
Tyrolean universities of applied sciences urgently demand development and financing plan
Tyrolean universities of applied sciences urgently demand development and financing plan
Minister of Education Faßmann belated: lack of plans endangers the future of education, science and business in Tyrol not to mention the opportunities for young people
Sofa festival net proceeds go to social institutions
Sofa festival net proceeds go to social institutions
Social work students organize traditional sofa festival to celebrate the end of the semester and donate the net proceeds to a Tyrolean women’s shelter and men’s counseling association
MCI technology awarded renowned Energy Globe Austria
MCI technology awarded renowned Energy Globe Austria
MCI research cooperation with SFC Umwelttechnik, IonOXess and Technical University of Munich yields sensational results in the reduction of anthropogenic trace elements in wastewater
MCI again at the top of European U-Multirank
MCI again at the top of European U-Multirank
The ranking of the European Commission compares 1,600 higher education institutions based on up to 35 indicators: MCI achieves top marks for quality of teaching, international focus, and knowledge transfer
Holo-Light wins German Innovation Award 2018
Holo-Light wins German Innovation Award 2018
Another prestigious accolade for the Holo-Stylus. Joint project from Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) and Holo-Light gains international recognition.
Franz Fischler receives MCI honorary professorship
Franz Fischler receives MCI honorary professorship
President of the European Forum Alpbach and long-standing EU Commissioner Franz Fischler receives honorary professorship at the Entrepreneurial School® in appreciation of his many years of exemplary commitment to the university of applied sciences and his outstanding contributions to the promotion and further development of science, business, and society: the informal ceremony included an impressive lecture on the “Prospects for Europe”
MCI Technology wins prestigious Auggie Award at global VR Conference in Silicon Valley
MCI Technology wins prestigious Auggie Award at global VR Conference in Silicon Valley
Joint development of MCI and Holo-Light revolutionizes virtual and mixed reality: the 2018 AWE leading trade fair in Santa Clara recognizes Holo-Stylus as Best Input & Output Hardware
Yeongmi Kim receives MCI professorship
Yeongmi Kim receives MCI professorship
The Entrepreneurial School® awards professorship to Professor Yeongmi Kim, PhD
MCI goes Cemit
MCI goes Cemit
The Entrepreneurial School® invests in international network to strengthen research and innovation, planning to realize new synergies between academia and industry and jointly promote science and technology in Tyrol
Scholarship for MCI students to study in Taiwan
Scholarship for MCI students to study in Taiwan
In cooperation with the Taiwanese Ministry of Education, the Entrepreneurial School® awards the Taiwan Studies Project Scholarship for the first time
First Family Business Day at MCI
First Family Business Day at MCI
Gelungener Start der Symposiumsreihe an der Unternehmerischen Hochschule® – Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft – Impulse und Erfahrungsaustausch für Familienunternehmerinnen und Familienunternehmern aus dem DACH-Raum
MCI and Graz University of Technology: doctoral programs cooperation
MCI and Graz University of Technology: doctoral programs cooperation
Cooperation agreement concluded between Graz University of Technology and Management Center Innsbruck - promotion of research, teaching and innovation at both schools - setting the course for future synergies
Raiffeisen awards MCI students
Raiffeisen awards MCI students
Raiffeisen Award supports MCI students in realizing a stay abroad and young executives in completing further training
MCI recognizes innovative business ideas
MCI recognizes innovative business ideas
The Entrepreneurial School® honors students’ innovative business concepts with the 2018 Creativity Award, boosting the potential of new products, services, procedures, and market opportunities
MCI Entrepreneurial School and innogy Innovation Hub invest in Holo-Light, a Tyrolean technology start-up
MCI Entrepreneurial School and innogy Innovation Hub invest in Holo-Light, a Tyrolean technology start-up
Mixed and Augmented Reality sector continues high growth course - MCI Entrepreneurial School strengthens it’s relationship with Holo-Light - innogy Innovation Hub bets big on cutting-edge Mixed and Augmented Reality technology  
MBA ranking: MCI on top
MBA ranking: MCI on top
Industriemagazin ranks Austria’s best MBA providers: the Entrepreneurial School® is once again among the top three
MCI again wins TOURISSIMUS competition once again
MCI again wins TOURISSIMUS competition once again
MCI Tourism: winner of Austria’s tourism research award again in 2018
Science meets business on 1st Family Business Day at MCI
Science meets business on 1st Family Business Day at MCI
On Monday, May 14, 2018 between 2 and 6.30 pm, the Entrepreneurial School® launches a new platform for family-owned businesses to provide scientific know-how and input, as well as an opportunity for knowledge exchange
MCI a pioneer in e-learning
MCI a pioneer in e-learning
MCI introduces digital badges to certify extra-curricular qualifications and key competencies
MCI as a leader in international exchange
MCI as a leader in international exchange
250 partner institutions across the globe – high student mobility – 11 courses taught in English – 16 double and joint degree programs
Management, Psychology & Leadership program
Management, Psychology & Leadership program
Start: May 11, 2018 – Remaining places available!
Long Night of Research at MCI
Long Night of Research at MCI
15 different stops invited all participants of the Long Night of Research – young and old alike – to experience science first-hand.
Taste Digitalization – CAMPUS:digi:TOUR
Taste Digitalization – CAMPUS:digi:TOUR
Tyrolean higher education pool of competence is being made available to the business world with MCI hosting the kick-off, with further events to take place at Kufstein University of Applied Sciences, UMIT – The Health & Life Sciences University in Hall, and the University of Innsbruck
Leading food expert awards scholarships at MCI
Leading food expert awards scholarships at MCI
Dr. Schär promotes outstanding students of the Entrepreneurial School® with the Dr. Schär Excellence Scholarship
3rd MCI Family Business Forum provides exciting impulses at World Café for family businesses
3rd MCI Family Business Forum provides exciting impulses at World Café for family businesses
Productive exchange between science and businesses at 3rd Family Business Forum hosted by the Entrepreneurial School® to facilitate a change of perspective, dialog, innovation, and professionalization
Japan draws on MCI expertise
Japan draws on MCI expertise
Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs invites MCI Professor Oliver Som to accompany high-ranking delegation to Japan to consult with Industrial Value Chain Initiative (IVI)
MCI and Raiffeisen to continue successful cooperation
MCI and Raiffeisen to continue successful cooperation
MCI and Raiffeisen to extend successful cooperation for another two years - Raiffeisen Awards , Tyrolean Economic Forum, customized Raiffeisen study program and other projects in the pipeline - joint investment in the future of the Tyrolean market, its companies and general public
MCI goes down under
MCI goes down under
Zwei internationale Spitzenuniversitäten neue Partner des MCI - Murdoch University und Curtin University als attraktive Neuzugänge in Australien – Weltweites Netzwerk der Unternehmerischen Hochschule® überspringt 250 Partneruniversitäten