
MCI professorship to Christoph Engl
MCI professorship to Christoph Engl
The Entrepreneurial University® awards professorship to FH-Prof. Dr. Christoph Engl
Eduard Wallnöfer Prize for MCI research project
Eduard Wallnöfer Prize for MCI research project
Eduard Wallnöfer Foundation awards prizes for pioneering projects in the interest of the state of Tyrol – The Prize for 2018 goes to MCI researcher Gerald Streng for the "Mouse of the Future"
MCI Master of Technology with a double degree in Genoa
MCI Master of Technology with a double degree in Genoa
The Entrepreneurial School® cooperates with renowned Università degli Studi di Genova - double degree option for students of the MCI Master Degree in Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering  
MCI-graduation ceremony 2018 with 1000 graduates
MCI-graduation ceremony 2018 with 1000 graduates
The Entrepreneurial School® continues on its course of success- more than 1,000 Bachelor and Master graduates completed their studies in 2018 - the number of MCI alumni increases to 11,000
Recruiting Forum 2018: MCI students coveted employees
Recruiting Forum 2018: MCI students coveted employees
First-class recruiting event at the Entrepreneurial School® - Over 60 national and international employers meet 1,000 students from the Management Center Innsbruck
MCI sweeps up Austrian Mechatronics Awards
MCI sweeps up Austrian Mechatronics Awards
Mechatronics Platform awards nationwide award - MCI wins two out of three categories – MCI’s Mechatronics Department impresses with its outstanding synthesis of theory and application
City of Innsbruck award for Research & Innovation at MCI
City of Innsbruck award for Research & Innovation at MCI
Entrepreneurship und Finanzmärkte im Fokus - Begehrter Forschungspreis geht an Anita Zehrer und Thomas Stöckl für internationale Forschungsarbeiten im Bereich Unternehmerisches Verhalten von Dienstleistungsunternehmen und Informationsasymmetrien auf Finanzmärkten.
MCI and Holo-Light celebrate the launch of their first hardware
MCI and Holo-Light celebrate the launch of their first hardware
The Entrepreneurial School® and Tech-Enterprise Holo-Light launch the revolutionary Holo-Stylus I "Mouse of the Future" I mixed-reality solutions with breakthrough applications
The Entrepreneurial School® continues on its course of, innovation, growth and success
The Entrepreneurial School® continues on its course of, innovation, growth and success
Press release for the MCI press conference to mark the beginning of the academic year 2018/19 - Monday, 12 November 2018, 14:00
DFK Advancement Award 2018 for top MCI students
DFK Advancement Award 2018 for top MCI students
The German Circle of Friends of the Universities of Innsbruck Assoc. supports excellent students in their professional and academic development - Three outstanding award-winners at the Entrepreneurial School®
Edward Snowden live at MCI: “Surveillance concerns everyone.”
Edward Snowden live at MCI: “Surveillance concerns everyone.”
Sensational appearance by the world-famous whistleblower under the motto of “Everyone can make a difference” in front of 1,500 guests: live stream now available online, with special thanks to Snowden’s guardian angels in Hong Kong
International Award for MCI E-Learning
International Award for MCI E-Learning
Renowned IELA E-Learning Award (New York) - recognition of the "ePortfolio & Digital Competencies" project - digital Skills increase student employability
MCI receives award as SAP competence center
MCI receives award as SAP competence center
The Entrepreneurial School® new partner in the comprehensive SAP Next-Gen program network
Good News for MCI Spin-off IonOXess
Good News for MCI Spin-off IonOXess
IonOXess-Entwicklung„PlaMaGrowth“  beim Tiroler Innovationspreis als Konzept mit Zukunftspotenzial ausgezeichnet – naturnahe Alternative für Düngemittel und chemische Pestizide
David Oku remains running back coach and becomes master’s student at MCI
David Oku remains running back coach and becomes master’s student at MCI
Cooperation between SWARCO RAIDERS Tirol and MCI Management Center Innsbruck enables contract extension
MCI graduate honored by IMF Institute in Hamburg
MCI graduate honored by IMF Institute in Hamburg
Hamburger Institut für Mittelstand und Familienunternehmen schreibt erstmals Preis für hervorragende akademische Abschlussarbeiten im Bereich Family Business aus – MCI-Absolventin gewinnt die Kategorie Bachelorarbeiten
Tyrol Group of the Federation of Austrian Industries and MCI launch Robotics Center
Tyrol Group of the Federation of Austrian Industries and MCI launch Robotics Center
New Center for Robotics, Production and Automation: service and contact point for industry creates added value by providing a link between the worlds of business and science
MCI professorship to Stephan Schlögl
MCI professorship to Stephan Schlögl
The Entrepreneurial School® awards professorship to FH-Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlögl
MCI extends partnerships with elite universities
MCI extends partnerships with elite universities
First-class universities in the USA, Asia and Mexico continue close cooperation with MCI: by offering study stays at the Asian Institute of Technology, the Tecnológico de Monterrey and St. Edward’s University, and maintaining a network of 250 partner institutions, the Entrepreneurial School® is one of the most international universities of applied sciences
28th Tyrolean Economic Forum
28th Tyrolean Economic Forum
Führende Wirtschaftstagung im Westen Österreichs mit Friedensnobelpreisträger Frederik Willem de Klerk – Treffpunkt für Unternehmer & Entscheidungsträger –  Mittwoch, 7. November 2018, Congress Innsbruck
MCI goes Scandinavia
MCI goes Scandinavia
MCI enters into new partnerships with renowned Scandinavian universities: a network of 250 partner institutions make MCI one of the most international institutions of higher education in the German-speaking world
Old bread baking technology meets the latest nutrition technology
Old bread baking technology meets the latest nutrition technology
Bread baking on a scientific basis - Joint research project "FoodFlour" by M-Preis-Bäckerei Therese Mölk and MCI The Entrepreneurial School® -Optimized bread-baking process for higher digestibility - Bread as a high quality food in the most original sense
2018 Universum Talent Research once again ranks MCI at the top
2018 Universum Talent Research once again ranks MCI at the top
Excellent student satisfaction and outstanding career services: students appreciate MCI’s international orientation, attractive location and the comprehensive preparation for their future careers
MCI tops European Graduate Ranking once again
MCI tops European Graduate Ranking once again
The Entrepreneurial School® has once again been ranked at the top of the renowned 2018 Trendence Graduate Barometer, with excellent reviews for professors, teaching, digital learning, practical relevance, career services, international orientation, student support and counseling
MCI Success: OeNB Jubilee Fund promotes highly relevant financial market project
MCI Success: OeNB Jubilee Fund promotes highly relevant financial market project
MCI Financial Market Economist Thomas Stöckl conducts a three-year research project on insider trading
MCI launches new Software Engineering program
MCI launches new Software Engineering program
Bachelor’s program in Digital Business & Software Engineering at MCI receives accreditation by AQ Austria: starting in the 2018 fall term, the new mobile and blended learning concept will facilitate part-time studies
MCI appoints new heads of department
MCI appoints new heads of department
Maria Rabl takes over as head of the Department of Business Administration Online & Thomas Stöckl changes to the Department of Business & Management as head of the English-language Bachelor’s program
Simon Czermak and Markus Kittler receive MCI professorships
Simon Czermak and Markus Kittler receive MCI professorships
The Entrepreneurial School® awards professorships to Dr. Simon Czermak and Dr. Markus Kittler