News Lebensmitteltechnologie & Ernährung

MCI and University of Seville start new Double Master Degree Program
MCI and University of Seville start new Double Master Degree Program
New Double Degree Program of MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® and the University of Seville in Food Technology, Industry and Nutrition
International activities in the Master's program Food Technology & Nutrition
International activities in the Master's program Food Technology & Nutrition
Our department looks forward to many international activities in 2022
Up-cycling pomace through antioxidant extraction
Up-cycling pomace through antioxidant extraction
How to retrieve valuable micronutrients from a waste material of the food industry
Tyrolean Science Fund 2022 - MCI successful with 7 projects
Tyrolean Science Fund 2022 - MCI successful with 7 projects
Seven exciting research projects receive state funding | Focus on location, practical relevance & sustainability
Preservation of food by UV light
Preservation of food by UV light
Research into alternatives to extend the shelf life of food
Technofunctional properties of the mealworm protein
Technofunctional properties of the mealworm protein
Extraction behavior of mealworm protein being studied as part of a master's thesis.
New partnership with RAUCH Fruchtsäfte
New partnership with RAUCH Fruchtsäfte
Practical study cooperation with global company opens up exciting options for students at the Entrepreneurial School®.
Successful Alumni Day 2021
Successful Alumni Day 2021
Successful graduates of the Master's programs in Food Technology & Nutrition and Biotechnology report on their path to professional life.
Covid19 - Studying abroad, despite this
Covid19 - Studying abroad, despite this "crazy" time?
Felix Baumgartner, a student of the Master's program Food Technology & Nutri-tion reports about the Erasmus semester (WS 2020) in France.
Life Science | Interaktiv – 10 Badges awarded
Life Science | Interaktiv – 10 Badges awarded
Interested students successfully completed online learning module  
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
MCI female researchers are brought in front of the curtain
Online practical course Sensory Analysis
Online practical course Sensory Analysis
Material for the practical course Sensory Analysis was sent to students  
State of Tyrol supports upcycling project with organic apples
State of Tyrol supports upcycling project with organic apples
New research project in research area Food Science & Biotechnology
EUREGIO Youth Researcher Award for Verena Wiedemair
EUREGIO Youth Researcher Award for Verena Wiedemair
Amazing innovations with apples, nuts and herbs
Amazing innovations with apples, nuts and herbs
Exciting interim results in the EU project AlpBioEco | New business models, product ideas and distribution channels for apples, nuts and alpine herbs
MCI program
MCI program "Food Technology & Nutrition” presents knowledge transfer & experiences
Research projects and study collaborations with renowned companies ensure knowledge transfer and industry experiences in both directions
Renowned Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of applied sciences cooperates with MCI
Renowned Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of applied sciences cooperates with MCI
German-Austrian cooperation takes shape | Start with student exchange in genetic engineering (Weihenstephan) and food approval & health requirements (MCI)      
How can you protect your horse against diet related diseases?
How can you protect your horse against diet related diseases?
New research project started by research area Food Science & Biotechnology