procedure are admitted immediately after assessment of their results, i.e. within 14 days of the completion of the exam. All other applicants will be put on a waiting list until the end of the application period. Should one of the applicants admitted not accept the study place offered to him or her, the applicant highest on the waiting list will be offered their place, and so on. This opportunity will remain until the beginning of the respective semester.

Multiple applications are welcome as long as a plausible reason is provided in your cover letter. If you are admitted to two or more study programs, you are required to inform us of your final decision by the conclusion of the application procedures.

Yes, it is possible and it is even recommended that you apply before obtaining your Bachelor’s Degree certificate in order to secure one of the limited places in your desired study program. Please include the most recent transcript of records in your application. Should your application be successful, the Bachelor’s certificate is to be submitted by the start of your studies.

Each application procedure consists of several rounds. You may apply during one round only and once altogether in an application year. Should your application be rejected, you may apply again in the following year.


The admission procedure consists of an interview and your application documents including a compelling letter of motivation. The evaluation of the respective admission round (interview and application documents) takes about two weeks. After this period, we inform you of our decision by e-mail. If you are accepted, you will receive the study contract and further information in the following days. To secure your place, please return the signed study contract within 14 days and pay the tuition fees.

Our application interviews take place online. This means that you can also participate in the admissions process from abroad. However, please make sure you have a sufficiently good internet connection.

For citizens of the following countries, the tuition fee is 363 euros per semester plus a fee for compulsory membership to the Austrian National Union of Students:

  • EU citizens,
  • EEA and Swiss citizens, and
  • non-EU citizens who, according to § 2 of the University of Applied Sciences Studies Act, are subject to § 1 of the Regulation on Eligible Groups of Persons (see Federal Law Gazette II No. 340/2013, in its current version).

For students of non-EU countries not considered eligible according to above regulations, the tuition fee is as follows:

  • Bachelor’s courses: 6,250 euros / semester plus compulsory Austrian National Union of Students membership fee
  • Master’s courses: 6,250 euros / semester plus compulsory Austrian National Union of Students membership fee

Your application documents regarding nationality will be assessed in detail as part of your admission procedure. Scholarships are available for applicants from non-EU countries and can be applied for as part of your online application.

A full or partial recognition of qualifications and professional experience - where relevance to the degree has been established - can be granted upon admission to the respective program.

  • Studies: Qualifications gained as part of a degree program at a national or international university, university of applied sciences or other institution of higher education or as part of other courses of study may be counted towards your studies, only where relevant proof is provided.

The recognition of qualifications merely exempts the student from his or her responsibility to attend a respective course. However, the sitting of the final exam of the course is required.

  • Internship: Students with a minimum of two years practical experience may apply for exemption from the mandatory internship.

Of course it is our goal that as many of our students as possible complete their Master's degree after four semesters and we are also very proud that our drop-out rate is no higher than in attendance courses. However, we also know that there are good reasons why it might be difficult to successfully continue your studies - for example, if your life circumstances change and a new job requires more time. Therefore, it is possible to interrupt your studies once and continue them at a later date.